Pictures From The Internet Marketing Main Event 2

By | September 20, 2006

Edition #84 – 9/20/2006

I had a good time at The Internet Marketing Main Event in Baltimore over the weekend.

To all of you who came and said hi to me, thank you very much. It was an honor to meet so many Eric’s Tips readers!

We had a fun evening out at my crab dinner…

Crab dinner
It was a traditional Maryland-style crab restaurant where they roll out the brown paper and dump buckets of crabs right on the table. Mmmm…

Here’s the Eric’s Tips crew in front of our Ford Excursion stretch limo, and a couple of special guests (Joel Comm and Brad Fallon) who came along for the evening.

So if you missed out on the fun, be sure to get in next time. I’ll try to give you an earlier notice before the next seminar that I go to. I have a feeling we’ll be doing it up in style again, so you can meet me and some of my marketing buddies while we have a good time πŸ˜‰

There were also some other interesting things that happened. If you remember a recent blog entry that I made, you might recall that I mentioned one of my “rivals” was going to be at the event. Let’s just say things were a bit tense for a moment…

At first it looked like Joel was going to put the smack-down on Cody…

Joel Comm and Cody Moya

And then it seemed Cody was going to exact his revenge on yours truly…

Cody and Eric

But in the end, I managed to make peace with the 6′ 6″ marketer from Poland…

Cody Moya and Eric Holmlund

All in all, it was a nearly sleepless weekend packed with good fun, and great networking. The amount of opportunity provided by this event is absolutely astounding. I found myself just soaking up the wisdom of major internet marketing powerhouses who are making incredible fortunes online.

For anyone who is not already established in the internet marketing community, it would have been a tremendous chance to create JV’s and strategic partnerships.

Only at an event like this will you find marketers in a hotel lobby doing video interviews at 3:00AM in a spur-of-the-moment product creation session.

A lucky group of marketers even got to see me playing the piano in the wee hours of the morning… but I won’t be going on tour anytime soon, so if you want to hear this guy tickling the ivories, you’ll have to keep an eye out for the next time I go to a seminar…and then you’d better be ready for some all-night die-hard networking πŸ˜‰

Well now it’s time for me to get back to work on my project (can you guess what it is?), but I just wanted to take this moment to share a taste of the seminar with you.

As always, you can leave your comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

39 thoughts on “Pictures From The Internet Marketing Main Event 2

  1. Keith Lyttle

    Hi Eric

    I was there it was Awesome! the oportunity’s that i came away with are out standing. I met alot of people there that i have never met that i am sure that there will be some great jv to come out of all this.

    One question i have is a while back i got an email for a contest that Joel is running to send in a picture with this book The Adsense Code and myself. I lost the email or it got deleted dont know which? Can you please email me with where i’am supposed to send my email . I would greatly appreciate it.
    Thank’s for your time.

  2. Ian del Carmen

    Oh, yes! You’re on the radio silent mode… πŸ™‚

    Anywayz, thanks for allowing me to give your readers a HUGE bonus re: Joel Christopher’s Birthday Blowout…

    The money is in the list and we know that so I’ll do the honor to show Joel’s bonanza to fans on your behalf? πŸ˜‰

    Thanks, man! I hope to see you at the next seminar…


  3. Ryan Bessling

    Eric, That party was one of my peak moments the whole weekend. Right at the end the photos with Cody and Joel had everyone at the party cheering. Then Cody got a hold of you in the head lock. It was great! Everyone shook hands in the end. I thought it was awesome how you turn some tension into a great marketing campaign photo opt. I’m sure this story will spark the intrest of others for the next month or so. It gives me a whole new respect for how smart you A listers really are.
    I would also like to thank Jeff Dedrick for the invite to that party! Thanks Jeff!
    As for photos of the event I have posted a viral slide show at the top of my blog at Ryan
    Eric, I wanted to know can I add these 3 photos to my slide show of the weekend?
    I would use as the caption URL.
    It was great meeting you face to face this past weekend Eric.
    I feel like I have known you for a few years, just from being on your list.
    Stay Cool!
    Ryan Bessling

  4. Sabrina O'Malone

    Hey Eric,

    What a sport! If I could’ve been in two places at once I would’ve been there. I was already committed to be in Philadelphia with Nicole C. Mullen and Thelma Wells for a Women of Faith conference. Even though the scheduling conflict was inspiring, faith edifying and fun… I still would’ve loved the opportunity to make it to the internet marketing main event…But at least I did end up with a great picutre of Nicole: holding one of my kids, while talking on the phone with one of her kids, while interacting with fans and posing for a photo shoot. Serious multi-tasking.

    Hopefully you picked up information at the The Internet Marketing Main Event you can translate into future Eric’s Tips…so those of us who couldn’t make it could glean something from your “Non-guru” wisdom!

    Like they say in the Veggie Tales DVD’s “Tell us what you learned today.” Aside from the networking opportunities, were there any take home points that you think everyone should know or at least be doing?

    In His Service,
    Sabrina O

  5. Donna

    Wow… it looks like a great time was had by all… in spite of the intense competition. Was this the first time Joel & Cody ever met face to face? Funny, he doesn’t look at all like I had him pictured… it’s interesting when someone never posts their photo on a website – you get some inkling in your mind of how they look. I had him pictured in the twenties age group like most of the giants online….

    I hope to meet all of you one day. That crab dinner looks yummy – I’ve never eaten fresh crab, and certainly not any kind served like that. It looks amazing. Bet everyone went to sleep full as a tick. πŸ™‚

    Keep up your great blog… I always read it.


  6. Kyle Battis


    It was a pleasure meeting you this past weekend and the seminar was great! Nice job on the Piano by the way. Hell of a performance.

    I look forward to recieving your newsletter.

    All the best,

    Kyle Battis

  7. Bruce LeClerc


    Interesting turn of events. I have you to thank for alerting us about the many “faces” of Guru’s and for helping me clean out my mailboxes and delete many of those that are simply out to grab your money and could care less about building a real relationship with their clients.

    Because of your posts, I also have seen that I am not alone in my opinion and that hundreds are unsubscribing from the “lists” that they have been on as they also are fed up with all this demonstrated lack of integrity. Hundreds may not amount to much in the scheme of things, but I will say that my email boxes are now manageable and so I am grateful for your previous posts.

    The latest “adsense is dead” thing has exposed another level of hypocrisy and it is now much easier to filter out those that are simply interested in separating a fool from their money and have little integrity and are great examples of the old saying, “If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything”.

    I am thankful for the BFM manuscript as it makes it very easy to see the sites that are out there that I will avoid like the plague or should I say the bird flu “hoax”.

    Disgusted is one word that comes to mind, disillusioned, deceived, disappointed are some others that are feelings that many of us now have regarding this “business”.

    Farewell to greed and hello to integrity would be a nice change to see from many of these “Guru’s”,

    Bruce LeClerc

  8. Helene

    Hi Eric,

    I love the pictures. I’m sending them to everyone I know. Thanks for the crab dinner, and the ride and the party, and and and ….


  9. Scott Ames

    Thank you for the pictures. I just got back from the World Internet Summit in Las Vegas. There are several internet conferences happening all around the same time. Sadly I can’t attend them all.

    I like your comment that you will get info about next year’s seminar earlier. Thank you for that. Sometimes I get a notice about a seminar that I would love to attend but the date is so close that I’m already booked.

  10. Cliff Hammock

    Eric, it looks like you guys really had a fun and productive time. It will be nice when I can get involved in those types of activities. For now, I will just have to live vicariously through you and keep working on My Super Affiliate Journey at Things are really taking off as Ewen Chia selected me to develop, host and manage his Super Affiliate Cloning Program MasterMind Group website. The plan is to go live today.

  11. Mike Lyons

    Hi Eric,

    I was there and had a great time, met a lot awesome people like yourself, Cody,
    Joel, and many more. Missed the tickling of the ivories but I’ll be listening next time.

  12. JerSooz

    Great to see all the Fantastic Pics seems being on West Coast all the Big Events on the East plus don’t have the Crab houses here either … Wahhhhhhhh Wahhhhhh it’s Dungeoness Crab all the way though here so got ya beat … Another thing is Great to hear the Piano Man is not going on tour yet … Can see the Big Promotion Eric’s Adsense Magical Mystery Tour come hear Eric and Make Money Online too …Joel Comm doing backup haha now that would be the day
    Thanks for All Your Help and Great Pics

    Jer&Sooz JerSooz Enterprises

    P.S. Time to come and Walk the Streets of Bakersfield

  13. Joe Lavery


    Seminar product creation is the BEST time to make a product.

    The vibration level of a room of top marketers is AWESOME!

    You walk in – no product in hand.

    You meet people – make friends.

    You put your heads together, create a video or audio product, next thing you know… your new product could be the next mega launch – making you a killing overnight.

    That’s how Eric Rockefeller did it – for his My List Monster product at

    Seminars my friends. Go to them and meet everyone…make new friends… and profit.


  14. Micheal Savoie

    I had tickets to the seminar, but I did not have any credit cards left to get plane tickets, so I ended up spending quality time with my family (it was home-coming dance for two of my daughters), but my thoughts were in Baltimore. Next time, I am buying the plane tickets and hotel room before the seminar tickets. That way, I can at least get there and hang out in the lobby and still learn stuff and meet people.
    Hey, if you want to speak at one of my Viral Attitudes Seminars, you are definitely welcome.
    Catch you at the next seminar!
    Micheal Savoie

  15. Petre Tudor

    Hi Eric,

    I wasn’t at The Internet Marketing Main Event in Baltimore to say hi to you and the other partcipants.I liked you photos.I’m awfly sorry just if I’d pleased myself to be present . But I couldn’t afford to participate.It is too much for me.I’m a eager Eric’s Tips reader and I unpatiently wait your new Editions.The all your editions there are interesting but I only hard work to apply your instructions from your smart Writing Cash Program. I often leaved my comments into your blog but you didn’t answered me because my comments there are as for my Writing Cash program only.
    So far I succeeded to buid and published my first website containing my first review page about Writing Cash Program.But you still haven’t enough time to see it personally and to tell me your comments.I just promote my Writing Cash referral link with 12 free traffic exchange programs and manually surf them by means of my CrazyBrowser.I surf them about 50 times daily.
    I still haven’t got my first sale.I hope only.
    I believe you no longer have time for beginners.
    Also I have my own blog but I don’t know how to do to read it more visitors.I just added first my post.

    I wait your answer at my comments.

    Petre Tudor.

  16. Scott Foster

    Hey Eric,

    Wow! Cody’s a tall one.

    I bet it was tense. I’d like to hear his explanation on
    why he likes to be on the trailing backend of a prouct launch
    with a competing product of his own.

    It’s funny and I guess the competition is healthy… but it would have been funny
    to see the look on your faces when you met Cody lol!

  17. Eric Post author

    Ryan B. – sure you can use them… link to in the caption would be great πŸ˜‰

    Travis- good to meet you too man… look forward to seeing what you do πŸ™‚

  18. Eric Post author

    Sabrina- I don’t blame you a bit. Nicole C Mullen is awesome πŸ™‚ The biggest take home point that I got was from talking to some of the biggest marketers like Adam Ginsberg and Brad Fallon. What I learned from them is that I need to keep focusing on outsourcing or delegating EVERYTHING. I’ve heard it before, but it needs to keep being pounded into my head. It’s hard to give up your daily tasks, and focus almost solely on management. But the fact is that these guys’ incomes go up every time they hire someone.

    There were a few smaller things that I gleaned as well that will be working their way into some of my tips. One of them is from Tom Kulzer, president of Aweber (the company that I use for my email list).

  19. Saundra


    Thanks for letting me be part of the gang at TIMME2. It was an awesome event and it has really changed my life. I am now being coached by the coaches’ coach. I learned that the best time to send out my email campaigns are Tue and Thurs, 11 and 3.

    It was long hours but satisfying. I have actually made my money back and the weekend was a free training. JV’s were created and hopefully long lasting relationships. Can’t wait until the next one.

    Cody was like a goofy giant. Everyone was easy to get along with and willing to help. Getting ready to do a podcast on WOW!!!

  20. lloydh

    I would have loved to have been there. It sounds like a great time was had by all. I will do my utmost to get to the next big one.


    The only way to success is to take action.

  21. Loren

    Well you have changed my mind with these pictures, Eric. I had thought internet marketers were a bunch of pasty white nerdy looking fellows… but there are some good looking gentlemen in those pictures!

  22. Janet Barrett

    Wow Eric!
    A meeting of the Giants! πŸ™‚
    I would have loved to have been there (especially for the crab mmmmmmmmmm). πŸ™‚
    Looks like you all had a great time and I’m sure your next event will be even bigger and better.
    I still have a long way to go yet and I’m getting there slowly but surely, that’s why I like to read your newsletters – always interesting, always exciting, always to the point, always honest and sincere.

    Thank you

  23. Fran

    Sorry, I missed you Eric. I went down there that day to see if I could hook up with you guys. It turned out to be an interesting day as I met a fellow from
    South Africa who was touring the US with some creative group that makes artwork from sneakers. What Next?
    But I have associates in South Africa and promised to get together in the future.
    I Checked about every Hotel except for where it was, at the Marriot.

    I thought for sure it would be at the convention center. OH well, maybe some time in the future.


  24. unknown


    Absolutely pathetic Eric.

    I found you as a beacon of light, a fountain of unabashed knowledge. Now, It is clear. Those things are only true as long as you still need jv partners and alliances.

    You know that cody is a lop. He steals everything he can get his hands on, and now you are yet another marketer in his cheering section because he has a huge list.

    Did he make that list because of value? Not even close.

    Shame on you Eric. You know that I am right, and it is all to likely that you aren’t sleeping well.

    Cleanse yourself. Redeem yourself. Kick that (explicit) to the curb and remember who your true loyal fan base is.

    Eric, you know me, even though I will not sign my name here.

    As for me, I may indeed remain small time in comparison to you and the others, but I will most certainly stay true to those who count on me.

  25. Eric Post author

    unknown – First of all, the fact that you choose to remain anonymous shows you have no spine.

    Second, WHAT are you talking about?

    You think I’m in Cody’s “cheering section” just because I decided to have a little fun with a potentially tense situation? Just because I posted some fun pictures, that doesn’t mean I am endorsing his actions. I think you need to go back and read the review I did of Cody’s product 2 weeks ago.

    You should also know that I’ve mailed back and forth with Cody about 10 times, and we also sat down and had a serious talk at the seminar in which I tried to explain some things to him. He is a nice guy, and I hope he is getting a clearer picture of some of the reasons that other marketers are segregating themselves from him.

    Furthermore, this statement you made makes no sense…

    “Those things are only true as long as you still need jv partners and alliances.”

    If all I cared about was JV partners, then I’d be kissing up to all the big marketers in my newsletter and promoting all their products. In reality, I’m doing the opposite! I promote only a tiny percentage of the products that my potential JV partners want me to promote, and occasionally I give them negative reviews.

    Guess what? Cody recently sent me an email asking if I had anything he could promote to his 400k list, and guess what? I didn’t even reply to it. That was basically a guaranteed ticket to put $10-20k in my pocket, and I passed it up. Because in spite of your ridiculous assumptions, I do care about the way I do business.

    I decided to make peace with Cody because it’s the right thing to do. Holding onto offenses and resentment only leads to bitterness and an unhealthy lifestyle. Me holding a grudge also wouldn’t help him to learn anything about ethical marketing. I can have a lot more influence as his friend than as his enemy. Again, that’s not to say that I’m his advocate. It’s simply a matter of walking humbly, living out forgiveness, and peacefully co-existing in this tight woven internet marketing community.

    It should be obvious to most people that I’m catering to my readers, not potential JV partners.

  26. Angela

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks so much for the crab dinner. I also have a few pictures you might like to have. I have sent an email with a few of the photos. Hope to meet you all again soon. It was really fun.

    All the best!


  27. Zoul

    I’m very disapointed i live in Maryland but unfortunately i wasn’t able to join you guys. However there will be an other time and I make it without any doubt

  28. Ryan Bessling

    Eric, I have added the photos to the slide show. Check it out at the top of

    I have also posted your photo on my MySpace profile view my pics area right under my picture.

    I am linked up with most of the Internet Marketers that have a profile on MySace.
    You can check out my profile at

    I think it is a good way to network with other Internet Marketers.

    Your Future JV Partner,

  29. Andrew


    I just read the post by “unknown” about yourself and Cody ….and I also read your response.

    I just wanted to applaud you on your maturity and commonsense.

    Well done and I agree precisely with your take on that post.

    The guy or girl? seems to have sour grapes or a bone to pick or else is just super cynical of the world.

  30. Michelle Galvin

    Hey Eric,

    I had fun listening to your magical fingers on the piano… you’re awesome (in my NY accent!) Well, anyway, just wanted to say that I really enjoyed meeting you and look foward to talking with you again. (PS – I’m glad you were able to eat during lunch) πŸ˜‰

    Let me know if you have any crazy pics (I didn’t have my camera) and hopefully we’ll talk soon… I really had a blast (I would’ve emailed you, but you took your email down from your main site, i totally understand though) πŸ˜€

    Office Manager
    Mike Filsaime

  31. John

    I wish that guy would have put cody moyas lights out.. that guy won’t stop spamming my inbox LOL


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