Mission Trip to Belize

By | June 19, 2008

Special Edition

On June 28th, I’m going to get on a plane (actually 3 planes… including a small one!), along with my wife and 3 kids, and head to the jungles of Belize to help some missionary friends.

These friends of ours started an organization called “Laugh Out Loud Ministries”, and they’re doing some amazing work down there. They are helping the local people in several ways, and they’re currently building a new orphanage.

The primary goal of “LOL Ministries” is to love and nurture orphans, neglected and disadvantaged children and young adults in developing nations.

Hopefully you will agree that this is a very worthy cause, and I want to help them as much as I can.

Therefore, I’m doing a 7-day fundraiser to help raise funds for their organization. But it’s not an ordinary fundraiser.

I had a brand new set of products created, and contributors will receive them with Private Label Rights and Master Resale Rights.

Please check it out here:

Missions Fundraiser

I appreciate any help you can give!

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments below.

Have a great day!

Update: We hit the goal and raised $10,000 for the missionaries in Belize. Thank you to all who participated!

29 thoughts on “Mission Trip to Belize

  1. sid

    Hi Eric, I enjoyed reading your blog very much. Recently i’ve made some profits from this amazing Free eBook, you may want to try it while it’s still fresh in the market. It’s very new and just launched early this month. Judge yourself, maybe you can write some review if you find it useful 🙂

    Have a safe journey and this is a great mission!

  2. sid

    Hi Eric, your blog is very informative and I enjoyed reading it. Recently i’ve made some profits from an amazing free eBook. It’s very new and just launched early this month. Judge yourself, maybe you can write some review if you find it useful 🙂

    This is a great mission! Safe journey!

  3. Bob from Attract-a-Profitable-Home-Business.com

    I’m impressed that you do missionary work, Eric. I work for a church denomination as a professional video production specialist (see my “about me” page on my website if interested), and have done numerous video documentaries about missionary work. I’ve been to about 20 different countries since 2000 when I started working for the church, and these stories have literally changes my life. Missionaries are special people, and everyone should spend just a couple of weeks out of their life experiencing such gratifying work. I’m runnning late right now, but I’ll be back to make a donation!

  4. Cliff


    Great to hear about your trip. I have been to Honduras a couple of times on similar trips. These are lifechanging trips…at least they were for me.

    The last one we went to we had some money left over after our construction on a seminary building for training pastors in Honduras. So we use that money to buy the local Pastor’s family a small refrigerator. His wife said she had been praying for 10 years for a refrigerator. We take so much for granted.

    Anyway, I am going over to your site and make a donation now. Best wishes for a safe and productive trip.

    I am looking forward to hear more about how you are blessed on this trip as well as the blessing you will be to the people in Belize.

    Cliff Hammock

  5. Meg

    Hello Eric. Good going, and 100% support no matter what!
    Let’s pretend I’m a ‘newbie’. I buy these 5 products, wanting also to help the mission. Now what? I’ve got 5 products, what do I “do” with them? I can get past the buying of a domain/hosting and setting up a clickbank, or paypal…but seriously, now what? How about a “Now What! Right Now Lesson” for all of us that are truly new; something for completely setting it up: how to insert the links, taking the ‘buyer’ to a purchase page, how to get it on the super highway: traffic, Advertizing, etc. Like a mini-crash course? It’s just a whiz thought. Blessings, Meg

  6. Jim Kelley

    Hi Eric,

    I’m in. Just bought the offer.
    I didn’t buy the other OTO as I am not prepared to use it at the present time.
    May God Bless the efforts of you and your family on this trip and may many
    hearts be touched.

    My Best,

  7. Bob from Attract-a-Profitable-Home-Business.com

    Hi Eric –

    Yeah – Meg kind of pegged my question too. I’m VERY happy to help with the donation to your mission work, and would have donated even without the ebooks and the master resell rights – but since we do have the opportunity with these new ebooks, how best do we use them? Most of us taking your online video course aren’t at the point of knowing how to effectively use master resell rights ebooks. Any guidance would be great!

  8. Costa Rica Travel Channel

    coool.. u know i am all about helping out in Central America, so i will buy your books later today… we are starting to work with 4 or 5 organizations… like Pretoma (shark finning)and Chiquita (sustainability projects) so would love for you to upload videos to the Costa Rica Travel Channel when you get back. May I also suggest you do an in the field iReport and submit to CNN international iReport… it might make their 30 minute weekly international TV spot and get huge exposure… nice to see you slowly working your way down… first Mexico, now Belize, maybe Costa Rica next;)… BTW go Cave Tubing in the underground rivers if you can, the kids will love it. Muy Pura Vida! Nico


    Hi Eric:

    I think the trip is a wonderful thing you & your family are doing. I will be praying for you. I made my donation & wanted to do more, but I didn’t understand the explanation about the link. I am following your lessons & don’t yet know what those things mean. Maybe next time.

    Enjoy your service to those in Belize & may God bless you.


  10. Eric Post author

    awesome Bob… just checked out your about me page. You’ve got a very cool job. Blessings

  11. Eric Post author

    I could do that, but I’m really trying to avoid the “disjointed information” problem that everyone keeps complaining about. So I want to keep the lessons in order and make sure the newbies learn everything they need to know. By lesson 35 you will be getting a clearer picture of how to use PLR content and by lesson 80 you’ll know how to get traffic to your site…

  12. Eric Post author

    Yes my assistant forwarded it to me. I checked into it, and the one being offered on WSO is a different product. Total coincidence, but it’s also proof that its a good topic 🙂

  13. Pingback: Belize » Mission Trip to Belize

  14. Michael

    Eric – During your trip, please ask how hard it is for U.S. couples to adopt Belize orphans. I know couples who are looking…China has gotten very difficult and expensive. We may be able to do some one-on-one good if the process is relatively straightforward.

  15. Julia

    Hi Eric another newie to all of this internet stuff with a heart to help build the church through raising funds and giving. Also believe we come across things not by chance and welcome the opportunity to give and will do so. Like the others I’m blessed to receive product and like the others have not the foggiest idea of what to do with it but look forward to learning. Bless you on your trip and thank you for your heart. Julia

  16. Kay

    Hi Eric,

    Right now I have SO much information I need to read that the whole idea of adding to it is mind boggling – in fact I am now deleting unread emails from many great marketers simply due to lack of time and resources. All that being said I did want to help with your cause so I made a donation without purchasing your package.

    I wish you all the best on your ministry and hope that your efforts will bring love and laughter wherever you go.

    the Marriage Mistress

  17. Sabrina O'Malone

    Espero y oro que usted tiene un viaje fructífero a Belice. Oro que el Señor irá antes usted, estará con usted y bendecirá el trabajo de las manos en este viaje.

    Usted puede contar con nuestro apoyo de oración así como nuestro apoyo financiero.

    En Servicio del Señor ,

    I hope and pray you have a fruitful trip to Belize. I pray that the Lord will go before you, be with you and bless the work of your hands on this trip.

    You can count on our prayer support as well as our financial support.

    In His Service,


  18. Kathy McMillan

    Hi Eric,

    Praise the Lord on your successful fundraiser!



  19. Amanda

    How do you do it all?! I want to help, I
    day- dream the “if i win the lotto” dream all the time..lol.. Im a 26yo single parent, with BILLS! I can barely help myself, but want to help others so bad. How do you just leave? Job, mortgage, car payments…ahhh! Then the expense go? Its sad to say i think it will always be just a dream for me.

  20. Eric Post author

    I have worked very hard to get to the point where I can drop everything and do stuff like this.

    But you don’t have to get rich to go on a mission trip. I would suggest hooking up with a church with a missions program where you can sign up to go on a trip. They usually will help you do fundraising, and you can send out fundraising letters, etc.

  21. Linda

    It’s hard to adopt from Belize as well. Couples have to live there for at least a year before they can begin the adoption process! Maybe the couple should look into other countries in Central America, Europe, or Asia.

  22. Joe Takacs

    I’ve heard about LOLMinistries, I’ve actually read quite a bit of good stuff about them, but I thought the acronym was actually Love Out Loud, not Laugh?
    But good onya Eric, May God bless you and your family in this work!


    Hi Eric,

    Enjoy your lesson tips & fundraising project

    I’m 60, trying to raise fund to help some Abuse Ladies in Cambodia to start a small food business.
    Can you give me some advise


    1. Eric Post author

      Regarding fundraising for a one-time project such as this, crowdfunding is pretty hot. Consider putting a project on a site like gofundme.com, fundly.com. or tilt.com. But if you want to create long-term funding, my advice is for you to build a business that would be profitable regardless of whether you were raising funds for a cause.


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