LESSON #54: Creating Payment Buttons and Thank-You Pages

By | December 9, 2009

In the previous lesson we looked at online payment solutions, so hopefully you’ve chosen at least one method for receiving payments.

Today we’re going to get into the nitty gritty details of exactly how to sell a downloadable product online and deliver it to your customer…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • Simple payment button (best for single item) vs. Shopping cart (best for multiple items)

  • Shopping carts are not necessary for most simple infoproduct businesses. However, they are useful for multiple products, and for using in conjunction with a merchant account.

    Some online shopping cart solutions…

    PayPal shopping cart
    Infusionsoft – Integrated solution for marketers
    1Shoppingcart – Another popular integrated solution.
    OScommerce – free open source solution
    Cubecart – (the older version is free)
    WordPress e-commerce plugin

  • Create your thank-you page BEFORE you create your payment button.

  • Elements of a thank-you page:

    – Thank them for the purchase, affirm their choice.
    – Remind them of the charge on their credit card statement.
    – Provide contact/support information.
    – Educate them with instructions for downloading and using the product.
    – Give the download link… big and bold.
    – Advanced tip: Monetize your thank-you page with unadvertised bonuses (Not too many, 1 to 3 is usually ideal).

  • Delivering the product…

    – Zip files are usually ideal.
    – Try to keep zip files under 50MB each.

  • Some meta-tags to include in the head of your thank-you page HTML code:

  • Always test your download links.

  • See video for demo of making payment button…

    Three variations…
    -Paypal hosted button
    -Your own button
    -text link

    Split testing has shown it’s often best to use a payment button AND text link in your order area.

  • ClickBank is my preferred solution for selling digital products, mostly because if the popularity of its affiliate program.

    (See video for ClickBank demo)

  • Always test your payment links.

  • Ways to protect your download pages and files…

    1) Leave it unprotected but try to hide it. I often do this for products under $100, because it’s the quickest, and also results in less support requests.

    2) Make a password protected area using your hosting control panel. Email the username and password to your customers. Fairly easy, but may delay the product fulfillment.

    3) Use a membership site script. See lesson #32 for all the details.

    4) Use a specialized download protection script. I recommend DLGuard

    Action steps:

    1) Make a thank-you page
    2) Make a payment button and/or link

    In the next lesson, we’ll talk about upsells and how to create a “one time offer”.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 123 thoughts on “LESSON #54: Creating Payment Buttons and Thank-You Pages

    1. Kay

      Eric, just wanted to take a moment to say thank you again. As I’ve mentioned before, I have struggled for a year to get my business going. Since starting with your lessons things have been progressing along well. You’re truly a blessing and great example. All lessons have been great and this one absolutely outstanding. So much insight. Thanks again.

    2. Micah

      Hello Livingstone,

      After the 100 lesson series is completed, it will likely be available for purchase on DVD along with other helpful materials.

    3. Nedra

      Demystifies process, though will take a while to be able to accomplish this at Eric’s rate of speed.

    4. larry

      Hi Eric.
      Great job. I did everything as you say in your course and it works.
      Thank you Larry.

    5. Marija

      Hi Eric,
      For me was very technically complicated process to set a payment button and thank you page. I have hosted WP and please for a reply. Do I set Thank you page from Aweber. I did once, but how to resize it. and

    6. Marija

      Eric, I am sorry my comments is not finished yet and I have lost the text. How to resize the thank you page at the WP? Do I have to pay at Paypal to open an account for selling (coaching)?
      Thank you Marija

    7. Micah

      Hello Marija,

      If you are using WordPress for your Thank You pages, you would be limited by the dimensions available in your WordPress Theme.

      However, you could create HTML Thank You pages that are whatever size you needed, that are separate from the WordPress blog.

      Here is Eric’s lesson on creating HTML pages:

      LESSON #28: Building a Website With HTML

    8. Bret

      Hi Eric, I am trying to link a file that is contained within a folder to one of my download pages and am having major difficulties with getting the link to work properly. On the download page, I am providing several different ways to download each product; individually, as well as all together. I can link the zipped folder just fine but when I want to link to a particular folder or file within that zipped folder is when I get into trouble. The folder is in the same directory as my download page and the directory path is: package1.zip/package1/makemoney/product/makemoney.pdf (just as an example). When I create the link in notepad as Download I get a broken link error message when I test it out. What am I doing wrong? Surely you can point to a file within a zipped folder? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    9. Micah

      Hello Bret,

      Unfortunately, it’s not possible to link to files located within zip folders. You would need to have an uploaded unzipped copy, and link directly to the .PDF.

    10. Mark

      Wow, i never realized that it takes such unique steps to create these buttons. I look on them as simple buttons.

      Thanks, Eric. Great lesson.

    11. Heather

      I don’t think I have ever seen this info provided anywhere before. Thanks for all your tips and insights.

    12. Sunil

      Thanks. Great lesson.. I’ll be directing my customers to it (I sell a graphics package which includes payment button graphics, etc. for ClickBank)

    13. Ifeanyi

      Although I have not gone through all the videos, but just going through this one confirms to me that I made the right choice buying from you Eric. I am so impressed and blessed that I am getting all of this for such pittance. Thanks a great deal Eric

    14. Eric Adrian Carreau

      Hi Eric,

      Thanks for tons of good advices.
      What about JVZoo together with Paypal ?

    15. Micah

      Hello Eric,

      That’s certainly another option. I’ve used JVZoo successfully in recent months.

    16. Valerie

      About putting a hyperlink in the thank you page. i have opened the HTML (not visual) of my thank you page in wordpress but there is no there. do i just insert a so I can insert the codes to hide the page? or is there something am missing here?

    17. Hannah

      Hello Eric,

      As always, thank you for the wonderful lessons. I am so grateful that you are doing this…these last few lessons have been true eye openers for me…I like the way you teach the Lessons…you tell it like it is…this is so helpful to newbies like myself…thanks so much! I do have two questions:

      1) Since this will be my first info product, (HALLELUJAH), will I need to have some kind of phone support just in case my buyers have questions/comments? What do you recommend?

      2) Is there an official list of [info products] that offer resell rights/affiliate programs, etc.?

      Thanks so much.



    18. Steve Roth

      Wow…these lessons are so awesome! So much great content based on sound experience is so very helpful. Thanks a million 🙂

      I purchased one of your products (Video Knockout Firesale) and I’m almost ready to upload my first PLR site index and thank you page. I have just completed this lesson about linking my PayPal button and have tested it. My question is: How do I automate the email to be sent after purchase to the customer that contains the link to the download page?

      I have it setup to where they pay through paypal and go to the download page…but know that sometimes people get stuck and having the download page link waiting in their email is really a good idea along with their PayPal receipt. The only thing that I can think of is after purchase have them go to a page with optin form connected to Aweber to have them input their name and email….and have aweber send out the link…and then have aweber send them to the download page. Is this the best way to do this?

      Thanks a million for all these great lessons Eric!

      Steve Roth

    19. Paul Warner

      Geez I didn’t realize there is so much to doing this stuff so I must say these lessons have really opened my eyes, and
      I am also not surprised at the amount of offers there are for free websites, or do it all for you offers, where someone builds a website and you pay for it. In my own mind though I think learning this stuff is important and even though a struggle and time consuming, and somewhat tedious, the end result is you develop some authority in doing this which is impressive, and a whole lot more satisfying. These videos are extremely thorough and great to follow.


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