The Motivated Marketing System is Launched

By | April 18, 2006

UPDATE: This product is now outdated. Also please note, I am no longer the owner of the Motivated Marketing System. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #40 – 4/18/2006

Today I launched a product that I’ve been working on behind the scenes for the past several weeks…

The Motivated Marketing System
Motivated Marketing

Although I had semi-vowed not to get back into the software business, I had this burning idea that I just couldn’t quench, so I decided I better just do it.

I wanted to provide an affiliate management and viral website building program, at a price that everyone can afford. I wanted to incorporate the things that have been working for me, along with some new things that have never been combined into one piece of software.

I worked closely with my programmer to make sure we got all the features on my wishlist included. What we ended up with is a great program at a great price, and I also wrote a marketing guide to make it a complete package.

I’m not going to list all the features here, because I’d rather you go to the site and check it out for yourself. To learn more about the Motivated Marketing System, go to:

(Link removed – no longer available)

I should also mention that you need to check it out right away, because the price is going up in 3 days!

2 thoughts on “The Motivated Marketing System is Launched

  1. Barbara King Post author

    Hi Eric,
    I was one of the ones that bought the $997 package that is similar to your To tell the truth, I begun to have doubts when it took 3 weeks for the package to arrive and then the startup cd sent me to a forum to figure out how to use it. I hung around the forum for nearly eight weeks waiting for a version of the script that did not have any bugs. Car repairs and the fear of losing the $1000 investment caused me to cancel out of this project.

    I was dumbfounded, cause I had really wanted it to work. I didn’t do much of anything online for the last couple of weeks, and was actually wondering if I should just close down my sites. Last night I got your email about MotivatedMarketing Software, and read every word of the sales page. First thing this morning, I ordered it, and I have it installed and have begun to convert my original pages over to use on the site that I’m building with your software. What a bargain! At a fraction of the cost of the original software.

    The admin area is simplified so that anyone can manuver around and get things set up without having to be a whiz at programming. I’m looking forward to all the new email newsletters telling us how to get involved with other online marketers. Now, I think I have the motivation to go on and accomplish what I had intended to do. Thanks, so much Eric! I also purchased Adsense Websites from you. Ever since I got your first newsletter, I felt that you were completely straight forward and honest with all the information that you provided. Looking forward to more great things!

    Barbara King
    Now a Motivated Marketer!


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