Yahoo Acquires

By | December 11, 2005

Edition #11 – 12/11/2005

In a move that was easily predicted, and not the least bit surprising to me, Yahoo acquired, the social bookmarking site favored by many bloggers. From the blog…

We’re proud to announce that has joined the Yahoo! family. Together we’ll continue to improve how people discover, remember and share on the Internet, with a big emphasis on the power of community. We’re excited to be working with the Yahoo! Search team – they definitely get social systems and their potential to change the web. (We’re also excited to be joining our fraternal twin Flickr!)

We want to thank everyone who has helped us along the way – our employees, our great investors and advisors, and especially our users. We still want to get your feedback, and we look forward to bringing you new features and more servers in the future.

I look forward to continuing my vision of social and community memory, and taking it to the next level with the community and Yahoo!

Like Flickr, someone just had to buy for fear of losing it to their competitors. No numbers have been released, but rumor has it that the deal may have been in the $15-30 Mil range.

Moral of story: If you want to get rich building a website, here are the secret ingredients…

– A free service needed by bloggers
– Must be something new
– Leverage the power of the blogosphere to spread the word
– Get hundreds of thousands of bloggers using your service
– Make the search engines scared that their competitor might buy your site
– Sit back and collect your millions

One thought on “Yahoo Acquires

  1. bushwick jennifer

    Hay E,

    It’s nice to go to the school of Hard Knocks as a student. It is so real life. Just like my website, but with a different twist. Thanks for the knowledge. Each one teach one.


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