How to Cash in Like it’s 2004! (Info Cash by Chris Carpenter)

By | June 28, 2013

I’ve done alot of product reviews on this blog, but this is going to be more of a pitch than a review. In other words, I’m simply telling you about a product that I’m recommending at this time 🙂

My first taste of affiliate marketing was in the year 2000, when I became an affiliate of Cognigen Networks, who were pioneers in online marketing.

It was a valuable experience, because I learned quite a bit about how Internet marketing works, but I didn’t make any money from it.

Over the next few years, I succeeded in some other ways of generating income online, but it wasn’t until 2004 that I earned my first real affiliate commission check.

You see, in 2004 I purchased a product on ClickBank (my first ClickBank purchase!) called Google Cash.

It was an ebook written by a guy named Chris Carpenter. He had a compelling story about how he discovered a way of affiliate marketing on Google AdWords, and generating income without any website. This method had quickly given him financial freedom, and allowed him and his family to live the “surfer lifestyle”.

I wanted in.

Not just for the money, but also so I could live life on “my own terms”.

I implemented the method from his ebook, and…. it WORKED!

I’ll never forget the vacation to Europe I took with my wife in 2005. It was halfway through the vacation that I finally found a spot to get online and check my stats.

It was an incredible feeling to see that my ad campaigns had been earning over $500 a day, on autopilot, WHILE I was on vacation.

It was more than enough to pay for the vacation. Here I was… on vacation, not working… yet still bringing in a full time income. I would say that was my first taste of financial freedom. I was living the lifestyle that Chris Carpenter had inspired me and so many others to pursue.

That business model lasted a number of years, but then came the Google “Slaps” and Quality Scores, and eventually they made it nearly impossible to promote products as an affiliate on AdWords.

Fortunately, I had always expected such a day would come, and I had built my business in a way that I was no longer dependent on Google (this is the long term strategy that I teach in my lessons).

However, it’s hard not to get a little nostalgic when I think back to the “good old days” of Internet marketing. How nice it was to be able to throw a couple of affiliate links up on Google and see the commissions start coming in!

Well I’ve got some great news for you…

Google Cash is BACK… Minus Google.

Chris Carpenter has turned his back on Google, and has embraced the new Microsoft/Facebook partnership. He’s been perfecting his methods on this new platform, and it’s totally working. Even DIRECT affiliate linking!

It’s like it’s 2004 all over again 🙂

In case you’re not familiar with “direct linking”, it basically means you can make money as an affiliate…

  • Without a website.
  • Without an email list.
  • Without your own product.
  • Without cold calling or face to face selling.
  • With no experience needed.

    Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying you should avoid building a website, or a subscriber list. I’m just saying that it’s possible to get started and make money without them.

    Chris has revealed the method in a free video presentation:

    See the video here

    As you can pretty well guess, he’s also offering a paid course which goes into more depth to show you the detailed specifics and step-by-step instructions.

    I do recommend the course. How could I not? This guy got me started in affiliate marketing, and he’s doing it all over again for you today.

    I have no idea how long this window of opportunity will be open. My best educated guess is that it will be a few years, like it was with Google.

    Therefore I recommend jumping on it right away, so you can cash in while it’s working!

    You can get all the details here:

    Chris Carpenter’s New Info Cash Method

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 58 thoughts on “How to Cash in Like it’s 2004! (Info Cash by Chris Carpenter)

    1. Micah

      Hello Per,

      I’m not sure how those two products would compare.

      Chris would be happy to answer any of your product related questions.

      Chris’ contact info is posted at the bottom of the following page:

    2. Rosie

      I got a refund on the product 🙁
      The guys who run it are great guys just very un-organised and help is slow to get.. i have wasted weeks just waiting on some info i needed at diffrent times. I also was uneasy doing things that were not legal in the PPC world such as using brand names when the company says I cant use brand names and direct linking to site when the owners said no direct linking. Bing drove me crazy as they were not set up to take Australian credit card so i wasted weeks there and even when they (Bing) said yes all working for Australian Credit cards, i still had issues getting it to work and i never did get it to work. 7Search the other search engine Chris promotes was a good learning place but no traffic.. so i went to LookSmart another search engine site chris promotes.. and they sucked even worse.. 2 days or more to get a reply to any help issues I cancelled my account with them a week ago and i have still not had a reply from them.. (remember they have my credit card details and this is a worry to me) I purchased the $147 ($173 AU)Publishes package hoping that I could make a go of it but in the end it all got to hard so got a refund. In my opinion the PPC is old very old. The publishing site leaves a lot to desire and no good for newbies the FB side of it Chris is still working on so hes off being busy making videos. Very unorganised plus needs more help staff or at least a Blog so members can help each other out.. AND he needs written instructions to go with thew videos i was so pissed off having to watch videos just to find a tiny bit of info so I could carry on with what i was doing.


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