When I’m Not Marketing…

By | August 19, 2008

In case anyone was wondering why I haven’t posted any lessons in the past few days…

We’ve been doing some redecorating on the main level of our home, and I decided to create some new paintings for the walls.

Here’s what I did…

We’re going for more of a modern look in the living room, so I made this 2-panel abstract to go over the piano:
abstract painting
It’s called Psalm 1 (can you see a tree?) (48″x 72″ acrylic on canvas)

Then I painted this one, titled Fields of Grace, pictured here still on the easel:
dancer painting
The dancer is modeled after my wife, and I painted it in one sitting today. (36″x 48″ acrylic on canvas)

I really enjoy painting, but I typically only do it a couple times a year. When I’m done with the whole internet marketing thing, I hope to spend a little more time working on my technique and developing my style.

I’m back to working on the lessons tomorrow.

Art is 100% subjective, so feel free to post your comments and let me know what you think of my paintings, good or bad 😉

Have a great day!

141 thoughts on “When I’m Not Marketing…

  1. Eric Post author

    It’s possible, but it’s hard to make good money selling art on the web. I’d recommend putting the idea through the entire niche research process as I’m teaching currently, and see if it seems to be a profitable niche with a viable market.

  2. Eric Post author

    I do play some piano, but my wife is much better than me 😉 I’m learning a new instrument currently… it’s a secret, but maybe I’ll post a video some day…

  3. patricia

    Great colours Eric very modern and decorative sorry the only tree I could see was through the window;:). but your wife seems more than a little disturbed about something! Just how did you get her to do that pose dare I ask?

  4. Gus

    Hi Eric:
    To me you were an artist before you picked up the brush. Thanks for the invite to your home, bye the way the pictures look great. Wish you all the success.

  5. Grandpa Bill

    A few years back a newspaper article came out
    about a Minnesota man who went from 10 to 25
    dollar paints to 250 and up, by sell them on
    (What else!?!?) EBAY!!!

  6. Eric Post author

    lol, nope. Actually I do play trombone, but my new instrument is not a wind instrument…

  7. Michaela

    Hi! I’m going to guess as well, its violin? I think you have the sensibility needed for cord instruments.
    You also have the good eyes for choosing colors.
    By the way folks, the tree is not the yellow sphere, it is the green triangle on left top corner, isn’t Eric?
    The yellow sphere is the sun, the spiritual light etc and in the shadow part of the open book it is a reflection of the “light”.

  8. Taleb

    Hi Eric
    Your nice painting inspired me the creative power denoting to demonstrating your imaginative force which made me guessing your internal sensation of big jump in your career and aiming to reach the highest point of progress. Of course you deserve it and you are the right person . Wishing the best Eric

  9. Michaela

    Hi! Finally I figure out how to get a Pic on emails, I hope is working, this is a test, this is a test!

    Eric, am I right about the tree?


  10. Betty

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for sharing with us. Looks as though you have been greatly blessed with such talent. Your wife must be really glad that you are helping re-
    decorate. She is really kicking up her heels.
    God is so Great, and HE is so generous.
    Thanks so much for your help again!

    May the Lord Bless you even more,

  11. larry davis

    Hey Eric ,
    Yeah…like the_ “modern-look”
    over the piano ;

    seems…your turning ‘work’ into ‘play’
    Or : ‘play’ into ‘work’…

    Anyway…have Fun.


  12. Margaret Hampton

    Hi Eric,
    I love your art! Never knew you had such talent. I especially love the dancer’s leap and form. As a former dancer, I can really appreciate that on multiple levels!
    I admired you already, but now even more.

  13. Mike Wong

    Hi Eric,

    What a fantastic sight to behold! Indeed you
    are a man of many talents. Well done Eric.

    To your success,
    Mike Wong

  14. Michaela

    Hi! Eric
    Because I have some time now, I am still investigating keywords.
    1) what is your thinking about the chances of a key with competition 12,000 but 0 ads?
    2) the initial domain I am thinking of is good but very close with a domain which already exist? What is the compromise I should do in this case? Still go for it?


  15. Paul

    Nice pics Eric.. is your wife celebrating the fact that the decoration is finally finished? lol jk
    I take the guess of a ‘guitar’on the secret instrument? And as with what most others are saying to keep the creative juices flowing we do need to fine alternative sources of replenishment other than through GooGle and wordtracker!!!! lol

    Paul (UK)

  16. Lorena Velasco

    I love the first one, and yes!, I can see the tree. I would love to be a painter. Congratulations.

  17. Teresa Caldwell

    Thank You very much, I was lucky the summer I took life drawing in college, the models were dancers who danced at night in the show “Texas” here in Palo Duro Canyon, near Amarillo, TX. A big production performed nightly during the summer. I had some awesomely toned models to draw. My only regret is not getting to draw the female figure. We did go to a nursing home one day, and I enjoyed that so much, I would have liked to have broadened my life drawing portfolio. I loved life drawing.

  18. Eric Post author

    1) I would be wary… as I mentioned in lesson #20, zero ads can be a bad sign. That does not inherently mean it’s a bad niche. It’s possible that you’ve found a diamond in the rough, but I would definitely do a lot more research and proceed with caution in that situation.

    2) It kind of depends on your marketing strategy. One strategy would be to go for a domain that is different from others to help brand yourself. And if you want people to memorize your domain, it’s probably best if it’s not too easily mistaken with another. I’ll be talking about domains in lesson #23.

  19. Robert Tutsky

    Nice pictures. You certainly possess a diversity in your styles of painting. Yes, painting can be very relaxing and fulfilling endeavor. I try to paint every day because I enjoy it so much. If you would care to see some of my work, you can see them here: http://roberttutskyfineart.com

    Your lessons are absolutely great! I hope to get involved in IM soon. Thanks for all your help.

  20. Eric Post author

    Your paintings are beautiful, thanks for sharing 🙂

    You should consider getting into IM to sell prints. I think prints is where the big money is for fine artists like you.

  21. Sheila Atwood

    Love the paintings! How fun! During the summer I love to garden as my artistic out let. Never tried
    painting. I admire your work.

    By the way I did sign up for gravatar…but got lost on how to post my picture. Help!

  22. RickAnthony

    EZ E
    You are the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU, the more I listen the more I respect you for your honesty and integrity.
    BTW who is Gary?

  23. Reg B.

    thanks for sharing a part of your life with your marketing people… You have a awesome talet in painting so express yourself
    thank agian

  24. chris

    I to do painting.Yours are great!Have you ever thought about selling some?I love the abstract,I have been thinking of doing an abstract one for my livingroom.If you do sell some let me know,you are quite taleted.Thank you for sharing them with us,you should show us more.
    By the way LOVE the lessions,keep them comming.I cant thank you enought.I have tried this on my own,I just dont know enough.

  25. Robert

    Hi Eric,
    I am Robert – as you keep asking !
    I like your paintings very much but it will never make you money till you are demised !! I really enjoy reading all your stuff which i am trying to get my head round how it all works. I am mesmerized by your knowledge.
    I am still trying to figure out how it all works and because i do not have a penny to my name nor a credit card to be able to buy anything
    if feel i may be on to a loser, but i do not give up easily and i am determined to get my self out of the mire that i find my self in.
    Advice – Don’t get divorced before you hide all your money.
    Cheers and thanks for now.
    Robert J D Fulton
    I am a proud Irishman living in England, UK

  26. Mohammad Arif

    Hi Eric,

    I am really surprised to see your artistic abilities, great, really nice paintings.

    It must have relaxed your mind, while shifting from internet marketing to painting, now you will come with better ideas.
    With regards,

  27. Mark Cameron

    Hi, Eric,
    Have you heard anything about a new website called viralnetworks.com? I was just wondering what you might think about it.
    Have a good one,

  28. diane

    I too am a painting artist. Looking forward to setting up the internet stuff and then painting everyday for fun. God has blessed you.

  29. Beth

    Hey Eric,
    You have amazing talent! I really love Fields of Grace because it is the first illustration that depicts exactly how I feel when I run.

    Would you be open to selling another copy?

  30. Micah

    Hello Beth,

    I’m not sure if Eric still has this painting, or would be able to make a print, but I’ll ask!

  31. George Kerr

    Thanks for sharing, I am not the artistic type but I do apprexiate the patience it took to create a piece of art good job.

  32. Peter Edwards

    Love your art work, acrylic is a lovely medium to work in, must prefer it to water colour, have not tried oils yet. But do agree it is relaxing when you get the time to paint.


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