LESSON #52: Outsourcing Copywriting

By | October 22, 2009

In the previous lesson we talked about how to write a sales letter. But what if you don’t want to do your own copywriting?

No problem! You can outsource it…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • There’s a difference between a good copywriter and a good content writer.

  • See basics of outsourcing in Lesson #39

  • Four ways to find a copywriter…

    1) Freelancer websites

    Odesk, Rentacoder, Elance.com, Guru.com, etc.

    Expect to pay $100 – $1000

    Advantage = Cheap
    Disadvantage = Lower quality

    Tips for hiring a copywriter from a freelancer site:

    -Use an English speaker from an English speaking country (or native to your language).
    -Be very clear about what you need. (Idea: tell them to sign up for these lessons and watch #51)
    -Get samples of sales letters they’ve written (not just writing samples).
    -Check for plagiarism (www.google.com, www.copyscape.com, www.scanmyessay.com)

    2) Hire a known copywriter

    Expect to pay $300 to $25,000+

    Gurus: John Carlton, Michel Fortin, Vin Montello, Ray Edwards, Mike Morgan, etc.

    Some top Internet Marketing copywriters: Kevin Rogers, Jesse Forrest, David Raybould, Matthew O’Connor, John Hostler, Chris Elliott, Eric Holmlund 😉 and hundreds more.

    Here is a list of copywriters from the Warrior Forum: Copywriter directory

    UPDATE: Unfortunately, I am no longer recommending the copywriter mentioned in the video. Although his service seems to be a good value for the cost, I’ve received a few complaints about it, which were not resolved in a satisfactory manner. The old saying still holds true… you get what you pay for.

    3) Find a good sales letter and ask who wrote it.

    Look at well-ranked products on the Clickbank marketplace: http://www.clickbank.com/marketplace.htm

    4) Partner with a copywriter

    -Offer up to half of your profits.
    -Works best if you’re an expert in your niche and you have a great product.

    Recommended Resource:

    Outsourcing for Internet Marketers

    Action step:

    1) Get your sales letter done.

    Once you’ve got your sales letter done, it’s time to get it online and start making sales. We’ll be talking about payment solutions in the next lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 73 thoughts on “LESSON #52: Outsourcing Copywriting

    1. Eric Post author

      There are a lot of people/companies who can afford to pay high prices for good copywriting. It all comes down to ROI. If an advertisement brings in $100k of profit, it’s well worth paying $25k to have it written.

    2. Gerhard

      Hi Eric

      Thanks to affiliate sales I use pre-written sales copy and email letter already set up. When you are on a shoe-string budget it is an alternative.

    3. jose lezama

      It is good to hear it from an expert, long scrolling and reiterative sales letters are a pain. I haven´t begun my marketing efforts and I hate already this type of letters.
      I strongly believe that short and imperative to the point is more trust worthy, and drives to action.

    4. jose lezama

      Eric, Do you happen to know of a copywriters site for Spanish projects were we could offer our services?
      Our specialties are in business fields, economics, accounting, strategy and COx coaching.

    5. jose lezama

      That is talking Eric.
      Share the profits; it is always a win-win situation.
      Remember we are in high competitive arena. Who knows when a good copywriter targets the same product as yours and shifts gravity to his site. Would you recognize that you are actually paying a 100% fee instead of saving a 10% royalty?

    6. Micah

      Hello Jose,

      Yes, many gurus would rather pay one time to have copy written for them, than to have to track royalty payments from that point forward.

    7. Fredo

      Eric, you are certainly a master of this technology and a very good instructor. I do appreciate what you do!

    8. JW


      I’d like to consult with Kevin Rogers. Can’t find any contact info on his site. Shoot me a note if you have anything on that.


    9. Micah

      Hello JW,

      Here is the contact email that he currently has posted:
      honcho [at] rogerscopy.com

    10. Michael - E-Commerce

      This is great work, I have to agree with some of those who commented before me that you may just want to pay people to write your sales collateral if you try once and it doesn’t convert.

    11. Nombulelo

      Hi Eric
      Thanks again for a great lesson. I also appreciate your responses in the blog – also a great learning resoure. This is invaluable knowledge and information. Thanks Eric and all the bloggers.

    12. Nedra

      As I mentioned, in an earlier post, that I had started a project before becoming acquainted with and following your lessons.

      I had to smile when you mentioned finding a person who spoke the same language for my sales letter. I got a first draft back from a woman I had hired, and she told me I has spelling errors she had corrected. I always spell check my work before sending it on. Well, long story short, this woman was in England, using British English. I could not use her sales letter because it was geared tolds a completely different audience. Lesson learned.

    13. Madrarua

      Hey all, just to let you know about a relatively new freelancer website http://www.hotype.co.uk it is cheaper (by the looks of the prices you have indicated) than Elance. All articles are automatically checked for plagiarism so you won’t have to worry about that and for each article you comission you actually hand-tailor specific guidelines and stipulations on style/length/tone etc. It is quite new but it looks like a very good option amongst the freelancing websites http://www.hotype.co.uk

    14. synagermoi

      Thank you for the information you give is very helpful and we thank you very much need
      you give us the opportunity to comment.

    15. Nick Sanders

      Eric .. I dont know how long ago you wrote this post but I would like to put a shout out that John Hostler a.k.a. Hustler RIPS PEOPLE OFF!!

      He ripped me off of $5,000 and from http://www.imreportcard.com and http://www.warriorforum.com there are people that have had the same issue with John as far back as 2008.

      He seems to just disappear… I wonder if that is his real name ?

    16. Katherine

      The site looks amateurish. The video on the front page is narrated by someone who speaks very poor English. And the domain name is poorly chosen.

    17. Joan

      My neiche is a very targeted market of people who need continueing education units to get their state licenses renewed. There are several classes they can choose from and so I am not selling any one paticular item. I am concerned with the sales letter and ad copy as the licenses are for two years and they do not need to get all of the hours at one time. The only rush period is just before expiration and they may need a few hours to complete the needed amount.Additionally, I want to do my sales letter by video. Any imput will be appreciated.

    18. Luther

      Eric… Please is there anyway you can help me out on this? I can’t watch these video when I’m using my BB9900

    19. Marc M. Demers

      Hi Eric,

      I agree with Gerhard :

      “Use pre-written sales copy and email letter already set up. When you are on a shoe-string budget it is an alternative.”




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