A Marketer Looks at 30

By | January 16, 2009


Today I celebrate my 30th birthday. Unlike my wife, I don’t get very sentimental about birthdays, but I guess I’d have to admit that this one is a milestone.

I am blessed beyond what I deserve. I’ve been married to the woman of my dreams for nearly 10 years, and we have four wonderful children.

I’ve also been blessed in business. I am very grateful, but at the same time I am not surprised.

If you’ve been around Eric’s Tips for awhile, you might know I’ve written about VISION on several occasions (See Lesson #13). About 10 years ago, I got a vision for my online business. That vision has been modified and adapted over the years, but the underlying big picture has remained fairly constant.

I believe that this vision has been integral in driving me to where I am today.

And perhaps you remember when I talked about goal-setting in Lesson #14. After you get your vision, you should set goals to help you move toward your vision.

Most of my long term goals are expiring on my 30th birthday, and I’ve achieved many of them.

So guess what that means? It’s time for me to get a new vision for my life, and set new goals!

Regardless of whether you’re 13, 30, or 93, I encourage you to get a vision for your life.

Thank you for being a part of mine.

By the way, one week from today I am launching a new product. For the 500 of you who took my survey on December 31st, I think you’ll be happy to see many of your ideas integrated into it.

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments on my blog:

Have a great day!

90 thoughts on “A Marketer Looks at 30

  1. Jason Riffe

    Happy Birthday Eric! WOW 30! That was hard to except for me. I am 58 years now and starting all over. I am new here on your site, but the wife, and I wish you all the best in life. JLR

  2. Lance

    Happy Birthday to one of the good guys. Thanks for all the tips and inspiration. Count those blessings, and you’ll realize you have more than you think.

  3. franz

    Happy Birthday, Eric

    I wish you all the best and a lot of happiness with your family. Enjoy each moment and be blessed






  5. Sabrina O'Malone

    Happy Birthday Eric!

    Hitting 30 is huge! I suppose I can no longer think of you as just some wiz-kid…

    I hit 40 this summer, and what seemed strange was realizing that because almost all my long range goals had been realized, I was now in the position to ponder..”What do I even want to accomplish now?”


    Would you be sure to give us a glimpse of whatever you decide for your next set of goals?

    For me, the first forty seemed to be more of “building and laying foundations” both personally and professionally. This next forty I am making more of an effort to master the concept of relaxation…letting go, trusting God…making a conscious effort to conquer the downside traits of a type A, goal-oriented personality. In other words, taking the time to smell the roses on a regular basis. (Even if I have to schedule it into my day planner!)

    That said. Enjoy 30, the newly-acquired wisdom that comes with age and experience. And let me second the comment that says “Get a haircut.” Try a grownup haircut, you know, the kind with short hair, no dye? Consider aiming for a mature, “over 30 somewhat distinguished gentleman” Eric Holmlund look!


  6. Gus Dempsey

    Hi Eric:
    Happy Birthday !!!!! I hope all your days are filled with happiness and joy.
    bless you and your’s,

  7. Gail Wilson

    I just watched your presentation of the one button e-marketing. I did not see where I could sign up with my email address
    Also Happy 30th Birthday

  8. Rachel

    Wow 30ys. old and a very blest man. Have a blest birthday, and may our Lord Jesus Christ bless you with many more. Thanks so much for your newsletter, and these lessons you have provided us all with.

  9. Eileen

    Happy Birthday, Eric, and may you enjoy many, many more. Congratulations on achieving all the success you envisioned. I wish you continuing success, good health, abundance and prosperity.

  10. Rose

    Hi Eric,

    I am looking forward to your new product and I know as a very giving person, you will get 100 fold of what you give. As a Christian, I believe in giving. Enjoy your day.

  11. Susie Stamford

    Eric, I hope you have a very special birthday. Your are so young ( lucky thing only being 30, you have just begun!)and achieved so much in such a short time. You have a very great gift of giving, thank you for all that you have done and will continue to do. All the stuff you do is so easy to understand and follow and is extremely useful. I am getting ready to launch my internet business and you have been a great inspiration, thank you. Best wishes, Susie.

  12. ken

    Happy birthday Eric old boy,
    We’re exactly 20 years apart to the day. Yes that’s right I was 10 on the 16th of January.

    p.s. Actually that 1 before the zero should be a 5, easy mistake to do 😉

  13. Linda K Carlisle

    Since everyone is talking about it, Happy Birthday. I got you doubled. I just turned 60 on Mike Bacak’s birthday (and mine too.) I think I might have a way for you to get to the rest of your goals (if they are about money) if I could e-mail you some info. You have my e-mail address so if you send me yours I could send you further info.
    I did the picture thing but I don’t see anything to tell me how to get it from there to here. Will it just appear?

  14. Deborah

    Hi Eric,

    Happy Birthday! Thanks for all you do to help people. (Sorry, this is a little late).


  15. Roger Li

    Hi Eric,
    Happy Birthday.
    Confucius said “a man independent in 30”. Your achievement is better than he said.
    Thank you very much for the lessons dropped to me. Hope I can be as great as you are.


  16. Karl

    I can’t imagine that you’re even going to find this post under that huge pile of birthday wishes, but all the same -HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM A WARM SOUTH AFRICA! May you be empowered by God’s grace for the year that lies ahead!

  17. Wilfred

    Hi Eric,

    I wish you Happy Birthday and may God Almighty continues to bless you with many more birthdays

  18. netanel

    Eric, You are Great person,
    Happy Birthday buddy, Make things even better for you this year!

  19. Leanne

    Happy 30th birthday, Eric. You are blessed beyond measure. Thanx for sharing all you do. It has helped me a great deal. One thing I will say is that you appear to have applied one important biblical principle and that is to “trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge HIM and he shall direct your paths.” We appreciate you!
    Leanne @ http://www.1159online.com

  20. Mark

    Hello Eric:

    I’m at lesson 30 but realized that this is the second go around on the lessons. Can I get access to the remaining lessons?
    Great course.

  21. mohd ariff

    Hi Eric,
    Happy 30yrs Birthday to you. May your we live longer & the most important of us, we are rebirth with every second with good health.
    Healthiness is the main things in life, without that, nothing that we can be proud off. People need to think as why we are been here & only the one that knowing the truth of life, thanks to the giver of life, they are the real genious on earth. People do make mistake on their definition of brainiest people on earth as intelligence but they don’t even known the truth of life of why the born in this world.
    Your fanilies need you & take care of your good health as many will benefiting from your breathe of life.
    Thanks for your sharing & waiting for your best “PUSH BUTTON MARKETER”
    Mohd Singapore

  22. Sally

    Hi Eric,
    I was wondering if you could help. I have been trying to figure out how to put up my presentation that I have in powerpoint on my website, pretty much how you do your training videos here. How do you do it? Thanks!

  23. Eric Post author

    I use Camtasia 6, made by Techsmith. You can record anything on your screen, and it even has a built in option for recording Powerpoint. I will try to cover it in more detail in a future lesson.

  24. Denise

    Hi Eric

    looking forward to it. I really want to use camtasia . Being visual i find it easier to learn from it myself. I know my audience will as well. I just want it to look professional like yours!

    I have only just started on your lessons and have wizzed on and downlaoded most already,… and bought your push button marketer…just started going through it is looks great!!!

    I have been messing around and getting stuck with my internet career. I have a blog in my area of expertise that I am developing.

    Whereas your lessons are so clear it has been a revelation!! and really helpful.

    I guess being 51 years old ( in fact it is my birthday today)this month it is time to take action ( I left corporate life a couple of years ago in not a great place)

    Thanks for the help

    Best Wishes

  25. Jose Damaso Ramon

    Thanks Erick for your Tips And for being such a great help for me.
    Have a GREAT Birthday And let God send you health, prosperity and happiness with your wonderful family for many years to come.

  26. Dave Crain

    Wow, what a list! You will read birthday wishes all day. Hope you have time to enjoy it. Thanks for helping everyone. Now go spend time with your family.


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