Butterfly Reports Website Reviewed

By | April 2, 2008

UPDATE: This review is now outdated, and I do not recommend this product any longer. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #160 – 04/02/2008

Today Mike Filsaime launched a new website called Butterfly Reports, along with his partner Rod Beckwith (who is also an Eric’s Tips reader).

Interestingly, I found the site to be similar in some ways to a site called Viral Ebook Explosion, which was recently launched by another friend of mine, Jeff Dedrick.

So instead of picking one friend over the other, I’ve decided to do a full comparison of BOTH sites to show you what they do, how they are similar, and how they are different.

Essentially, both sites are designed to empower you (the user) to use brandable ebooks to grow your list while earning affiliate commissions at the same time.

There is also an opportunity to contribute your own ebook, which may result in free viral traffic to your website.

I’ve reviewed the sites in a 12 minute video which you can watch at…

Click Here to Watch My Review on Video…

In the video you will see how I used both sites to create a customized branded ebook in LESS than a minute!

After watching my full review, I encourage you to check out the sites and see what you think.

You can join each of them for free, but you should watch my review first to make sure you are aware of the possible upgrades, and what they mean.

Click here for Butterfly Reports
Click here for Viral Ebook Explosion

As always you are welcome to leave your comments here on my blog.

Have a great day!

7 thoughts on “Butterfly Reports Website Reviewed

  1. sajid

    Today i receive email regarding butterfly reports. your videos help me much more to understand the system. thanks.

  2. Zowoco.com

    You are proving over and again you really have what it takes, Eric, thanks for all your input for all of us! I really appreciate your time spent. I have downloaded your freebies and purchased the upgrade and now have a whole lot of ebooks sitting on my laptop here, but, Eric, tell me, how do you recommend I go about marketing these ebooks? Do you have a to-do list, say 1-10 pointers to get me started out selling ebooks myself?
    Thanks for this, greatly welcomed!

  3. Tom

    I always find useful stuff in your emails. They have helped me on more than one project.

  4. Eric Post author

    Thanks for the kind comments.

    Zowoco- I recommend you give away the ebooks for free in order to build a list. Sign up for Aweber and use them for your list. As far as 10 pointers… actually I am going to be giving you all a complete course in how to build your business from A-Z. I expect that to start in late May or early June and it will be free.

  5. Mike Filsaime

    Dude, you got the best, and most honest review blog on the net!

    I admire the time you take to LEARN and then SHARE with your members in such
    brutal honesty.

    Way to go dude!


  6. Sydney Heiden

    Great review, you have one of the best, if not the best, review sites on the web. Keep providing the best information online


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