Blog Submitter Pro Review

By | October 28, 2005

UPDATE: This review is now outdated, and I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. As you’ll see in my subsequent review, I never recommended the product anyway. This method was “spammy” to begin with, which never resonated well with me. I tried it ONE time, and was impressed with the results. But as other marketers got ahold of it, it became ridiculous. Programs like this are a big part of how blog comment spam became such a huge problem. Of course some good things came out of the comment-spam issue, like new technology to protect our blogs from spam. Also, please note that I no longer own the site that I used in the example. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #5 – 10/28/2005

Today I decided to bite the bullet and pick up a copy of Blog Submitter Pro. I was meaning to buy it a couple months ago, but got really busy with other projects, etc. Boy was that a mistake! Back then, the price was only $149 and I could have bought it from my own affiliate link which would have effectively made the price only $75! I should have heeded the warning at the bottom of the page that said they were going to raise the price. Today I paid $249 for the program. Ouch. It was a tough pill to swallow, knowing I could have had it for $75, but this time I’m heeding their warning because soon the price will be $349. Overall, the investment still makes good sense because I typically spend about double this amount just on paid clicks every day, so if the system brings me some targeted traffic it will be well worth it.

Basically this program allows you to mass-submit personalized comments to blogs in such a way that you are not considered to be a spammer (UPDATE: after trying it I learned that it is actually very spammy).

First of all let me tell you this. Earlier in the day I made the mistake of buying a cheaper blog-comment-submitter for $50, thinking it would essentially do the same thing. Wrong! I couldn’t even use the cheaper program because it would be sure to tick-off blog owners and could cause me to get banned by the search engines. I’m not going to mention any names … It really doesn’t matter anyway, because there’s always going to be cheap imitations out there. Just take my advice and don’t buy the cheaper ones.

I’m going to conduct a public experiment to see how well this program works. For the experiment I’m going to see if I can boost the ranking of one of my blogs. I’m going to use four criteria to judge the ranking:

#1) Google placement for the keyword ugly blog (no quotes). As you can see, this blog is currently #8 in the search results.

Google results placement

#2) Number of backlinks listed on Google. As you can see there are currently two links listed, one of them being from this site.

Google backlinks

#3) Technorati rank. As you will see, this site is currently ranked 775,745 (1 link from 1 site), with 2 links in the last 30 days.

Technorati rank

#4) Technorati “blog worth” button. As you can see, the current “value” of this blog is $1,129.08

Technorati blog worth

Basically, I will be leaving a series of comments in other people’s blogs which link back to this blog. The ironic part about this experiment is that if those blog owners follow the link and read my blog they may see this experiment and realize that the comment was left using an automated system. That’s OK though because I have nothing to hide. I’ll be using the tool to the best of its ability to leave relevant, personalized comments which do not detract from the owner’s blog. I’ve also installed an automatic referral backlink script on my blog, so those blog owners will actually be getting a link back from me as well when someone clicks on the link in my comment.

I’ll provide an update as soon as I start seeing some results, and then give a final report probably in a couple months or so.

11 thoughts on “Blog Submitter Pro Review

  1. Pingback: Eric’s Tips » Blog Archive » Blog Submitter Pro v.Search Review

  2. firebunny

    I would advise you to try Blogs Autofiller. It is twice cheaper than
    Blog Submitter pro and it has great support team to answer all of your
    questions. I use Blogs Autofiller for 2 monthes and I increased traffic
    to my site at 10 times.

    url –

  3. Ivash

    You know, when I firstly saw Blogs Auto Filler, I supposed that it
    is some kind of black hat software. It uses search engines to get blogs
    to post and also it uses proxy to hide user’s IP. I downloaded trial
    and I started to test Blogs Auto Filler. It showed great results as for
    me. Even in trial I found that it post to almost all not protected
    blogs and www board. I found that using good keywords to search I can
    post my advertising to many popular blogs. And also Oksima provides
    good free tool – keyword generator. It is located at
    It generates up to 100 relevant keywords for your advertising. Also
    available a paid version of keyword generator which renerates more than
    2000 relevant keywords. In addition I can tell that when I bought Blogs
    Auto Filler I got a free bonus – Fake Referrals skript. I wonder why do
    I need it untill I visited

    site. This tool is being sold separately from Blogs Auto Filler and it
    costs just $35. I tried instructions, which I found on the site and I
    was very glad that I got it for free
    . It is very powerfull tool to make your site listed in search engines
    without any resiprocal linking or something like that. Just visit the
    site and you’ll realize why do you need this tool
    As for me, it brought my site to high positions in ratings, along with
    Blogs Auto Filler. So, in pair those 2 tools are really great SEO. Do
    not worry if price is too low It is not problem, it is benefit [as for me as a customer] And, you know, this team has really fast support, I wonder how can they reply so fast


  4. Norman J Sawyer

    Even though I have not personally introduced myself, I regard you as one of the most ethical Internet Marketers out there. I am enrolled into your online webinars, ERIC’S TIPS.

    I am also enrolled in an online educational program in Web Design at Westwood College. My class in Fundamentals of Design is giving me the opportunity to interview one person who is in a career field related to mine.

    If you could be so kind and give a look at the five questions I have here and maybe put more of a face to the Internet Marketing career field, I would greatly appreciate it.
    I figure the more I know the better I will adjust to the many aspects of it.

    1. What were the educational requirements that best helped you prepare for being an Internet Marketer/Web Designer?
    2. Website promotion is I believe one secret to success. What characteristics must a website contain as to deserve your attention?
    3. Is there such a thing as a guidebook in that its layout helps one know which steps to take first, second, and so on, and if there is, what is its name or the name of literature you would recommend?
    4. With what segment of internet marketing do you most equate yourself?
    5. Can you please describe a typical day, “At The Office?”

    Taking the time to enlighten me on some of the things that you find valuable in your career is important to me, and I thank you Eric.

    Best wishes,

    Norman J Sawyer


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