HyperVRE Demo Video

By | August 22, 2006

UPDATE: This review is now outdated. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #78 – 8/22/2006

It’s been exactly a month since I posted my review of Matt Callen’s HyperVRE software. If you missed my review, you can read it here.

Since that time, Matt has made some nice improvements to the program and it is working well for me. In fact, I chatted with him today and he’s got even more improvements on the near horizon.

I had promised that I would make a video of HyperVRE in action, so I did and now it’s available for you to watch. I know a lot of my readers have been waiting to see a demo video before downloading the software.

Here it is…

HyperVRE Video

(Video no longer available)

You can download HyperVRE for free, but I do recommend upgrading to a Gold membership on the one time offer so that you can embed your own affiliate links for ClickBank, Amazon, and PayDotCom.

Download HyperVRE for Free Here

As always, you can leave your comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

56 thoughts on “HyperVRE Demo Video

  1. koollachat

    thank you for infor hyper ,but i want to buy it, pls send detail , your Blog is good,

  2. Michael


    You previous recommendation was XSitePro. Are you now recommending HyperVRE over XSitePro? What are the differences between the two?

  3. Eric Post author

    No I think HyperVRE is fairly dated at this point. XSitePro on the other hand is still great. HyperVRE is basically a semi-automated site builder, which spits out a bunch of pages based on the template you use, and either articles that you feed it, or articles that it scrapes. XSitePro is sort of a cross between a site builder, and a traditional web authoring software. It will not build a site for you, but it makes it easy for someone with no skills to build a site.

  4. jerry holmes

    I get this message “Run time error 9?, “Subscript out of range”. when i try to generate pages. I am using vista but that should not be the problem. Any help on this or ideas?

  5. Eric Post author

    I think you’ll need to get in touch with Matt about that one. It’s been awhile since I’ve used this software.


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