Why Do Online Marketers Give Stuff Away?

By | April 19, 2006

Edition #41 – 4/19/2006

First I’m going to give you a real-life example of where you can see hundreds of marketers giving stuff away (and you can download their freebies).

Then I’m going to tell you WHY they’re doing it…

And then tomorrow I’m going to explain exactly where and how you can do it too!

OK, the real life example:

Underground Give Away

The Underground Giveaway

Aurelius Tjin has been slaving away for the past several months putting together this enormous online event. However, I really didn’t understand how much effort he was putting into it until the site was launched yesterday and I saw firsthand the size of this giveaway.

I mean, I pulled a few all-nighters getting ready to launch my new program, but Aurelius’ site is ridiculously huge. I can’t imagine how much time it took to put it all together.

(Link removed – outdated)

You’ll see what I mean about it being huge. There are already 24 pages of marketers giving stuff away, and that’s even after Aurelius rejected over 50% of the submissions he received!

Why do we do it?

OK, so why did all these marketers jump at the opportunity to join this event?

Straight up, I’m not going to sugercoat it…

The #1 reason most of us marketers are doing it is to build our lists.

You click the link to download my ebook, and you have to enter your name and email before you can download it.

Some marketers have other motives for giving their stuff away…

  • To make money from programs advertised in their ebook
  • Their giveaway is a sample, which helps them sell the full product

    But the majority of them are using it to build their lists. I just took a few minutes and clicked on about 50 of the download links and almost all of them went to “name squeeze” pages.

    As you’ve probably heard, building a list is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Why does this type of site work so well for list building?

    It’s because of the viral effect. The participants (like me) all promote it to our own lists (like you). Then you might join and promote it to your own list…

    Who’s the biggest winner? Aurelius, of course. He gets to have EVERYONE join his list.

    OK, so I’ve given you an example of what this concept looks like in action, and I’ve explained why you should do it. TOMORROW I’ll tell you exactly how and where you can get involved too, including several specific sites that are currently accepting contributions!

    As always you can leave comments here in the blog entry.

    Have a great day!

  • 2 thoughts on “Why Do Online Marketers Give Stuff Away?

    1. Barnard

      HEy Eric I used to live in ft, collins Co on north college ave any way i keep hearing about all these programs to add to a web site to promote the bussiness but how about affiliate websites im not sure if i can add these programs to my website or not but im pretty sure i can add them to my BLOG AT > http://home.earthlink.net/~bbarrett12/

    2. Eric Post author

      Barnard -Sure you can add them to websites, blogs…. Most marketers want as many people as possible to see their products so you can put them just about anywhere


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