Internet Millionaire Piano Teacher Jermaine Griggs

By | October 22, 2007

Edition #140 – 10/22/2007

Last week, I brought you the story of Valentina, an artist who found her place on the internet.

This week I’d like to introduce you to another inspiring artist who has found success online.

His name is Jermaine, and he’s made millions of dollars selling piano lessons on the internet. He’s a good Christian brother, and he’s made the majority of that income from a small niche– teaching how to play gospel music by ear.

I met him at Yanik Silver’s Underground seminar earlier this year, and I can attest that this guy is the real deal. Or maybe I should say this “kid” is the real deal. He’s 24 now, but he was only 17 when he got started online.

To say that he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth would be an understatement. I encourage you to watch this video to see just how far he has come, and what he has accomplished:

The tips I learned from Jermaine at the seminar were priceless. In fact, he packed so much money-making information into his two-hour talk, that he was voted the Underground Marketer of the Year.

Today, he’s launching a new site where he teaches exactly how he’s built his business, and pulled millions of dollars from his small niche. If you’re trying to make money online in ANY niche, I recommend you join this site and absorb every bit of information that he’s offering.

(Link removed because this offer is no longer available)

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

14 thoughts on “Internet Millionaire Piano Teacher Jermaine Griggs

  1. Mattg

    now that’s a cool marketing video!

    I reckon Jermaine’s launch tomorrow is gonna be big, can’t wait to get in myself…


  2. Wes Wyatt

    Jermaine’s story is what dreams are made of!

    A burning desire, laser focus, and the elbow grease and drive to make it all come to light!

    Thank you for sharing!

    Have a DYNAMITE day!


  3. George

    Jermaine was a student of the late Corey Rudl and I saw him speak at a local seminar presented by Corey a few years ago. Yes, Jermaine and what he has accomplished is really quite amazing. Corey interviewed him for one of his case studies that can be found along with a number of other online business success stories at the Secrets To Their Success website. I would second Eric’s recommendation and join Jermaine’s website, you can learn a lot from seeing how he build his business.

  4. Mom of a Lego Kid

    Hi Eric,

    That is really motivating. I’m helping my 7 year old son start a lego business. He’s doing a ‘video show’ which is basically a vlog, where he shares his lego reviews, lego creations, and his lego ‘battles’. I hope that he can become as successful as Jermaine.

  5. Marva

    Thank you so much for that. I was great to see a young black person so motivated. The site was great and unique. I have book marked it for future reference. I love Jermaine’s attitude. I have signed up for the free lessons on playing the piano. I have always wanted to learn how to play. And I am interested in learning his marketing Techniques. Again thank you.


  6. Joselito Mendoza

    Dear Eric,
    I do agree knowledge is power. Jermaine mention marketing and he even undergo schooling. Its fortunate that opportunity knocks timely in his life. Yes, it is truly amazing that even though piano lesson is not being taken seriously, he was able to prove there is life in music. Actually, the more I read any of your testimony in your website, the more I want to learn what was I want to be. I salute Jermaine and of course you Eric for sharing this powerful video. I hope that Jermaine will continue sharing his insights to anyone who wants to earn an honest and decent income. More power to you Jermaine and Eric. Again, keep up the good works.

  7. Wholesale Dropship

    These inspirational stories are great. A lot of time, the only obstacle standing in the way of incredible success is belief in one’s self. Thanks for taking the time to show us that it can be done if we are able to work and learn and believe in ourselves!


  8. Friendswin

    Total Inspiration! It’s so cool to read such a testimony, makes it so real….. and everybody can see it’s about desire, determination, keep on keeping on… lots of people are going to succeed joining Jermaine, it’s awesome!


  9. Koorosh Vahabi

    What a great video.

    And Kudos Eric for your work on the latest “Next Internet Millionaire” episode.

    It was the best , most intense and entertaining one so far.

    Bravo and encore.

    As for Jermaine, what can I say. The guy is so down to earth, and he tells it just like it is.

    Awesome story from an awesome guy. I already bought the membership.


  10. Faith

    Jarmaine is heading for greatness in life if at 24 he will have such a great success that means his future will be more fruitful than his begining. i wish him the best in life, let his story inspire the youth of today, they can also make it through hard and sincere business.Thank you Eric for sharing.

  11. Murthy

    Dear Eric,
    I try my level best to take your advice in the right earnest, after all one has to believe somebody to move up the ladder. I had enrolled for the agloco program and am doing my best to build the family. I am impressed by Jermaine’s success and would like to learn many a cue from his site, which you had said would be offered for membership at $2.97 for a limited period. I hope the limited period still exists as I need a little bit of time to enrol myself. Hopefully shortly.

    Thanks . Pl. continue to enlighten us with more such experiences.


  12. ambili

    please sendkorg orgon. i am very poor family. but i am interesting keyboard. but no money. please help me. god bless you

  13. Anonymous

    Hello Rev. Jermaine,

    You had this little secret hidden from the GMTC! I had just watched your Musician Breakthrough video and I thought, “Wow, Jermaine is so good at marketing, that he can sell you anything. Then, I thought of a young man I know who teaches New Age on line. I decided I was going to look up how your story on how you became a millionair, to share with this young man. To my surprise, I found a great video, which features you whole family! Great video Jermaine. How come you never shared that with all your students? You are full of wonder and surprises! I will share this on my facebook. Miriam Tierno


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