Traffic Secrets 2.0 from John Reese

By | July 13, 2008

UPDATE: This review is now outdated, and I do not make any current claims regarding this product. Additionally, I have removed the links from this review. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. To get the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Special Edition – 7/13/2008

The Internet Marketing world is currently buzzing about the release of Traffic Secrets 2.0, by John Reese.

Traffic Secrets 2.0

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is one of the most anticipated launches… ever!

Back in 2004, John launched the original Traffic Secrets home study course, which resulted in his infamous million dollar day (over $1 million of the course was sold in the first 18 hours).

Many lives were changed as a result of the traffic generation methods John taught in the course.

As you may know, a lot has changed on the Internet since 2004, and that’s why the Internet Marketing world has been craving an updated version of the course.

The new course is updated with the latest cutting edge strategies, and John estimates that 85% of the material is brand new (stuff that WASN’T in the original Traffic Secrets course). As far as the content of the course… I feel very little needs to be said. As far as I’m concerned, I’m confident knowing that John Reese is the go-to guy when it comes to web traffic, and he has a long lasting reputation of producing quality material.

Honestly, I wasn’t planning on promoting this. In fact, I’ve become very cautious about promoting other people’s products directly on Eric’s Tips.

If you’ve watched my video lessons, you may recall from Lesson #3 I said to “stop buying stuff that you don’t need!” And yes, that rule DOES apply to this product too!

But there were a few factors that tipped the scale in this instance, which I felt warranted me writing about it.

First, I expected this to be another BIG ticket home study course. The original Traffic Secrets was $997. Recently we’ve seen successful launches of $1997 products like Product Launch Formula 2, Mass Control, and the List Pros course. So I expected the price to be at least $997, with a likely price point of $1997.

However, I was surprised to learn that John is taking a different approach. He’s selling Traffic Secrets 2.0 for only $397. So right off the bat, I feel good about the price, knowing that it’s clearly not bloated and overly inflated by hype.

Next, there are NO upsells… no “one time offers”…. no increasing price countdowns… no fake limits. In other words, he’s decided to try a no-hype approach to the sale itself.

Whether that’s a smart move from a marketing standpoint remains to be seen, but I certainly appreciate the effort.

Lastly, I was impressed by the simple format of the learning system he’s created. This is by no means a “thrown together” collection of all of his techniques. It’s really a step-by-step system designed to be followed by Internet marketers of all skill levels.

So should you buy it?

I would say a strong maybe.

If you don’t know why you’re buying it, don’t buy it.

If you think it’s a magic bullet that’s going to build your business for you, don’t buy it (Keep in mind that this is a TRAFFIC course, not a complete business building course.)

If you’re at a place in your business where you’re ready for web traffic, and you have $400 to invest, I would say yes– buy it.

Just to let you know, I will be covering many traffic generation methods in my free lessons. In fact, there will be approximately 15-20 lessons devoted to traffic.

However, there’s no way I could cover as much ground and teach everything that he teaches in his course, without spending a year creating a separate course devoted to web traffic.

Can you build a successful online business without John Reese’s course? Absolutely. I certainly did.

But is it worth a $400 investment if you can afford it? Absolutely. I often spend that much per DAY on paid traffic, so it’s easy to see how a one time price paid for these traffic generation techniques could have a very good return on investment.

If you would like to get more information and details about the course, feel free to check it out via my affiliate link:

(link removed)

Just remember my saying, “Don’t buy it if you don’t need it”. In other words, if you don’t need a course about traffic generation, don’t buy it. But if you need web traffic and you don’t know how to get it, I think this is a product worthy of consideration.

As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

Have a great day!

52 thoughts on “Traffic Secrets 2.0 from John Reese

  1. Bill

    I might come back to this one and get the product once I can afford it,which want be long now once I have the tools and knowledge prvided in these lessons and what I have picked up from others. Thank You From Texas

  2. John

    This sounds like something I’d like to get into After the business begins to make money.


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