Snowed In!

By | December 21, 2006

Edition #103 – 12/21/2006

Yes I live in Colorado, and yes–I am literally trapped in the snow. I couldn’t leave my house if I wanted to. At least not until the snowplow gets to our neighborhood, and even then they don’t always plow our cul-de-sac.

My son is out working on the driveway right now (what else are sons for?)…check out the view when we opened the garage door:

Shoveling snow

Fortunately, we don’t have it that bad. By that, I mean we have plenty of heat, food, and yes–internet service!

I really feel bad for all the people who won’t be able to get where they needed to go for the holidays, and I am grateful I’ve got everything I need right here…including my work 🙂

I do need your help though.

A couple of days ago, our outside faucet froze (stupid me left the hose attached), the pipe burst and water poured into the wall all night long. By the time we noticed it, our basement carpet was soaked, as water filled the wall and came out through the drywall.

Check it out…

Broken pipe

Fortunately, we were able to get the pipe replaced just before this blizzard hit. So being the good internet marketer that I am, I’ve put together a nice little firesale to pay for the repairs!


Eric’s Frozen Pipe Firesale

(Firesale removed – no longer available)

Well I better head out and help with the driveway or it’ll never get done.

As always, you can leave your comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

38 thoughts on “Snowed In!

  1. Larry Crawford

    I have a Home Business that has a product that will help get rid of odors, mildew, etc. Take a look at my website use guest to enter site, has lots of info would like your feedback. Also my company sponsored site at it show all the products we have and info too. Just thought you might need it if odors and mildew set-in from the water.

    Have A Great Holidays
    Thanks God Bless

    Larry Crawford

  2. Shawn

    Hey Eric,

    I grabbed your VIP interactive site creator to see what quality it’s up to. It didn’t say the hardware requirement etc. But the functions sound attractive enough. Just out of a programmer curiosity, I’m checking it out.

    I’m at southern California, where I could only envy you on the snow around. Since you already set up the firesale, you may post a couple of more snow pictures here, maybe snowman work from your son and you, snow ball fighting fun…

    Merry Christmas & happy new year to you and your family, and the big internet marketer group.

    Life without internet is unbearable ?!

  3. John McCabe

    Eric, we had the exact same thing happen several years ago. The fan will help. If you can, also try turning your thermostat fan to full on, so it blows all the time. That will help circulate the moist air from the basement to other places in the house which can probably use it this time of year. You should also try to get some of that air circulating up between the ceiling and the floor to help dry out the insulation before any mold can start growing. Good luck on the snow, your photo was a good reminder of why I moved to Florida from Nebraska…

  4. Michaela

    Hi Eric,

    We are stuck in the snow here in Colorado Springs too 🙂

    Stay warm and have a Merry Christmas


  5. Donna

    I am spending limited ‘frozen’ Eric’s in Arizona! Paypal has frozen me, my bank has frozen me! I think they think I have a spending problem. I have to wait it out myself. I cannot spend anymore money till all the spending payments so through.
    I remember the snow in northern Ohio, I miss it sometimes, but mostly ‘NOT’. Merry Christmas from Arizona! The temperature is 43 degrees right now! At least it is not -43 degrees!

  6. Criss Bertling

    Hi Eric
    You are one of the FEW people whose list I am still on. You are “real” and honest and I trust you. Isn’t that what it’s about in this business?
    I’m sorry about your difficulties. I used to live outside of Detroit so I am having “war flashbacks” as I look at your photos here. BUT..
    I am living in sunny South Florida now where such things are only something we watch on TV. Woo Hoo!
    Have a Merry Christmas – in spite of the problems, and a prosperous New Year.

    Criss Bertling
    PS – Be sure to reward that darling son of yours!

  7. Terry

    Hi Eric,
    I’m in Southern CA now but came here from Boulder a few years ago. I don’t miss the snow at all! It looks like fun until pipes burst or the plow doesn’t show up for several days! Am I glad I’m here? Oh yeah (sunny and mid 60s)! Stay warm and have a happy and healthy New Year.

  8. Nancy

    I too live in the snowed in state of Colorado Eric.
    Smack dab in Denver to boot.
    Sorry about your problem.
    One year our pipes froze from the pip going to the outside. A plumber said to thaw it out slowly by putting an electric hair drier blowing on it. Of course it has to be held there for a while..but we got it thawed out without it bursting.
    I realize this doesn’t help with your problem, just thought I’d ad it in in case anybody else had frozen pipes. (What a drag !)
    Eric, this is the first time I’ve ever seen Denver vertually “shut down” Roads closed,
    Keep the faith..we will thaw out lol
    Merry Christmas to you and yours,

  9. Nancy Fahey

    And you have that adorable little boy out there with a shovel as big as he is?

    Makes a great picture though…… he is a handsome little guy 🙂

    We don’t get much snow here in Gainesville, GA, but I grew up in the frozen north and now how it is. Glad you are all warm and toasty and I know you’ll get your water damage fixed.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  10. Leslie

    Hi Eric, I am just north of you near Wellington. You guys have all the fun! We didn’t get nearly that much snow, only a few drifts (of course just where I need to go). They just said on the radio that I-25 is open to Wyoming. Have a Merry and Very White Christmas!

  11. Les Tatum

    Hi Eric,

    Although we don’t get much snow here in Texas, I got a taste of what you are going through last year. I spent all last Christmas holiday under our house replacing most of the pipes. It got down to about 14 degrees one night and a pipe broke, upon trying to fix the break I noticed that most of the pipes were old and falling apart, our house was built in 1940, so I had to replace all of them. It wouldn’t have been so bad except there was about 2 feet of space from the floor to the ground and the ground was a big mudhole lol. I spent the whole holiday working on it, yes even Christmas eve and day while my family was celebrating. So enjoy the snow if you can, and feel blessed that you have a basement, lol.

  12. Edith Leonard

    Hi Eric.

    It is a bit late for this, but there is always snow in Colo. in
    the Winter, But try checking your hardware store for heat tapes/
    Might use the phone instead of the internet for this. Saves on gas.
    I guess Boulder wins the trophy for more snow. News said 33″
    as of last night. We used to live at 8500 ft on the way to Loveland
    Pass. Going up on the Pass on a moonlit night is a real fairyland.
    Someone should get pictures. Happy Holidays to all from Central
    Oregon (40 degrees here.NO SNOW) only in the mountains.
    God Bless You all Edith

  13. said hassan


  14. Judy Harvey

    Oh Eric –

    I could do with some snow here in Adelaide, South Australia! It’s summer time and SO hot!
    I could send some heat your way to melt that snow and dry out your house.
    How about it?
    How old is your little boy? He’s doing a great job!

    all the best

  15. Jill

    Dear Eric
    Well, of course, if you must live on the other side of the world……here in Tropical Australia we are preparing for another sweltering day – but I can hear the Pacific Ocean lazily plopping its waves onto the beach, and a cool breeze is rustling through the coconut trees….
    I like your approach to potential clients – simple and not pushy, without the shrieking red capitals! So I read them all. Thanks.

  16. Josephine

    Hi Eric
    Take a look at my original site and you will see where I live, above the Tropic of Capricorn. Nic weather except we need rain.
    Merry Christmas

  17. Rose Johnson

    Hi Eric

    I’m sorry to hear about your pipe. I am an Air Force Vet, and was stationed in Denver at one time. Being from Sunny Florida ( Orlando )….I must admit, I don’t miss the snow there in Colorado at all. Good luck with that situation and have a wonderful Holiday Season. Your Son is just adorable! Take Care and keep us informed.


  18. Rose Johnson


    By the way, thanks for all you info, help, products and services.


  19. Keith Stieneke

    Hi Eric,

    Sorry to hear about your little mishap. Cold weather can be a pain. Here in Lincoln Nebraska we’ve only been getting rain but if it freezes we are in trouble as the roads will be very dangerous. At least y ou’re having a White Christmas; I wish we were.

    Merry Christmas and may God bless you and yours,
    Keith Stieneke

  20. Jim Hall

    Hi Eric,
    Being raised and living on Maui for the last 37 years I’ve yet to be in anything worth calling snow. Sand just isn’t the same. I don’t envy your repairs. Our sprinkers turned on last night and there was air in the lines. Every pipe began rattling and pounding in the walls. The knob on the tub even flew off the valve. My 3 yr old grandson was racing around after me and thinking that there was another earthquake. He keeps asking about it.
    I’m hoping one day to stay home and make enough to go and work from any place I can get an internet connection.
    Good luck and hope it’s comfortable.
    Jim Hall

    P.S. I have a photo gallery on my site in case looking at Maui might help warm you up.

  21. Mike L.

    Hey Eric,

    Bursting pipes, I know all about them having come home from work once to six inches of water in my basement! My pipe burst due to lack of insulation and by looking at that picture of yours, I’d say that you risk it bursting AGAIN unless you insulate it this time.

    I installed a shut-off valve in mine on the inside where it is insulated, and in winter I simply close it and open the spiggot valve outside, depressurizing that part of the line and leaving nothing in the pipe to freeze.

    While you’re at it, you may as well insulate that air duct as well, a huge source of heat loss in cold regions. I know about that too.

    Anyway, Happy Holidays to you!

  22. Joe Sansoucie

    Born in Missouri, moved to California at 5 years old and I would not go back today for anything. lol 🙂 In California we are chilly but the skys are blue and clear and no snow anywhere except Big Bear. Too bad about the pipe, my uncles cabin had frozen pipes once but they didn’t burst. I do remember a frozen 68 camaro starter motor in Big bear… lol At least you can make a snowman and Christmas looks like Christmas! Here is only feels like it. 🙂

  23. nick dean

    Hi Eric and Have a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year ahead!

    We have summer all year in Malaysia and u n family are most welcomed to visit…can stay at my place.

    Kind regards.


  24. Larry Godby


    Been there, done that. We only got 20 inches here in Longmont. As I am a bit older with no kids at home I spent a couple of hours with the snow blower in our place and our neighbors. I love spitting snow 20 feet in the air. We want to move to Pagosa Springs so I thought I needed a bit of practice with the deep snow. Loved the firesale, just keep warm.


    Desire, Ask, Believe, Receive

  25. Jonathan Myers

    Hi Eric,

    First, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Sorry to hear about your burst pipe. I’m hoping you had a good plumber make your repairs, and he was smart enough to suggest installing a freeze proof faucet to replace the existing one. This type of faucet has the valve seat 12″-18″ from the spigot, so that when you turn it off, the water in the line from the valve to the spigot drains, thereby avoiding a freeze situation. The length you would need depends on the wall thickness through which the pipe is installed. This product should be on every exterior faucet in every home in cold weather areas, it saves so much grief. This works better and is safer than the heat tape method of protection. The other fix stated above, installing a valve 2 – 3 feet inside the heated area, which can be turned off and the faucet drained, is basically the same cure, in a home brew fashion. Either is equally effective.
    Hope all is well now, and you can focus on enjoying the Holidays.

    Keep up the great work,

  26. Deepak Adke

    Hi Eric,

    Hope your all teh problems will get solved i will pray thee god.

    Any your cute handsome Kid is quite Genegetic and helpfull natture,

    By the way, i stay in india and never had problems of snow you are facing. Infact my friends Debbie from uk and Irina from Russia are coming to india due to the snow fall and problems they are facing and they want to libe with me in Trpoical climate and they want to stay with me whole life. Hope their problems and Dreams come true.

    erry Christmas and Happy new Year and Hope the God takes our dreams as expected tp new Heoghts..

    Cya Dude


  27. KP Wong

    Hi Eric,

    Greeting in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    This is Wong, a newbie to internet world.
    Indeed, it is true that Christmas is all about Christ. I am thankful that you have mentioned that and make known to everybody in your blog. Thanks for reminding us that the Main Theme for Christmas is Lord Jesus Christ.

    In fact, it is not about Mr.Santa or some other things. Bible says that mankind has a problem, and that problem is called sin. The Bible also tells us that God loved us so much that he sent Jesus, His only Son, to die in our place (John 3:16). Jesus paid the penalty of our sin so that we would not be forever separated from God (I John 4:10). And Jesus is the only solution for our sin problem (John 14:6).

    Yes,He has come to save us from sin and whoever choose to believe in Him shall have eternity. This is the greatest gift that God has given us.

    Surely, it is by His grace that we are who we are today, eventhough sometimes things goes smoothly and sometimes not. But we know all things work well together. As long we live according to His Will, we will learn the Will of God in our life.

    I hope everyone of us accept this free gift of salvation and share His love with others. Let’s start “counting” His grace in our life with a thankful heart.

    Those who wish to accept Jesus Christ as savior and wish to start a new life, you may pray like this;

    Father in Heaven,
    I know that I am a sinner
    and need forgiveness.
    I believe that Your Son Jesus
    died in my place,
    to pay the penalty for my sin,
    and rose again for my salvation.
    I want to turn from my sinful ways,
    so I now ask you,
    Lord Jesus, to come
    into my life as my Savior
    and my Lord.
    In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

    If you have prayed accordingly with a sincere heart, we welcome you to the family of Christ.To grow in Christ, you may go to for further study. You will find your answers there.

    Merry Christmas And Have a Blessed New Year.

    KP Wong

  28. Ken

    Hi Eric,

    Sadly, been there. First year in Anchorage, Alaska. Didn’t know about the type of outside hose connections they use there. The valve is positioned inside the house, wall or crawl space, etc, and insulated and has a long delivery tube to take the water to the connection outside. With the hose off or laid flat the delivery tube drains. I also left the hose connected, most of the winter. The freeze broke the delivery tube on two valves. Didn’t discover the leak until the following spring when I went to use the hose outside. Had to cut into two walls to replace the faucets. Didn’t have it near as bad as you though. I feel for you my friend. Wish I was closer and could help. By the way, you might want to look into replacing yours with that type of faucet. They make them with the valve as much as 18″ inside the house.

    Of course, there are always some smart alecs that have to rub your nose in it and tell you how nice it is to still be warm and balmy, say like in Australia.

    Hoping this doesn’t mess with your holidays. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

    Haven’t looked at your sale yet but on my way there now.

    The very best to you and your family.


  29. Saundra Jackson

    White Christmases can be fun. We are having usually warm temperatures. The life of a homeowner is not always easy but it is the American Dream.

    Eric, Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and your sale should be a real blessing. I did a “dontturnoffmyelectric sale” a few weeks ago when I got my end of the year bill ( on the budget plan). I love the Internet

  30. Elitsa Asenova

    Hi Eric,

    I want to thank you for your feedback and incredible support.

    I read your posts and I must confess that your subscribers, customers and friends have the real chance to learn and use incredible tips and resources.
    I’m one of that lucky humans. 🙂

    I am leaving you now with a thought from Eleonor Roosevelt who says:
    “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”.

    Thanks again for your great assistance.

    I wish you unforgettable and invincible New Year!
    I hope to see you in the upcoming seminars next year. 🙂

    Merry Christmas and Happy New 2007!

    Elitsa Asenova

  31. Timothy


    Hope you are enjoying your white Christmas, its been raining for days here in Singapore.

    Have a Fantastic Christmas and a Happy New Year

  32. Bernadette


    I am also in Denver Metro, Colorado. I finally got my car dug out yesterday. Unfortunately when you are disabled things takes a bit longer than it does for other folks. But my daughter and nephews were glad for the snow, that meant they got on Christmas break 3 days earlier. hahahaha…

    Well I hope you and your family as well as all your readers have a wonderful holiday season.


    p.s. how is the new baby doing and mommy too?

  33. Ted

    Eric; that poor son of yours. Did you realy put him up to that pile of snow?? I would love to hear your defense. Ted

  34. Gary Hoffman

    Hi Eric,
    I am in the central lower pennisula of Michigan right now but have lived for years in the upper pennisula. My children still live there along with my three granbabies. One of which is about the same age as your son. The snow shot reminded ;me of one of the biggest snow falls of 32 inches over nite. It was a cold dry snow and my wife has a picture of me blowing snow and the only thing visible is the plume of snow coming up out of the chute and my hands, on the controls, just above the snow.
    The mans suggestion of using an ecoquest air freshner is a good one. I have one and they are wonderful. Your family will have very little sickness or colds if one is used as directed. It uses the same technology that they use in the space shuttle to clean its air.
    Gary, Elwell, Michigan

  35. Patty Higuera

    Eric Tips;; had to take my Husband to the Hosp. in Great Falls he had a break down last week DR. could not do any thing for my Husband. talked about his depreson he was so bad he was in the Hosp. for 9 days. doing better . I watch my Husband 24-7 so if any thing happens to him he will go back in the Hosp. we just got home Thursday after noon. would Love to meat you but my Husband needs to be with me need to keep an eye on him . Thanks. would Love to meet your family.

  36. Patty Higuera

    Erics Tips; sorry about your pipes what a mess . you have a cute Son did he realy have shovel all the walk or did you just take a picture of him like that sure is a cute picture of your Son. we live in an apartment on top so we dont get snowed in we live in Montana. hope your house is not to bad sorry about your house. Thanks


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