PPC Classroom 2.0 Review

By | February 24, 2009

UPDATE: This review is now outdated, and I do not make any current claims regarding this product. To get the most up-to-date information and recommendations please join my free newsletter.


Today Anik Singal (along with Amit Mehta) is launching PPC Classroom 2.0.

It’s an interactive course that teaches how to use pay-per-click advertising to generate commissions as an affiliate marketer.

PPC Classroom was originally launched last October, and was closed after the membership was full. Since that time, Anik has improved and streamlined the course, and is now re-launching it as PPC Classroom 2.0

Interestingly, when I posted my controversial Arbitrage Conspiracy review a couple months ago, a couple of people left favorable comments about PPC Classroom as an alternative to Arbitrage Conspiracy.

So I decided I had better check out PPC Classroom 2.0 for myself to see how it compares, and if it is worth your time.

First, I need to say that it’s not entirely fair for me to compare Arbitrage Conspiracy and PPC Classroom head-to-head, because Arbitrage Conspiracy is a $2000.00 course, whereas PPC Classroom 2.0 is a free course.

However, I know a lot of people are going to be comparing them anyway, so I think a few of my observations will help you understand what makes these courses very different from each other.

As I mentioned in my review of Arbitrage Conspiracy, it was not suitable for newbies (even though it was portrayed that way). It was more geared for intermediate to advanced users, who already understand the PPC game and are willing to invest some capital to scale up their PPC marketing.

PPC Classroom 2.0 on the other hand IS suitable for newbies. It really covers the basics in depth, and it teaches a low-cost method of testing campaigns.

After reviewing both courses, it is clear to me that Arbitrage Conspiracy goes into much more depth on advanced techniques and tools. PPC Classroom does adequately teach how to do PPC affiliate marketing, but it does not teach how to scale your campaigns to the high levels taught by Arbitrage Conspiracy.

So let’s briefly cover what I like and don’t like about PPC Classroom 2.0.

What I like about it…

The layout of the modules in the member area is very logical and easy to follow. If you’ve ever seen an unorganized member area, you know how frustrating it can be. This is one of the best organized courses I’ve seen in this industry. It is easy to follow, and track your progress.

Part of this is because they were able to get so much feedback from their current customers to see what worked best. They had 7000 paid customers from the first launch, so they were able to really streamline the course and optimize version 2.0 for maximum learning efficiency.

I also like the quizzes that are built into the learning system. I took a couple of them, and the questions seemed relevant, and helpful in determining if you’ve learned the material.

Another thing I liked was the built-in tools, which are essentially web-based widgets within the member area. I especially like the Geo Keywords Tool, the Key Phrase Multiplier, and the Ad Writing Tool. I happen to know of other software programs you could buy which offer these features, but this is free in the membership area, and the web-based interface is really easy to use.

Lastly, there is a really nice forum integrated into the site. When you’re logged into the member area, you can go to the forum and you’re already logged in… no need to re-register. The forum includes discussion areas for each of the 9 Modules, plus a host of other PPC-related topics.

What I don’t like about it…

I found that it’s probably too simplistic to be of much help to advanced PPC users.

The course focuses mainly on Clickbank and CJ, which have been covered by other PPC courses ad nauseum, so if you’ve invested in other PPC educational materials, you’re probably already familiar with much of what’s covered here.

Also, the course focuses exclusively on AdWords. Understandably, it’s probably the most important PPC platform to be familiar with, but advanced users should look further (ie. Yahoo and MSN).

In conclusion…

PPC Classroom 2.0 provides a thorough and effective base education for anyone who wants to learn how to be a PPC marketer.

For newbies and those who have not experienced much success with PPC marketing, it’s a great course that will teach you the intricacies of promoting Clickbank and CJ offers on Adwords.

It’s the best “free” PPC course I’ve seen, so if you’re on a tight budget and want to learn PPC… this is your chance!

Advanced PPC marketers probably will not gain a lot of new information from the course, but you may still want to check out the free tools. I found them to be helpful, and they could be a great alternative if you don’t already own a more expensive solution.

Why are they giving it away for free? (You pay only for shipping…)

They’re giving away PPC Classroom 2.0 for free (along with a DVD), in order to attract new members to their PPC Inner Circle, which runs $97/month.

When you sign up, you’ll get a free 30-day trial, so you can check it out for yourself and see what it’s all about.

Get all the details at…

(Link removed – no longer available)

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

40 thoughts on “PPC Classroom 2.0 Review

  1. Gary Pettit(Instant-Paysites.com)

    Hi Eric,
    I really think that PPC Classroom is a great opportunity for everyone who is new with PPC. I hadn’t thought of comparing it to Arbitrage Conspiracy like you mentioned but I do think this will hit home with a lot of your subscribers since most of us are newbies 😉 It’s amazing that it’s all free(just $6.97 for shipping)and if anyone elses inbox is like mine you will find some Incredible bonuses!

    Ps: Looking forward to hearing about your trip to India


    Get 150 *Top Quality* NICHE Websites With Your Paypal ID On Each!


  2. Eric Post author

    Thanks Gary 🙂 I just got back from India after 32 hours of travel, and will post an update with pictures in a few days.

  3. Gail

    Thanks for giving a very honest and worthy review. Something that people can really use!

  4. Rogerio Ribeiro

    hi Eric,

    I first want to thank you for all the great and helpful information you been putting together thru all this weeks on your blog and newsletter!!!!

    My question is: Are you familiar with PPC Domination by Mike Dillard and if you are how do compare it to PPC classroom 2.0?

    Thanks Eric and apreciatte all your help and support!!!

    Rogerio Ribeiro

  5. Eric Post author

    I am not familiar with PPC Domination… hopefully another ET reader can provide an opinion!

  6. Luis

    Thank Eric for your honest opinion. I always see your review before getting a new product. You think is needed to be more that 3 month in the program. Or the DVD explain alot.

  7. Graeme - from down under

    Hey Eric,

    PPC Classroom 2.0 isn’t exactly FREE as such… yes you get to trial it for 30 days, but thereafter it’s $97/month. Yes you get the 77 minute DVD free but that’s all… unless I have misread the sales blurb!

    Regards, Graeme

  8. Scott Atwood

    Hi Eric – I just wanted to say Thanks for the review. Really. As we all know – most reviews are simply to get you to Buy. Yours actually reviews the product in a helpful manner. Bravo!
    ((My daughter sent me photos of her riding camels in the Thar Desert last March – very interesting)).

  9. Artemas

    Hi Eric,

    I thought I had posted this earlier, but apparently not. So I’m trying again.

    First, I’d like to echo what Rogerio said above. Thank you so much for providing your free lessons. I think your Tips are invaluable for artists like me who are trying to learn about online marketing and how we can apply it in our careers. So I’ve put in a good word and included a link to Erics Tips on my websites — http://www.richardgrassi.com/home (“Links” page) and http://www.go-artstudio.com/1.html (“Resources” page).

    Regarding your helpful review of PPC Classroom, well, it’s initially free in terms of money investment and that’s certainly commendable. But I wonder how much it would cost in terms of time investment before it proves its worth for artsy-farsty newbies like me. Should it be viewed primarily as an alternative stream of income or can it also be used indirectly to bolster traffic and eventually sales of our artwork and art-related products such as books, posters, prints, etc.)…? Making a living as a visual artist these days is challenging to say the least, but I believe it’s achievable. And I’m determined to do so with the help of the internet. Any advice from you or from my fellow students would be greatly appreciated.
    In the meantime, thanks again Eric for your generosity and professionalism!

    Artemas (RG)

  10. Innocent

    Thank you so much Eric for always giving honest and indept reviews. Now I know what to expect in PPC Classroom when I subscribe.

    But Eric, why are some marketers giving their best and expensive products away for free if anyone subscribes through their links, considering that the course is free? Are there hidden charges in the PPC Classroom offer we don’t know?

    Once again, thank you for your teachings, and welcome back from India.

  11. Patty

    I have started your lessons, I am a newbe but I can understand you perfectly. I signed up to my data team for online marketing and have done absolutly nothing I spent money and time and was rewarded with zero in my paydotcom account. I am looking forward to learning all I can. I was let go from my 6.5 yrs job and have lost faith as an employee and want to be my own boss. Thank you for giving me the faith to believe again.

  12. Eric Post author

    I know its a little confusing, but PPC Classroom 2.0 really is free. On the order form it says “Lifetime Access to the renowned PPC Classroom 2.0 and all updates for life”.

    The 30 day trial is for their Inner Circle.

  13. Eric Post author

    It really depends on your desired business model. Some marketers are doing well using PPC as their main source of income, while others (like me) use it as a secondary income stream.

    Yes you can use it to send traffic and drive sales of your own products, such as art (and I encourage you to do so). In the course, you would skip the affiliate stuff, and focus on the PPC methods.

  14. Eric Post author

    Good question. There are no “hidden” fees, but there are upsells, including the Inner Circle which is $97/month. If customers purchase the upsells, or remain a member of the inner circle, the affiliate earns commission. For me, that is only a small part of why I’m recommending the program. Reason #1 is that it’s a high quality free resource for my subscribers to learn from. Reason #2 is I’ve been friends with Anik for a couple years and wanted to help him out. Reason #3 is the commissions.

  15. La Vie Viennoise

    Hello fellow readers,

    I’ve done business with Anik twice, paying for products.

    Both times he has continued to charge my credit card for unwanted memberships despite repeated emails to his team asking for the membership to be cancelled.

    You only find out that they haven’t stopped when you check your credit card statements. It took a couple of very tough telephone calls to get them to put an end to the charges and reverse the unwanted charges.

    If you take up this “free” offer, expecting to be fighting off at least $200 in unwanted charges.

    Cordial regards,


  16. La Vie Viennoise


    Did you delete my comment about real past business experiences with Anik?, i.e. unwanted charges.

    Wow. I’m pretty shocked. If that’s not the case, my apologies.

  17. La Vie Viennoise

    Thanks Eric.

    Akismet can really cause a lot of trouble. We see a lot of false positives. I’ve experimented with WP-SpamFree but on some weblogs WP-SpamFree has prevented people from commenting.

    Good to know you are still fighting the good fight.

  18. Artemas

    Thanks for your speedy reply Eric! OK, I’ll focus on the PPC methods rather than the affiliate stuff… Your lessons really are very helpful.

  19. steve

    hi there,

    Actually it was for this reason why i didnt want to go for this offer. because i have heard time and again people trying to cancel before the end of the free trial and cant. And they get hit with the charges of unwanted membership.

  20. Wayne

    Hi Eric,

    When will we see Lesson #33? I have caught up and eagerly await the remaining lessons. I mistakenly thought you were well ahead of me and that I had many more lessons to view before I “caught up” with you. When do you expect to have them all completed? (From the goals lesson,) Do you have a deadline?



  21. Eric Post author

    Lesson 33 will be posted within the next 5 days. I do not have a specific deadline for all of them to be completed, because I don’t want to let anyone down if I don’t hit my goal… but I can tell you I’m hoping to get at least 10 lessons done in the next month.

  22. Eric Post author

    Ok, I talked to Anik’s affiliate manager, and he informed me that customers can cancel the subscription on their own without even needing to contact anyone. He said they just need to log into their profile page, then go to ‘Edit Profile’ then down to ‘Manage Subscriptions’ and click ‘Cancel.’

  23. Tom

    Hi Eric,

    Anxiously awaiting lesson 33, you are really a good person to teach these things to people when our country is in such tough times. I really believe that the human spirit/desire can make good things happen when times are tough and with people like you helping so many Americans we we can be the next wave of giants and get the country working again.



  24. La Vie Viennoise

    BTW, Ewen’s book which you recommended (don’t see a post for it) looks like a much better and safer offer. You go and buy it at Amazon and keep your credit card information for yourself. Amazon has yet to charge me for items I didn’t order and don’t want (unlike say Anik, Mike Filsaime, Frank Kern to name just a few).

  25. Larry

    Hi Eric:
    I desperately need something that is going to help me make some money on the Internet. You have always been truthful and accurate so I think I’ll give this a try.
    Thanks — Larry

  26. Jeff Smith

    Hello Eric, As one of your newer subscribers I really appreciate your down to earth writing style. You give an unbiased opinion and facts on what you teach and report. I’m glad I found your site! Regards, Jeff Smith

  27. Jaz

    Hello Eric

    I am glad that I have decided to read your email and go through the 6 videos (so far that I have received). I almost bought a $1,300 product that will hand held me step by step.

    I wonder have you heard of them, ‘My Online Income System’ by Unity Marketing.

    Phew… with your great guidance, I don’t think it is necessary to spend those money at all.

    Thank you & God Bless You.


  28. Graham

    Dear Eric,

    how can i act correctly in your eyes?I am sorry I did not sought for your permission,with your kind heart,can you pardon me?This will enable me start all over your lectures again,which i have already embarked upon from lecture #6.

    Is it also right to do well by the man who shows you worship,and above all when he stands in need?You see,Sir,i am still in quest for these materials to enable me start fully.

    I have been away on course,and I am through with my programs,I had a very difficult experience at the onset.I spent some of my school stepends to see if i can create a website which was not fruitful.Again,I was also battling on how to secure a Pay-pal account.They were all unfruitful.

    Now,I speak this prayer for you that the sun’s right magnificience shall break all barriers for all the happiness life can give across the internet marketing world.That also,I am ready to hearken to your lectures.

    Now it is the time to talk to you of this,now it is no time for long speeches.I require your utmost assistance so as to come back on track.I am poor,i hadn’t money to go schooling,it was tough!

    Just take care Sir,and welcom back from your trip.Also looking ahead for lecture #33

    Your Student,


  29. stan

    I am waiting for wordpress lesson.
    I know people use it just for blogging and also for adsense site.

    But please teach us also how to use it to use for : affiliate sites.

    When we use ppc, we need to send the visitor to a specific landing page etc.

    Hope your lesson covers these.

  30. Jennifer Eden Cruz


    I have enrolled in PPC classroom and yes as someone who is just starting learning about ppc, PPC classroom is a great source of information and study center. I am really enjoying and learning a lot.


  31. Dez Futak

    Hi Eric – good review about PPC Classroom 2.0

    I signed up & am also happy to pay the $97/month for the inner circle stuff. As an Arbitrage Conspiracy member as well, and active in both courses, I concur that AC offers much higher level stuff compared to the 9 free modules of PPC Classroom2.0 ..but the $97/mo includes more advanced modules which I presume will including ramping up strategies that Aymen & Emmanuel teach.

    I’m enjoying doing both courses, and they both have their place. I’ve pretty much cut my teeth on the basics of PPC through doing the steps that Aymen & Emmanuel have been teaching, but I’m still getting alot of value out of PPC Classroom 2.0, as Amit’s methodical teaching materials in the 9 modules do fill in some of the gaps – or perhaps more accuratly, *remind* me of things Emmanuel has said in the AC training videos.

    So, if you can afford both, both are useful…but if budget is a big concern, the PPC Classroom 2.0 fits better with a more limited cashflow & will enable you to use more cash on the initial investment needed to get to grips with PPC Search-engine marketing.




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