Trouble Viewing Flash Videos – SOLUTIONS

If you are having trouble viewing any of the videos on this website, the problem could be any of a wide range of possibilities.

I assure you that every video on this website IS viewable, and should play all the way through. If you are having problems seeing the video, hearing the audio, or if the video is being interrupted part-way through, please view the possible problems and solutions on this page to help troubleshoot your situation.

Try this first:

Many of the problems below are browser-specific, meaning that the problem may occur in one browser but not another. Therefore, the easiest solution may be to simply view the video in a different browser. For example, if you’re using Internet Explorer, try Firefox… or vice versa.

Here are some browsers you could try:

Internet Explorer
Google Chrome

If switching browsers doesn’t help, I recommend trying to view the video on a different computer, to help determine whether the issue is specifically with your machine.

Possible problem/solution #1: Adobe Flash Player needs to be updated

If your browser is not up to date with the latest Flash Player, you may have trouble viewing some videos. You can update your Flash Player at:

If you already have the latest Flash Player installed, you might try RE-installing your Flash Player. Close all programs. Run the Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller. Reboot your computer and clear your browser cache. Reinstall your Flash player.

Important Note: Before installing the new Flash Player versions, you must first uninstall the old version; the uninstaller is FREE at the Adobe site. After uninstalling the old version, re-install the new version and everything should be fine; according to Adobe the new Flash Players (9+) will NOT install over the older versions!

Possible problem/solution #2: Your computer is low on virtual memory

This may be the case, particularly if the video stops WHILE playing. Please try this:

-close all browser windows
-clear Internet history and delete temporary Internet files
-close ALL programs running on your computer
-open one browser window and try again

If the problem persists, try doing the above again, but also REBOOT your computer before opening a browser window to try again.

Possible problem/solution #3: Other programs may be interfering

I’ve noticed that certain software programs (particularly ones that interface with the web) can interfere with video playback… in some instances killing all flash objects.

Try closing all browser windows, then close all programs, then open one browser window and try again.

Some programs run in the background. You may need to do a CONTROL-ALT-DELETE to open your Windows task manager and end certain tasks manually.

Doing a REBOOT may also help clear out background processes.

Unfortunately, spyware and other malicious programs may cause such problems, as they attempt to interface with the web in the background.

However, just because you’re having this problem it does not necessarily mean you have spyware on your computer. It could even be a “normal” software program trying to update itself, and inadvertantly messing up your Internet connection in the process.

Also it could be caused by certain ANTI-spyware or antivirus programs that are agressively trying to protect you from active web content. There are too many variables to cover here, but you might want to look into those programs too and see if you can temporarily loosen your security settings.

Possible problem/solution #4: XSS security settings on Internet Explorer

On IE8 (and maybe subsequent versions), a security setting called the XSS Filter was added. For details see:

It is designed to prevent certain web-based attacks againt your computer. However, it may interfere with video playback. You can temporarily disable the XSS Filter for Internet Explorer from within your Custom Level security settings (on the Security tab of your Internet Options).

Possible problem/solution #5: Iframes disabled

I frequently put my videos into Iframes, so that they do not slow down the loading of the main page. If your browser has IFrames disabled, then you would not be able to see the video (the content of the Iframe).

Possible problem/solution #6: Active Scripting disabled

Many videos rely on “scripting” to play within your browser. You can enable Active Scripting for Internet Explorer from within your Custom Level security settings (on the Security tab of your Internet Options).

Possible problem/solution #7: Internet Explorer protected mode is too strict

If the above fixes for IE don’t help, your protected mode might still be too strict. Try temporaily disabling the proetected mode altogether and then restart your browser.

You can turn it off under Tools–>Internet Options–>Security tab. (uncheck the box)

Just don’t forget to turn it back on before surfing around the web to other sites.

This is also known to fix the problem of a LONG PAUSE before the video begins to play.

Possible problem/solution #8: You need to reboot

I could explain some of the logic behind this, but let’s face it… sometimes you just have to reboot. Try it!

If all of the above fails…

Almost all of the videos on my website were made with Camtasia Studio, so if you’re having trouble viewing a Camtasia video you may be able to get help in Techsmith’s user to user forum:

You might also consider seeking help in Adobe’s Flash forum if you are haing trouble viewing a flash video:

Thanks – and don’t give up!