Happy Thanksgiving 2021!

By | November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

About half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, where Thanksgiving is a national holiday today, but like I say each year… gratitude transcends all borders!

This is the 14th consecutive year that we’ve done this thankfulness exercise and contest. Long-time subscribers know that I don’t use this blog much anymore, but a once-a-year Thanksgiving update is enough to keep it going 🙂

For me personally, it’s a great opportunity to be reminded of how thankful I am for all of the subscribers and customers that have allowed me to have this business for so many years.

I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist. Whether this is your first time participating in our annual Thanksgiving contest, or your 14th, thank you for being a part of it.

As usual, I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I thank God for life and for all He has done for me.

I went into 2021 with a broken shoulder (scapula) from a mountain bike crash in December. Thankfully I recovered from that and even got out to backcountry ski a couple times before the end of the season. Here’s a pic I took on top of a local hill near my house…

I was just getting back to full speed when I crashed my bike again during a multi-sport race (backcountry ski, mountain bike and whitewater kayak) in April…

I’m smiling in the picture, but the shock hadn’t worn off yet… this time I broke my clavicle into 3 pieces and broke 5 ribs. A surgery and lengthy recovery ensued…

The ribs felt the worst… I developed pneumonia as a result of not being able to breathe well, and got Covid during that time too.

I was especially thankful that I recovered from that and in September was able to compete in one of my all-time favorite races, The Big Hurt (mountain bike, sea kayak, road bike, run), in Port Angeles, Washington. I didn’t win it this year, but took second place which I considered a big victory considering the circumstances!

Last year I lost my cycling buddy Rudy, who passed away during a mountain bike ride. While no one can replace him, I’m thankful to have some new cycling friends–Ryan and Elliott–and have shared several great adventures with them…

Last year our region was devastated by wildfires, and I mourned the destruction of some favorite recreation spots. This year I was filled with hope as I rode through some of those spots and saw new growth already peeking through…

The ability to get outside almost daily and take in breathtakingly beautiful creation is something that I am continually more thankful for as the years pass.

Some days the beauty is screamingly obvious, like when I ride my bike in the mountains and every peak is a beacon of glory; every swaying tree and burbling brook a poem of praise. Other days I have to look deeper, but its always there to be found in both people and nature. The closest thing I do to a daily gratitude journal is try to capture at least one image of beauty each day (I post many of those pictures on my strava account, which is the only social media I regularly use. You have to join for free to see all pics.).

Last year I posted a video of a dance performance on a stage I built in my backyard. This year I am thankful that we were able to get somewhat back to “normal” which included producing dance performances for a full audience…

On the artistic front, I am thankful to have had the opportunity to co-create an 8×8 foot mural along with a talented artist from our church named Amanda Gress…

I am so thankful for my awesome wife and kids. This year my wife and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary. One of the most valuable things we did this year was invest in a private 3-day marriage counseling intensive session. We’ve invested in counseling several times over the years, and I am not ashamed to mention it and highly recommend it!

While I’m sure I took a bunch of great pics of my incredibly beautiful wife this past year, I’ll share one that is more meaningful for its story than its aesthetic value. We went on a hike on our anniversary and got caught in a thunderstorm above treeline, so we took shelter from the lightning and rain until it passed over…

I’ll finish with a selfie of our family on a blustery beach day in Washington (minus our oldest son whom you may recall is now married, and our oldest daughter who is in nursing school)…

In case you’re in need of a little encouragement today, here is a very pretty song that has been uplifting to me this week… it is like a “love note” from God…

Next, here are a couple of freebies as a token of my appreciation. This year I’ve enjoyed learning about and trading cryptocurrency. Those in my Inner Profit Circle coaching club have received my updates throughout the year about it.

So here are 3 ebooks on the subject:

Cryptocurrency Uncovered
Defi Demystified
Blockchain Brought to Light

(The download link has been removed, to keep the value for everyone who got it. Be sure to stay subscribed to Eric’s Tips and download future bonuses right away!)

You can also resell them, or use them as lead magnets.

Now, it’s your turn! Here is the 14th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could even be just a few words. There are no bonus points for writing more or writing better. It’s about participation.

In a few days, I will choose 10 comments at RANDOM, and will send $20 via Paypal to each to those 10 people! It’s a small way for me to share a bit of the harvest. I will also announce the winners here on this post, as usual.

If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out any of the previous years.

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

NOTE: Your comment will not appear right away, but don’t worry. I’ll check them and approve them periodically.

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

(Chosen at random using random.org)
Robert herr._____ll@gmail.—
Thomas Anderson atd____@bellsouth.—
Earl Adkins ____@turnkeygold.—
Ovan Ray Main ray_______@gmail.—
Gary Trobee ____@trobee.—
Kayla Myywebpage@_____.—
Merlin del Mar __________@merlindelmar.—
Graham its4u@___penworld.—
Cynthia Silas _______@yahoo.—
Shawn Shawn.doig@_____.com

102 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2021!

  1. Trevor Hill

    I am thankful that I know whatever this life migth throw up, that it cannot effect my eternity. Hope keeps us going.


    You are a MARVEL Eric & for that among ALL things I am so very THANKFUL…

  3. Valisa

    I am thankful that God saved me when I was so lost. I am thankful for my family.

  4. Kayla

    Hey Eric,

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with me. I am grateful for people like you who give us the courage to face each day and give back to our community.

    Much respect!

  5. Mike

    I am thankful to God for giving me everything I have.
    I’m also thankful to Eric for his generosity and products.
    I’m also thankful for my wife for sticking with me.

  6. Ranganathan

    Eric, I hope you, your family and your team had a Happy Thanksgiving! God Speed with your healing.

    I try to remember and thank God everyday for His Blessings (don’t wait for 1 day a year).

  7. Malcolm

    Hi Eric, Do you remember me telling a few months ago, About my Cancer of the Colon? I had the operation to remove it and I prayed to the LORD to help me!! So far I am clear and to me, every day is a Bonus.
    Even at 73, there are still things I need to do. Thank you Lord for being there, through hard times and good times!!

  8. Barry

    I am thankful for you. You are the only marketer in this swamp that i trust and try to buy everything you are a part of or recommend.

  9. Graham in U.K.

    Hi Eric
    Seems to me that driving a car is more safe than riding a bike!
    I hope you recover, God speed
    Best Wishes to you and your family
    Graham in U.K.

  10. Roger A Revell

    I am thankful for the chemo I received in 2018 that brought my chronic lymphocytic leukemia under control, and for my current cancer doc (who is a specialist in CLL). Those treatments have enabled me to have three more years with my wonderful family. Thanks be to God for medical folks!

  11. Roy Bartell

    I’m thankful for Jesus saving me and knowing that i’m going to Heaven.

  12. Cynthia Silas

    Eric, happy to see you are all healed from your shoulder injury. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I am thankful that my Granddaughter, Eliana, 8th birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year, We were able to share Thanksgiving and her birthday together with the other grandparents. We all had such a wonderful time of celebration and the love of family.

  13. Donovan

    Like most of you, family and friends are amongst the things that I am most thankful to the Lord for. We live in Fl and had not traveled for the past twenty months. I was most thankful to be able to fly to Nashville to pick up my granddaughter who wanted to spend thanksgiving with us. With this pandemic and the passing years, I am appreciating the fact that it’s call the present because every day is truly a present.

  14. russell

    It is currently very cold and wet outside. I am thankful for shelter and heating.

  15. Susan Ishaya

    I am so grateful to wake up each day to my wonderful husband of 22 years and to this beautiful world. Even with all of our challenges, at 73 years of age, everyday is an amazing bonus I am so thankful to the Divine for.

  16. Richard

    I am thankful for the past 2 years with my wife, and for the opportunity to continue attending church services, even if at a reduced capacity in the building due to covid.

  17. David Matthew

    Eric/Family/Eric’s Tips/IPC. I thank God for your friendship for the past 15 years +. When ever my vision nearly sinks, you have always come with inspiration that uplifted me with your challenging writings at Eric’s Tips.

    I remember when I complained of the technology and electric power challenges I was facing in Nigeria (which to a large extent still exist where I live, though these are improve gradually in other parts of the country), you cited a woman in the middle east with gruesome national problems. Then I quickly wisened up and forged forward.

    As a member of IPC, I have come to learn, understand, and practice the details that was always missing in other packages I bought over the years.

    As at now, I am a miracle going somewhere to happen – courtesies: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Eric, Ryan and all the members of our great Internet Business Club – Inner Profit Circle.

    Your blessings will outlast eternity.

    As I look forward to a happy retirement soon, I thank God for you all.


  18. Theodora Oke Boamah

    I am so thankful to God for keeping me healthy and well this year. I also had covid in mid September and came out alive. I am grateful for true friends that I met who encourage and pray with me to keep us going throughout all that we have been facing.
    Finally I am grateful for my lovely family especially my husband and young son who brings sunshine into my life always and I love them to bits.

  19. dennis kennedy

    Very inspiring!!!! Got the goods, got the strength and willpower!!!!! Injuries are setbacks but you carry on regardless with positivity and calmness!!! Need to teach this!!!!

  20. Brad Miller

    I am so grateful for the faithful members of the church I pastor who are mainly aging white folks who are working a process to transition our church to become a truly bilingual church with a Hispanic pastor serving the changing inner-city neighborhood we serve. They are courageous and faithful folks as are the growing Hispanic (Spanish language) folks. This is a good thing that happened even in the midst of the chaos of the pandemic. I use my online business to supplement my income to serve the church well.

  21. steve lincoln

    I’m thankful that we are part of a community that recognizes the power of good. Living light extinguishes darkness in every disguise.

  22. Chris Harris

    I am thankful that I can travel to see my fiance once more after an 18 month delay due to covid. She is a doctor in Odessa Ukraine and I am now back to travelling there every three to four weeks or so from UK. I am also thankful that I have not caught covid or suffered from any other ailment.

  23. Ralph Lewis

    Thank you Eric for remembering me on this fine Thanksgiving. I love that you are still out there after recovering from your fall. I know bones don’t heal so fast with age, yet there you are, your beautiful wife right by your side, kicking the bad from your life. You are a definite inspiration to all that come in contact with you and I hope and pray that you stay that way always!

  24. Pamela

    I’m thankful that my sister who has extreme health challenges seems to be recovering from a grueling 12 hour open heart surgery due to an aortic dissection, which is classified as the worst of the worst. Although she has a long way to go, my family truly believes we received a Thanksgiving miracle..Praise the Lord, he is so good!

  25. Pamela

    Oh and I’m thankful for people like you Eric..For sharing your vast knowledge while also imparting uplifting stories of trials and tribulations that affect us all, particularly in these unsettling times we find ourselves in. But mostly of how you lead by example showing us how we can overcome most any adversity by remembering that God is always with us, guiding our every step through the sometimes unstable terrain.

  26. Eric Conover

    Thank you, Eric.
    You seem like one of the few internet marketers that have their heads screwed on straight.
    May your journey continue to be toward happiness and fulfillment.

  27. Norbert Caners

    I’m very thankful for this beautiful life experience that God has given us all.

  28. Michael Stoick

    I am thankful for my wife of 27 years and our two awesome boys!
    They are an incredible blessing to me!

  29. Jared Sorensen

    I’m thankful that there are still a lot of good people in this crazy world who truly care about others and possess the now-uncommon attribute of common sense!

  30. Engelsina

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  31. William Hildebrand

    I am thankful for my good health. I am 71 years old and thank God I don’t have any diseases, frailties, or disabilities. I am in good shape and can keep up with 40 and 50 year olds.It allows me to think well and work freely at my retirement love of helping people learn about natural health methods to get healthy and stay healthy.

  32. Vicki Hadfield

    Sooo loving your Thankfulness post?

    Like you, I embrace the Gift of a Gratitude Attitude?
    Feeling #SoooBlessed for the many opportunities to #SeeTheBeauty within the ordinary and the extraordinary… daily??

    Wishing you and your loved Ones a wonderful festive season?

    Hugs, Health & Happiness,

    Vicki in Australia?

  33. Patricia Beatty

    Wow. My gratitude list is too long for this space. I am grateful for everything. We are all connected and children of God. All is good, Yoshi Ashi, good and bad. Some of our best experiences stare with something that we thought was negative. Love to everyone.

  34. Alfred R Katuuk

    Hi Eric,
    Happy thanksgiving from Indonesia, especially from Manado(Capital of North Celebes – Sulawesi Utara)
    where the majority of the population are Christians. We also celebrate thanksgiving {Pengucapan Syukur),
    tough different regions celebrate on different months, depending on the harvest of agricultural and fisheries.
    In closing I wish good health and may the good Lord keep and bless you all,

  35. Roger R.

    I am very thankful for everyone and everything God has allowed into my life. Yes, that’s the good, the bad and the indifferent. I’m especially thankful for the ability to learn and take something positive from each and every interaction and introduction.
    And thank you Eric for your advice and efforts over all these years.

  36. David Robichaux Sr

    I am thankful that the Lord has given me strength and good health at 74 years old to still be able to work. I thank the Lord that he has kept me safe from Covid 19 and other sicknesses.


    Eric, thank you so much for the Thanksgiving gift. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. God bless,

  38. Chuck Deese

    I am thankful that God still loves me. Thankful for my wife, my family and my friends and this opportunity to be whatever I want to be.


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