Online Music Marketing Strategy

By | January 30, 2008

Edition #150

Last year I had the privilege of getting to know Mark Joyner, a guy who is often referred to as the “godfather of internet marketing”.

He was the first guest teacher on The Next Internet Millionaire, and he hung out with us on and off the set for about a week. During that time I came to understand that he is truly a master of marketing.

That’s why I took notice when I found out he was launching a new course about online music promotion.

It just so happens that I was recently the executive producer of a music CD, and I have another one in the works. So when I learned that Mark was putting together this course I knew I needed to get my hands on it.

The purpose of the course is essentially to show you how to make money selling your music online, and how to become a best selling music artist.

At first, I wasn’t sure if I was going to mention this in my Eric’s Tips newsletter, because most people are not interested in becoming a popular musician.

In fact, if you are not interested in online music promotion, this course is not for you.

But I also decided that I needed to at least let you know about it. After all, one of the things that I strive to accomplish with this newsletter is to tell you WHAT I’m doing in the online marketing world… WHEN I’m doing it. That way, you’ll have some insight as you make marketing decisions for your own business.

Besides that, I’m sure there are a handful of musicians reading this newsletter, along with another handful of readers who personally know someone who is trying to make it as a musician.

So that said, let me tell you about the course…

I already signed up for it, and went through most of the materials. After you sign up, it is instantly accessible online via Mark’s Simpleology Webcockpit (if you don’t know what that is, don’t worry about it).

The course consists of 12 lessons including videos, printable PDF files, and audio files.

The material is high quality, and the videos are my favorite. They are concise, easy to follow, and top notch production.

My only complaint would be that the first few lessons were too basic for me. But if someone were a complete “newbie” then I suppose it would be good for them.

Lessons 6 through 11 is where I found the most meat. They contained a ton of great tips, and resources that I will be utilizing for the music projects that I am marketing.

In fact, I’ll give you a case study within the next week. The first CD that I am helping market is my brother’s band. We’re going to implement some things from the course, and then I’ll let you know how the project is going (and of course I’ll give you the opportunity to check out his music).

Bottom line, if you’re in the music business, I recommend that you sign up for this course right away.

Click Here for the Promoting Your Music Online Course

As always you can leave comments here on the blog. In fact… if you’re a musician be sure to post a link to your site or somewhere that we can listen to your music!

Have a great day!

8 thoughts on “Online Music Marketing Strategy

  1. Juliet Easton


    I wholeheartedly second your recommendation!! I entered Mark’s contest – didn’t win, but that is fine. The contest motivated me to go ahead and create my first video ever and post it to YouTube. I bought the course last night and it is great! I can’t believe he is selling it for such a low price! My advice to anyone who is a musician or who has a friend or family member who is – buy it now!

    If you want to see the video I created for Mark’s contest on YouTube, the link is here:

    I wish I had had more than one day to put the video together with an mp3 I recorded a few years ago (I have never created an online video before), but with the help of Mark’s course, my next one will be better!

    Thanks for the great blog post, Eric and for having the integrity to only promote superb products!

    Juliet Easton

  2. QSVN

    This course is actually written to reach the right and the left brain. I got it & checked it out. It’s great. So relieved that an internet marketer has taken an interest in promoting the arts. A new paradigm for music promotion is being established. Now there is no reason a musician should have to grovel before bean counter A& R guys or megalomaniacal producers who couldn’t care less just to have a shot at ‘fame’ (which is really just shaking your ass for Pepsi while little kids develop cavities and diabetes as they sing all the words). In the ‘marketing world’, internet marketing seems to have the fewest jerks and the most independent thinkers. This class is true to that spirit and puts forth a well conceived strategy in a pragmatic and effectual fashion.

  3. Joan Huyser-Honig


    Are you helping to promote Daryl’s music? If so, that’s really neat. My son Abe used to run with him at Calvin.

    Also, do you think Mark Joyner’s course would be useful for promoting visual art…or just music?

    All the best,

  4. David


    I am glad I came across this.I had been wondering what Mark was working on.
    This seems very interesting and I expected the price to be much more than it is.
    Although I am not a musician,I am sure there are many other ways to take advantage of this material.
    Let us know how your project turns out.


  5. Eric Post author

    Juliet- Glad to hear it and thank you for sharing your music with us!

    QSVN- good comments, thanks!

    Joan – Yes I am helping promote Daryl’s music, in fact I just helped him build a website and I will be sharing it in Eric’s Tips soon.

    There could be some principles in the course that would apply to promoting visiual art, but for the most part is is specifically geared for music, so it might not be the best choice for visual artists.

    Here is an article I wrote recently about a painter: Inspiring Artist Valentina

    Also here is a millionaire piano teacher, whose techniques could be applied to just about any industry.

    David- thanks for checking it out, and I will update everyone about the project soon.

  6. Jim Hunt

    Hi Eric,

    Good to meet up with you again. Perhaps you wouldn’t mind coming on over to my blog to discuss this further?

    Mark Joyner is an amazing guy, and so is Dave who does the music for our internet videos. You can check out his entry into Mark’s Online Music Fame competition here:

  7. Pingback: A Bribe to Buy a Good CD | Eric’s Tips

  8. Max Lowe

    Hey Eric,

    I posted a comment earlier under the ‘A Bribe to Buy a Good CD’ post, but I wanted to let you know I’ve gone ahead and set up a discount for your readers on two of my music marketing resources from

    There are two options:

    Save 25% off my 10-Part QuickStart Action Plan to getting started with online music marketing (regular $9.99US)


    Save an additional 15% off the special offer already in place on my eBook, ‘Max Lowe’s Ultimate Guide to Promoting Your Music Online’ bundled with the Action Plan (regular $56.99, save 52% and then an ADDITIONAL 15%).

    The promotional code is ‘SAUNI’ (no quotes) and the products are available from my daily indie music marketing blog at (you have to enter the discount code before clicking the Buy Now button or the system won’t accept the coupon).

    But there is a catch…these discounts will only be available until Daryl’s MySpace player gets 10,000 plays!

    I did this because I really like your brother’s album and have great respect for the work you’ve both put into it. I really hope Mark Joyner’s course, and the resources at will help you guys to pull off a top notch online promotional campaign.

    By the way, I would have preferred to email you and let you distribute the codes based on your own criteria, but I can’t find an address here to reach you directly. If you’d like to pitch this offer in a way that guarantees people can’t take advantage of it until they’ve checked out Daryl’s music, drop me a note and we can change up the discount code. Until then, folks, you’re on the honor system!


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