From: Eric Holmlund
Written: Thursday, 9:43AM

Dear Internet Marketing Friend,

Did you know that there is one skill that can make you 100% recession-proof?

If you possess this one skill, it doesn't matter how bad the economy gets. It doesn't matter if you lose your job. It doesn't matter if you lose all your clients...

If you possess this one skill, you can ALWAYS make money.

I'll take it a step further. Those who possess this skill can generate income ON DEMAND.

I'm talking about copywriting. And while of course there are never any guarantees in business, I truly believe the above statements to be 100% true and accurate.

I've personally sold millions of dollars of products on the Internet, and I attribute my success largely to my ability to write decent sales copy.

As a "direct response" copywriter, you can always sell SOMETHING.

Think about what it would be like to have great copywriting skills...

You could charge huge amounts of money to string some words together. I normally charge $10,000 to $15,000 per sales letter, and people do hire me. But I regularly make even more money by writing for my own business...

If you're not making money writing for others, you can simply write copy and sell your own products. And if you don't have any products, you can write copy to promote products as an affiliate!

No matter what... there is always SOMETHING to sell, which means you can ALWAYS make money if you are an excellent copywriter.

Bottom line: it's a skill worth acquiring.

And that's why I've put together this package for you today. I've assembled a collection of cutting-edge resources and training materials that will enable you to become a successful copywriter in a minimal amount of time.

The tactics and techniques taught in this package are PROVEN to work, and they have been used to generate millions of dollars for online business owners around the world.

Here's what you'll be receiving in this package today...

Overview of The Copywriting Pack

Video 1

In this video I'll introduce you to how to start getting more response from your copy.

Video 2

Here's a tactic that may amaze you - a very quick and simple change that can be easily worth hundreds of thousands in extra sales.

Video 3

In this video we'll talk about something so fundamental to making sales, it's often overlooked. Very important.

Video 4

Here we'll talk through how to easily increase the response percentage of your web page by several times.

Video 5

In this video I'll talk you through an element of your copy that can literally make or break your business.

Video 6

Here we'll talk through how to discover the right 'tone' for your copy. Often overlooked.

Video 7

In this video I'll show you a dramatic short cut for becoming a master copywriter in record time.

Video 8

Here I'll reveal how to answer the questions of your readers... before they ask them!

Video 9

In this video I'll show you how to make sure your copy actually gets READ.

Video 10

Discover a dead simple tactic that can dramatically increase response.

Video 11

In this video I'll show you a simple tactic that instantly makes your copy a LOT more readable.

Video 12

Here you'll discover the copywriting trap most people fall into, and how you can avoid it.

Ebook: 10 Steps to Killer Copy

  • Discover how Alex made $30,000 in one month from a simple two page web site, with only around 125 visitors a day!
  • How to make your web page a 'greased chute' that slides your visitor right down to the order page.
  • How to give away $15 to make $1800.
  • So much more!

  • Ebook: Newbie's Guide to Basic Copywriting

    You can have the worst product ever created (I don't recommend it), but if your copywriting is doing its job correctly, you WILL still earn money from it!

    All the experienced internet marketers out there know it; writing good sales copy will get you the sales... period. This ebook will teach you the "starter" skills you need to make your dream of earning money online a reality.

    Ebook: Benefits - The Key to Selling Anything

  • Discover why this is the key to selling any product.
  • The real difference between features and benefits (most marketers screw this up!).
  • How to use demographics to your advantage.
  • How to "hook" your reader.

  • Ebook: Copywriting Gems

    Whether you're a beginner or a professional copywriter, it's always good to get some fresh ideas and get "outside the box".

    This ebook contains 100 great copywriting nuggets that you can plug into your own sales letters and advertising for maximum impact.

    Ebook: Profitable Web Copy

  • The right way to set up a sales page. Discover how to create the perfect sales page layout every time.

  • How to write the perfect headline. Craft eye-catching and interest-grabbing headlines every time without fail.

  • The K.I.S.S. principle... and more!

  • Ebook: Headlines Exposed


    The "Everyone knows..." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because it sounds like they should know even if they don't…. everyone else does! Even if they do, it will attract them to read the rest of your ad to confirm it. Example: "Everyone Knows That Gasoline Will Only Get Higher, Right?"

    And that's just part of one of the 100 templates!

    Ebook: Masters of Copywriting

    Being able to create copy that persuades people to do what you want them to do is the ultimate key to making money online or offline. You have to learn how to write compelling words that sell... and that's what this course teaches... in plain language.

    Completing this course is like having a "Ph.D. in copywriting" according to David Ogilvy. 393 pages!

    Ebook: How to Write a Killer Sales Letter

  • The true concept of a sales letter that converts like crazy.
  • How to format your sales letter like a champion.
  • The 5 types of headlines you should be aware of and how you can use them in your favor.
  • 12 *Hot* buttons to press!
  • The most important questions you prospect will definitely have in mind that you must answer well.

  • Ebook: Triggers That Make People Buy

    This ebook will teach you the most sophisticated psychological tricks so that you can create an unbeatably powerful salespage that no customer will be able to resist.

    You'll learn how to create a sense of urgency, a killer close and an irresistible money-back guarantee that no customer will be able to pass up.

    As You've Seen, The Copywriting Pack Contains 12 Videos and 9 Ebooks to Turn You Into a Master Copywriter in Record Time...

    If you were to purchase all of these copywriting courses individually, you'd be spending a small fortune. Just look at the value of the components of this package...

    Complete Video Course (12 videos)$197.00
    10 Steps to Killer Copy$57.00
    Newbie's Guide to Basic Copywriting$49.00
    Benefits - The Key to Selling Anything$47.00
    Copywriting Gems$27.00
    Headlines Exposed$39.95
    How to Write a Killer Sales Letter$50.00
    Masters of Copywriting$29.95
    Profitable Web Copy$37.00
    Triggers That Make People Buy$47.00
    Total Value:$580.90

    The total value of this package is over $580, and I'd say it's worth every penny of that amount. In fact, one small tweak to your copy from the tactics learned in this collection could be worth thousands or even millions of dollars to your business over time.

    However, you won't have to pay $580 for it when you order it today.

    You can have the ENTIRE PACKAGE today for...

    Only $97.00!

    But Wait.......


    In an effort to make this collection as affordable as possible for those who need it most, I'm offering a special one-time introductory special price for a very limited time.

    ***SAVE AN EXTRA $70.00 TODAY!!***

    YES... You can have the entire Copywriting Pack for only $27 on this visit!

    After ordering, you will DOWNLOAD everything immediately to your computer, so you can keep it permanently and access it on your own computer any time you want.

    This is a one-time fee with no monthly costs!

    This offer will be ENDING SOON.

    Order today before we raise the price!

    YES, I want the Copywriting Pack!

    Yes, I want to write great sales letters!
    Yes, I want instant access to all of the videos and ebooks right now.
    Yes, I want it now for only $27 before the price goes up!
    (Ending soon)


    Click the button below to download the package now...


    60-Day Money Back Guarantee

    Try it risk free today! I believe in this Copywriting Pack so much that I'm giving you complete access to the entire collection at my risk, not yours!

    I'm willing to do this because I believe it will truly help improve your business. If you're not satisfied with the collection, just let me know within 60 days of your purchase and I'll refund 100% of your purchase. After 60 days, all sales are final.

    Thanks for taking the time to check out this great collection of copywriting training resources.

    I think you'll really boost your sales and increase your income as a result of improving your copywriting skills :-)


    Eric Holmlund

    Questions? Please open a ticket at the helpdesk

    P.S. - Remember, if you possess this one skill, you can ALWAYS make money. Wouldn't you like to recession-proof yourself, and have the peace of mind, knowing that you'll always have something to fall back on?

    The only thing left is for you to say "Yes" and take advantage of this incredible offer before it's gone. Your small investment today is a tiny price to pay for the future success of your business.

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