Happy Thanksgiving 2011

By | November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google traffic strategies. It also includes Master Resale Rights, and comes with a sales page and graphics.

Click here to download… (Zip file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 4th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.

UPDATE: The two winners of the contest (randomly chosen, using Random.org) are Timothy Jordan and Edwin Brown. Congratulations! You will each be getting a free copy of my upcoming product. I’ll email you when it’s released in the next week or so.

Here is something I’m thankful for…

(My 5 kids with t-shirts from Israel. It’s sort of an inside joke in our family. Our home schooled kids had made up a funny song to memorize the bodies of water in the Middle East… so we had to get these shirts when we saw them.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

765 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2011

  1. Rishi

    I am thankful for…

    – the presence of God’s Grace in my life which helps me to overcome any difficulty that I face,

    – the love and care provided by my family,

    – the guidance of my teachers and mentors who helped me achieve my dreams,

    – the company of friends,

    – the joy of pets,

    – and the chance to experience life in its best moments.

  2. Ken Miles Sr

    I am thankful for life, for mine and my wife’s. Over the past 2 1/2 years God has delivered me from prostate cancer, kidney stones, and acute kidney failure 3 times. Over the same period He has sustained my wife who was left in a coma which resulted from a heart attack. I am thankful that even though she has not fully awakened from this affliction God has used this to reach many for His kingdom. My wife is a singer, songwriter, of Gospel music. My sister-in-law and I have a saying that, Lynn has not spoken in all these months but she is still ministering. We have come in contact with people we never would have had we not been visiting with Lynn. God has opened the door for us to minister to medical staff as well as just regular people. I am not a preacher, just a willing soul for God to use. I am thankful for knowing the God who created us and His mercy and grace upon us. I am thankful that some of you reading this post will be encouraged and strengthened through your own difficulties and circumstances, knowing that whatever you go through, God has not forgotten you nor has He forsaken you. Tests and trials do not last always; They have a beginning and an end. And God will not allow you to endure more than what you can handle. I am thankful that my faith rests in the one who has authority over sickness and disease, and who is sovereign. Thank you Eric for permitting us to freely post and share our comments. I bid you the grace and peace of God which are abundantly present, and the love of God which is everlasting and overflowing.

  3. Jack Barker

    I’m thankful for God’s love, mercy, and grace. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father . . . James 1:17

  4. John

    Terrific information. I was lost in the cyberspace trying to make a website and get Google AdSense integrated. I am glad I purchased your package and learned from all your advices. Thanks for the kick start!

  5. Samira

    I thank God for everything in my life.

    Thank you, Eric, for providing such a great trainning absolutely free. I paid for the same thing last year almost 1000 bucks. I wish I knew about your tips before.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Abbas Baba

    Thanks Eric for all your support and gifts.I am thankful for countless things. Whatever problems I may have, when I look around the world at what other people are suffering, I can only count my blessings and remember the Chinese saying: “I wept because I had no shoes until I saw someone with no feet”

  7. Wayne

    Im thankful for all I have, my family, my health and my friends. There are people all over the world that have it worse then most of us, so give thanks for what you do have and above all thank God.

  8. Ki


    Thanks for the Google report! What a lovely family – you have been blessed!

  9. Jan Maré

    Thanks Eric – it is wonderfull to have someone on the www that can provide advice and at the same time openly express his christianity.

  10. Stuart

    Hello All,
    Something I have found profoundly useful is the Abraham-Hicks materials.( .com or YouTube )
    I finally figured out my niche, so I shall resume your excellent lessons.

  11. Saleh Ahmed

    You are a great teacher. I will remember and be thankful to you till the last day of my life.God bless you.

  12. Nick Struan

    Hey Eric + Family, I’m am greatful for so many things, for my great health, for my love of good people, my family, friends and for true lovers of mankind, man I wonder how long it will take all the “guru’s” out there to realise that their ladder to success in standing up the wrong wall. Eric you are one in a million, keep up the good work. Quote “people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care” kindest regards to you all, Nick Struan. Perth, Western Australia

  13. affiliatedave

    Thank you for all your tips and advice. I intend to start my online business in the new year, so your infomative tips are a godsend.

  14. Tami-Jo Saunders

    I am thankful for the opportunity to have been able to go to Israel last year just like you were able to go this year. So I could identify with how you feel about the country.

    I am also grateful that I have I hooked up with you so that definitely I will be able to make some money from my Internet Marketing and go back to Israel. I plan to make this a yearly venture.

  15. Gail

    Thank you Eric for you gift! Your children are SO precious and I love the Shofur.

    I am not sure if I found you or you found me on the internet, but I am very thankful we are connected now!

    I am immensely thankful for my Lord and Saviour, my three children, their spouses, and my five grandchildren… for incredible health and joy, and the outpouring of love and gratitude from you and your readers. What a blessing! Many, many thanks!

  16. Marion

    I am reminded to be thankful and mindful of all that God has provided me with as opposed to focussing on those things I don’t have.

  17. Noble Mitchell

    Eric: I want to thank you for giving out your free tips. They are a great help!!!

    Thanks again and God Bless!!!!
    Noble Mitchell

  18. Timothy Jordan

    Hi Eric, I am thankful that there are still people who use their positive energy for good and not just for profit. You are an inspiration to me indeed. thanks tim

  19. Alvin Taylor

    I am thankful for so much. Most of all right now is my Health. I got TB back in January along with other small things like a bleeding ulser. Thanks to God and our Health Dept here in Louisiana, I am clear of TB now. Still trying to get back so I can work on my websites again. Thanks to you, Eric’s Tips and the Real Coaching Club, and the products I purchased from you and Jeff, I have a great chance to make it BIG in 2012.
    You have a beautiful family. The best thing you can do to take care of them is to take care of Yourself. I know you have had health problems also,I want to suggest a test for low blood sugar {Hypoglycemia} most Doctors do not check for this. Have the two hour test. Tell your wife “hello and thank you for taking care of you.” Hope to meet you some day soon.

  20. Madeleine Jacobs

    What am I thankful for? Everything….let me explain. I am thankful, that over time as I have gotten older, I have become thankful for the difficulties, the obstacles and the challenges in my life. Because they have forced me to face myself; forced me to grow. I have learned how to look deeper into a person and see the real person that they may not always show to the rest of the world. I have learned how to not take anything, or anyone, for granted. I have learned to be thankful for the moment and all that living in the present means. I have learned to find joy in the little things in life. I have learned a measure of peace in a turbulent world. I have learned compassion; even when I have felt that I didn’t have it in me to give.
    Too often, I have been resentful for what others have and what I perceived as ‘things’ that I felt I should have. So I’m thankful for learning that God has placed me exactly where He wants me; exactly when He wants me to be here! And I am deeply thankful for not learning it too late! And that having more ‘things’ doesn’t mean more happiness.
    I am thankful for learning what it means to love, to cherish, to share. I am thankful for learning what joy truly means in the midst of the deepest sorrow.
    And I’m most thankful that God has given me a purpose, no matter how large or small, to give back in some tiny measure, ALL of the blessings he has given me ?

  21. Jonty

    Eric cheers for the thanksgiving gift as if knowing you and your family was not enough of a gift in its self.

  22. Bryan Knight

    Your family has a right to be proud of your work and your generosity in showing entrepreneurs how to emulate your excellent marketing skills.

  23. Phil

    Eric, your kids are beautiful! Congratulations! I have seven of my own and I know it’s a great gift from God.

    God bless.

  24. Agnes

    Thanks for being example about how husbands/fathers can love their families.

    I am thankful to God for my husband, children, friends and business partners like you.
    Stay healed and blessed.

  25. Laura

    I am thankful for having so many more options for my life and business before me. Thank you Lord!

  26. shalie

    I’m thankful to live in a the USA even with all the problems It is still the land of the free and the home of the brave. I can still worship God without threat of harm. I am also Thankful for others generosity and concern for each other.

  27. John wood

    I am thankfull for my two adopted sons. The joy of my life. And for my wife Marie. And to you Eric for being so real in an internet full of scam artists.

  28. Rosemary

    I’m grateful for people like yourself sharing pictures of your beautiful family which brings a big smile to my heart.

  29. Jack Cook


    Happy Thanksgiving and a Blessed Holiday Season filled with Blessings & Joy! Thank you for a the help.

    Jack Cook
    59 Moline St.
    Aurora, CO 80010

  30. Jessica

    I am thankful for family, the freedoms that we have in this country, and 21st century medical technology.

  31. Roy Cox

    ERIC! I’m not tryin to win a contest in sayin something from the heart. I just need to tell you that I’ve been around for 63 years now and been with your site for about 15 years and GOD KNOWS there is’nt a pedistal high enough to put you on you are a one of a kind! The world needs more people like you!! BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!

  32. Sondra

    I cannot get the ebook to download I have sent a ticket request any help will be appreciated tks

  33. Dennis Wells

    Eric Iam Thankful for you and finding you at a time in my life where I was really down I had just lost my mother and i had no longer any faith in people and in the internet Markerting and Affiliate Marketing. You had put back my faith in people and that there is good people out there who care for ohters Thank you Eric for being the person that who you are and may God bless you and your family Thank You

  34. Peter

    I am thankfull for my wife and my children, without whom I would be the person I am today. I am also thankfull to be in a place where I can learn, grow & do more for myself, family and others.


  35. Asma

    I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for good advice. I am thankful for life. Thank you very much for the advice and information you give. You have a beautiful family. I hope all is well for you all as well.

  36. Neil

    I thank you for all the valuable tips and content you give so generously.
    May God bless you and your wonderful family.
    Happy thanksgiving!

  37. Rikki

    Thankful for my personal growth this year that is benefitting friends and family alike. Thanks for being one of my sources of inspiration.


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