Article Arsenal

By | January 8, 2006

UPDATE: This review is now outdated. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. Also I am no longer the owner or affiliated with this product. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #13 – 01/08/2006

I’ve been doing a ton of research over the past few months, particularly in the area of article marketing. I’m always looking for the most cutting-edge marketing techniques for my customers, as well as for my own websites.

We’ve continued to get very positive reports about what The Article System is doing for our customers, so we know that using articles for niche content is ONE good way of using them. BUT, let me be the first to tell you that this isn’t the ONLY way. In fact, it’s not the “only good” way, and maybe not even the best way!

Let me give you a small example. We use articles as a means of building web content, which in turn provides the opportunity of getting more pages in the search engines, earning more AdSense revenue, etc. Let’s think for a moment about those authors who provide those free articles to our system, to similar programs, and to other various distribution channels. It’s now been tested and shown that those authors receive a DOUBLE stream of traffic to their sites as a result of writing those articles.

Why a “double” stream?

The first stream comes from the articles themselves. Many of the articles contain the author’s URL within them, or at the very least, in their by-line at the end of the article. Some of these articles are being published by hundreds or even thousands of sites. As you can guess, those links bring a steady flow of traffic.

The second part of the doubled-edged sword is traffic from the search engines. This is because the search engines (particularly google), take into consideration “back links” to a page, when ranking it in the search results listings. Therefore, those pages with the articles linking to them can achieve a higher ranking.

As you can see, article marketing is a science, and that’s just one small example. I can give you many more ways of how to produce income and web traffic with articles, and that’s why I’ve put together a power-packed new resource to teach you what you need to know, and then give you the tools to do actually put the knowledge to use…

(Link removed – no longer available)

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