Testimonials Page 5

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Comment #41

“I have grown to looking forward to your advice so much that I actually get a tinge of excitement when I see your email.”

Hi Eric,

I remember the first time I heeded your advice was in using your coupon for my own hostgator account, and I’ve never looked back since.

In fact, I have grown to looking forward to your advice so much that I actually get a tinge of excitement when I see your email. I would be thinking “What does he have for me today?”

So yes, for internet marketers like me who are just starting out and do not have a clue, your newsletter is extremely, extremely, useful.

Thank you very much for providing us with such wonderful information!

– Kang Wei Ang

Comment #42

“Eric also furnished links to find more help…”

I find that Eric’s Tip’s Like Edition #46 was one of the best for computer problems.

Eric also furnished, like he always does, Links to find more help for computer problems!

– Kenneth E Wheeler, Sr

Comment #43

“Eric ‘tells it like it is’ even if the tip goes against generally held marketing beliefs.”

The thing I like about Eric’s Tips is that they are all genuine, no nonesense, no hype and common sense tips.

Eric “tells it like it is” even if the tip goes against generally held marketing beliefs.

Eric covers topics at the core of internet marketing which make his tips invaluable to both exerienced marketers and newbies alike.

– Colin L Wolfenden

Comment #44

“The information you are sending is even teaching an old dog new tricks.”

I have been working on the internet full time for over 8 years. The information you are sending is even teaching an old dog new tricks.

Your newsletter is one of the very few I actually read! Every issue is action packed with tips and ideas that I use!

Keep it coming!

– Gerry

Comment #45

“Valuable information. Concise writing. Simple steps.”

Hi Eric,

I have really enjoyed reading your tips. I graciously expect it in my mailbox regularly. I have learnt quite a couple of things since I joined. Really liked the honesty about the Adsense Videos!

Valuable information. Concise writing. Simple steps. I have also purchased a few items that were recommended. Really liked the “195 Adsense Enabled web Sites”.

– Ola

Comment #46

“This is definitely good for newbies!”

Hi Eric,

I requested for your newsletter two weeks ago and already I have learnt a lot about internet marketing and advertising.

This is definitely good for newbies!

– Watson


Comment #47

“Massive flood of income using Eric’s tips…”

It took less than one week to see a massive flood of income using Eric’s tips, for that THANKS VERY MUCH!

– Ricardo Nuno

Comment #48

“I have really found your tips extremely helpful on my road to internet marketing success.”

Hi Eric,

Thank you for the newsletters over the past few months. I have really found your tips extremely helpful on my road to internet marketing success.

Keep up the good work Eric. I look forward to your next tips session.

Who knows what’s in store for the future.

Thank you,

– Daniel Sumner


Comment #49

“Written in plain english, and easy to understand.”

Thank You for having a newsletter written in plain english, and easy to understand.

– Sandra Kaspar

Comment #50

“Your tips are among the best.”


I’ve been your loyal subscriber and your tips are among the best.

– Jason

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