Instant AdSense Templates Sold Out

By | July 8, 2006

UPDATE: This product is now outdated, and is no longer available. Additionally, I have removed the links from this article. At the time that we released this product, it was a great shortcut for building content-based websites. While some critics argued that it was spammy, it’s important to note that we ALWAYS taught that it was essential to create websites based on your own high-value content. These were merely templates, and the customers were responsible for adding content to them. There were some changes in Google’s policy that occurred well AFTER we released this product, which rendered portions of it in non-compliance with Google AdSense policy (particularly the use of pictures in conjunction with the ad blocks.) Of course we notified our customers of these changes, and gave instructions to bring them back into compliance. While we stopped selling the templates years ago, I’ve seen our templates in use to this very day by successful marketers who used them as building blocks for building very profitable websites.

Edition #64 – 07/08/2006

As I had predicted in my pre-launch blog entry, Instant AdSense Templates didn’t last long; selling out within a day and a half. Congratulations to those who got their copy, and thanks to all of the JV partners and affiliates who made it a success!

We experienced an exciting launch day with some amazing statistics. Joel’s email quickly crashed, due to the influx of sales. The credit card processor was overloaded and some people were unable to order. We hit #552 on Alexa (which is huge), and we converted over 5.5% of all of that traffic into sales. Needless to say, it was a great day.

A few of you have asked me about a notification you may have received from PrivateLabelMonthly in regards to the Instant AdSense Templates product. First of all, you should know that I was personally responsible for the portion of the product in question, so if you want to blame anyone for the misunderstanding… blame me, not Joel. Second, you should know that it was a simple misunderstanding, and it has been fully resolved with Michael Santiago of PLM, who is a nice guy by the way. For those of you who know me, you know I wouldn’t have done anything that I thought was questionable, so I’m glad we could get it quickly and amicably resolved. Lastly, if you are a customer of Instant AdSense Templates, please rest assured that there is nothing for you to worry about.

The Instant AdSense Templates website is continuing to receive a high volume of visitors, and we are receiving many requests from those who missed out on the sale. Due to this unceasing demand, we’re already working on a new collection of Instant AdSense Templates, with new and improved features and innovations. So if you missed out on the first one, be sure to get on the pre-launch notification list so you don’t miss the next one.

I appreciate all of your support as my readers and friends, and I look forward to sharing more about my experiences with you. I plan on discussing more about what it takes to pull off a successful launch day, including some DO’s and DON’Ts that I’ve learned first-hand.

Thanks again, and have a great day!

6 thoughts on “Instant AdSense Templates Sold Out

  1. Veronica

    Hi Eric,
    Congratulations on your successful launch. I stayed up (as I said in an earlier posting) to make sure I got the package and was fortunate to do so. I am thrilled to bits with it. It is so easy to follow. Your videos are most helpful. What I like the most about them is that you have assumed nothing re what the user knows or doesnt know and you have demonstrated every detail, while keeping each one short and to the point.
    I will be on the list for the next edition.
    Thank you a thousand times over.

  2. Liz

    Love the templates! They are really going to jumpstart my adsense empire! 🙂 Can’t wait for the next set!

  3. David

    Eric, they are beautiful templates, and I’m really looking forward to launching some of the niche theme templates like the health templates.

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