The New Eric’s Tips

By | June 9, 2008

Edition #170

In case you’ve missed the conversation, please go back and read why I’m changing Eric’s Tips.

Tomorrow I will be posting the first lesson of my new series. I anticipate that the series will last for approximately 120 lessons, and it will cover how to build an online business from A to Z.

There are a few things that I would like to make you aware of before we begin…

1) I’ll be starting at the VERY beginning. In other words, the very first lessons will cover such rudimentary basics like… who is Eric? And what is internet business?

For those of you who are already successful online business owners, please bear with me. Even though I am going to be covering the basics, I’ll also be throwing in advanced tips whenever
I get a chance (and don’t forget… you can post your questions after each lesson).

Trust me, I’ve been doing this a long time, and I’ve used some very advanced techniques that are not known by a lot of people. But in order to get to those techniques, we need to take it step by step.

2) I’ll be putting the entire series onto my autoresponder sequence. If you don’t understand what that means… that’s OK, we’ll be covering it in a future lesson.

It seems to be the most sensible way to do it. After all, there are new people subscribing every day, and it would be best for them to start at Lesson 1 rather than join the series in progress.

Again, this means that the first few lessons you receive are going to be very fundamental. I’ll be re-introducing myself, as if you had never heard of me before.

If you’ve been a long-time subscriber, please bear with me through the formalities 🙂

Regardless of where you are at in your online business, I encourage you to follow along with the lessons. It’s taken me years to get to where I am, and I am going to do my best to teach you everything I know over the next several months.

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

58 thoughts on “The New Eric’s Tips

  1. Sandra

    Dear Eric,

    Thanks for not being so successful that you forgot about people like me who need a helping from A-Z. I have purchased so many programs which turned out to be broken promises.

    I am so glad I found out about your lessons and I planned to watch everyone and take notes and follow the steps. If I get stuck I will ask questions. I will probably get on your nerves from asking so many questions, but I want to learn the ins and outs. I want to be so successful so that I too can reach back and help someone as you are doing for us.

    I Thank GOD for you and may he continue to bless you and your family.

  2. Anne

    I am not only new, I do not even have an idea for a product or service. I know how to set up a domain name, but it’s a difficult task to know what name if you don’t know your product.

    Any suggestions. I had thought about affiliate marketing, however, I don’t know what or who would be good to affiliate with if I do. I have heard of some great success with it, but also that most do not make any money.

  3. Joy Marino


    You really do bring so much value to the marketplace. I value every single email (tip) I get. I just started up a ning network to give business basics to people, because I feel too many people in business are lacking the knowledge they need. Thank you for ALL that you do.
    Joy Marino

  4. sunceria

    Hi Eric
    I would like to say THANK-YOU so much for doing this. I know this will help me to get started and make money to get out of debt.
    God Bless and take care

  5. Shirley Ferlaak

    Dear Eric,
    Yippee!!! I’m so excited to see you doing this. I’ve been stumbling around for over a year, and just as you were mentioning, am too OVERLOADED! I don’t know where to start or stop! I’ve been plugged into PIPS multiple streams of income, but every lesson he gives, not to mention any names, there is another product or service I need to purchase before going on to the next lesson and I just DON’T have the money!! I’m wiped out, financially, making all the wrong mistakes, but, I WILL NOT give up. So, hip hip hooray for you!! I feel like you are an answer to my prayers!
    Good luck and best of all in your future endeavors!
    Shirley Ferlaak

  6. Cyndy

    Hi Eric, Unbelievable! You already nailed it where I am…I did not even sign up for your free bonuses because I was afraid of getting too involved with other stuff that would overwhelm me from doing the lessons. Thank you for not assuming we even know how to do a white list. Everyone talks about it but …so I copied it down on my notepad. Am really looking forward to this course. May you have a very Blessed Day!

  7. Steve

    Thank you for what you are doing Eric by giving back. I hope to be in position one day to do the same. I am a newbie and i have been through a lot of “Gurus sites” and i think God has led me to the one i need to focus on. I am excited to get started. I just want to try to replace my current income. I am not trying to get rich, i am looking for the “time freedom” with my family this opportunity offers. With God’s help and yours i am praying for a successful journey. Thanks again and God Bless you and your Family…


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