Testimonials Page 15

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Comment #141

“What a refreshing change Eric is from the “hot item du jour” marketing crowd.”

What a refreshing change Eric is from the “hot item du jour” marketing crowd. Eric joins just a handful of other marketers who will continue to survive my weeding out of huckster ezines. He’s in pretty esteemed company I might add.

Why? I suspect it’s because, like with my other “go to guys” he first and foremost cares. He “gets it” that people buy from someone giving them truly helpful advice and guidance.
Well done – and thanks – Eric.

– Neil Shattles

Comment #142

“I saved a ton of money because I read Eric’s Free tips!”

In the last 3 months I really have been looking for opportunity on the internet. I stumbled on Eric’s tips and 3 or 4 times I saved a ton of money I did not spend because I read Eric’s Free tips!!!!

Thanks Eric for being an honest guy and caring enough about strangers to give free advice!

– Tona Prather

Comment #143

“This great guy takes his own life experiences and lends them to others to learn by.”

Wow! Talk about some great info! This great guy takes his own life experiences and lends them to others to learn by. It makes one look foward to getting his news letter.

Thank you Eric!

– Deb Alley

Comment #144

“Your tips are certainly useful!”

Thank you for the tips on clearing viruses. Your tips are certainly useful!


Comment #145

“You have given me hope when everyone around me is very skeptical.”

Slowly but surely I will make it and your tips have helped me a lot. Best of all they are free, please don’t make it into a subscription site.

You have given me hope when everyone around me is very skeptical about making money on the internet.

Thank you

– Julio Carrion

Comment #146

“Thanks Eric for returning real expectations and hope to an intelligent person that was getting discouraged.”

Eric’s the real deal. He tells all and he tells it true. So many of the great gurus I have read about in my short time in Digital Publishing and Internet Marketing make it sound as though “I made $60,000 in just 30 days without……” What they don’t tell you, is they have been working in IM for 3-4 years!

Eric’s Tips are one of the few email newsletters I now read every time it arrives.

Thanks Eric for returning real expectations and hope to an intelligent person that was getting discouraged.

– Nicola

Comment #147

“So many practical, useful tips. For a novice in the Internet business I find them very helpful.”

Eric’s Tips are amazing. So many practical, useful tips. For a novice in the Internet business I find them very helpful. I look forward to “Eric’s Tips”. Please keep sending them on!

– Philomena

Comment #148

“It’s a major help to hear from someone who has been doing, and achieving over the last few years.”

Great tips Eric!

As they say – success does not come from trying to re-invent the wheel but from ‘modelling’ our behavior on proven successful principles. It’s a major help to hear from someone who has been doing, and achieving over the last few years.


And great video tutorials with the Adsense templates package by the way.

– Al Smith

Comment #149

“Eric gives a lot of great advice plus he understands that we don’t all have deep pockets.”

Eric gives a lot of great advice plus he understands that we don’t all have deep pockets. Having said that, you should be paying for this stuff! Join now before it becomes a $97 ebook.

– Martin Luxton

Comment #150

“This is quite helpful to all, specially to newbies who want to learn and earn through online business.”


I am really pleased with your Eric Tip’s email series and sincerley appreciate your efforts in this respect. This is quite helpful to all, specially to newbies who want to learn and earn through online business. The resources you provide like learning html or setting adword compaign are quite easy and wonderful.

The sincerity is evident from all your communication and definitly there is no ‘big head’ seen any place so you should not be worried about your wife anger any more.

Best Regards

– Mohammad Rafiq

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