LESSON #28: Building a Website With HTML

By | November 25, 2008

In the previous lesson I talked about 5 different ways to build a website.

Today I’m going to be covering one of those methods in more depth. More specifically, I’m going to show you how to build a website from scratch using HTML without any special tools…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • Even if you don’t plan on building your own websites, it is helpful to know some basic HTML if you are an Internet marketer.

  • If you’re new to HTML, it’s probably easier than you think.

  • HTML = HyperText Markup Language.

  • Tags = < >

  • You can use Notepad, which is found on almost all Windows computers

    I recommend Notepad++:


  • (See HTML page building demonstration in video)

    NOTE: Regarding my instructions in the video… In order to change the file extension from .txt to .html you must have your file extensions visible.

    For Windows XP go to:

    Tools >> Folder Options >> Click the “View” tab >> Make sure there is NO checkmark by “Hide extensions for known file types”

    For Windows Vista:

    1. Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options.

    2. Click the View tab, and then, under Advanced settings clear the Hide extensions for known file types check box, and then click OK.

  • You can test the “validity” of your HTML at:


  • But it’s generally OK if your code isn’t totally valid (most of my sites aren’t), as long as it looks OK in all the major browsers…

  • You can test your website on multiple browsers for free at:


  • You can learn everything you need to know about HTML for free on the web. Here are some places to start:

    http://www.w3schools.com (My favorite… Great resource for CSS and PHP too)

    also http://htmldog.com

    Action step:

    1) Create a web page using HTML.

    The next step will be to upload your new page to the web, and I’ll be covering that in the next lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below 🙂

    Have a great day!

  • 276 thoughts on “LESSON #28: Building a Website With HTML

    1. Joseph

      Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!
      Not only that, I will be looking at your inventor sites, because I am an inventor — of a new computer keyboard! For now, I’ll continue with you all the way to lesson #100. Hope you will look at my keyboard once it has been perfected.
      Thank you so much for your lessons, especially this one! Joseph M Krush



    2. jagmohan

      Thank you for giving an excellent tutorial to learn HTML and related resources.

      The tutorial is excellent and too simplified for better understanding every thing.

      With regards

    3. Gordie Chase

      Why would anyone even need to learn HTML? Everything is so WYSIWG now that HTML would just be a waste of time.

      1. Micah

        Hello Gordie,

        Knowing HTML can help you have the cleanest code possible, and fix problems that may arise when using WYSIWYG editors.

    4. Juliette Johnson

      Thank you Eric for your program. I’m Pacific Islander and speak French and Polynesian language. I’m limited with computer knowledge but willing to learn and be better at it.
      I have been learning from Youtube how to build my website by using WordPress with Hostgator until I found your program.I’ve completed lessons 1 to 27 I founded very awesome and I have learn a lot. Here is my email with my website, I just created yesterday: ” jjul@answeriskey.com

      I’m on lesson #28: Build website with HTML. I’m struggling with this HTML, I’m working with my Mac laptop and I cannot
      find an App like Notepad++ for Mac. What can I do and how can I change the Tags to a normal Test.
      I’m lacking in many ways of building my Website and I’m open for ideas or any help.
      – Excuse me for my English and wish to be better at it, How?….I’m 65 years and hard to speak a correct English.
      Thank you again for understanding and support.

    5. Terry Carroll


      When I create the new text document on my desktop, it shows on the icon as being a notebook file rather that an internet file. I have deleted the icon 5 times and retried but with same result

      1. Micah

        Hello Terry,

        In your notepad program, be sure to select Save As, and choose .html as the file type.

    6. rene van beekum

      I love your lessons, but i have a question today you used html to create a webpage and you used the
      invention example. I could not notice that you put in the date of january 2009, we live in the year 2014
      are your lesons up to date, or am i receiving lessons from 2009.
      can you give me an awnser please.

      1. Eric Post author

        Hi Rene, Some of the lessons are older than others. In the case of something like basic HTML, it hasn’t changed since 2009 so it’s still valid 🙂
        If you find any sites/methods in my lessons that are out of date just let me know so I can post an update. Thanks

    7. Kevin

      On earlier lessons, I was able to pause, or go back to something I missed. How can I get this feature to work on these lessons. I think anyone would need to pause from time to time. I’m forced to restart this lesson from the beginning every time I need to stop. Help

      1. Eric Post author

        In the near future I’m going to update these videos to a newer format which will have better compatibility. In the mean time, I would suggest trying a different browser such as Firefox or Chrome. Thanks

    8. Jim

      Eric I really appreciate your teaching. I have a question about a form here !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”>

      Form Objectvar so = new SWFObject(“let’s_talk.swf”, “let’s_talk.xml”, “290”, “603”, “7,0,0,0”, “#F3EEDB”);so.addParam(“classid”, “clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000”);so.addParam(“quality”, “high”);so.addParam(“scale”, “noscale”);so.addParam(“salign”, “lt”);so.addParam(“FlashVars”, “xmlfile=let’s_talk.xml&w=290&h=603”);so.write(“CC6514078”);

      Why does it come up only saying Form Object?

    9. Jay Altman


      I am not sure my earlier reply posted, so here it is again.

      The app you want for your Mac is called TextWrangler. It’s free and you can find it in the Mac App Store as well as several other places.

      Good luck with your learning, and have a great day! Eric’s tips are great!


    10. alan suter

      Dear Eric,
      I have managed to create an HTML webpage as you directed, bur when I tried to open it in Googlechrome browser it displayed with all the tags/codes still in place. Did I miss something? However I will continue to lesson 29 as I will probably continue to use wordpress as I have had some previous experience with them. I agree that it is still good to know how HTML works and I feel that it has given me more confidence to learn new internet skills and understand the process.


      1. Micah

        Hello Alan,

        It sounds like it may have been saved as a .txt file with the name ending in, .html.

        Please be sure that the file is being saved as an HTML, when you choose “Save As” in your notepad program.

    11. Robyn

      Thank you so much, Eric. I feel like I am learning so much. I really did something in html and it looked pretty good thanks to your easy to follow steps.

    12. Francois van Dalen

      Thanks very much for your teachings,I follow the online course every day,and appreciate it very much.
      When I open the html file it just show a address in the top left corner and don’t open in a Internet explorer website format as you show in the video what must I do to open as a website format?
      Kind regard

      1. Micah

        Hello Francois,

        Did you remember to save the document as an .html file? Sometimes it is still saved as a .txt file, even though you put .html in the title.

        Just be sure to save your document as an .html file, when selecting the file format in the “Save as” drop-down menu.

    13. Marc M. Demers

      Hi Eric,

      As WordPress is the largest platform used on Internet, it a great thing to teach the basic of it as it gave us the ability to tweak some little things in HTML.

      Thanks for your great help.




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