LESSON #74: Advanced PPC Tips

By | September 4, 2010

In the previous lesson, we started talking about PPC traffic.

Today we’re going to be covering some slightly more advanced PPC techniques…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Google has been majorly cracking down on advertisers that violate any of their rules. This includes some rules that seemingly were not previously enforced, and some rules that are only now being written and/or being brought to light. This includes promoting anything that they consider to be an unacceptable business model (ie. – anything they deem to be a get rich quick scheme), anything containing what they consider to be unsupported claims, and any page that they consider to be a “bridge” page. Google AdWords is still a great source of traffic, but be very careful to play by Google’s rules!

  • Keyword Tips…

    Seed and Expand – Start with root keywords (seeds), and expand them into a larger list using modifiers.

    Some keyword modifiers to get you started: Keyword Modifiers Spreadsheet

    Some themes for keyword modifiers…
    -Transactional or shopping-related
    -Niche related

    Recommended Tool: SpeedPPC (Automates the process. Create hundreds of targeted ad groups in minutes)

    Spy on Your Competition – Use keyword spy tools to see which keywords are performing for them.

    Recommended Tools:
    PPC Bully
    Keyword Elite
    Keyword Spy
    Market Samurai

  • Campaign Settings Advanced Tips:

    Start your bid high. Use position preference for position #1. Aim for maximum CTR, then gradually lower your bid. (See video for demo)

    If your account has history of problems and poor CTR, you may consider opening new account.

    If your domain has history of poor CTR, use a new domain.

    Set up separate ad groups for Exact Match and Phrase Match. (See video for demo)

    Test AdWords new Broad Match Modifiers.

    Google’s Display Network – shows your advertisements on other people’s websites, in a context OTHER than search engine results.

    (See video for demo of Display Network campaign settings)

    -Use seperate campaigns for Search Network and Display Network.
    -It’s OK for Display Network ad groups to be bigger (ie. 50 keywords), and OK to use Broad Match.

    Managed Placement enables you to…

    -Choose specific web pages where your ad will be most relevant.
    -Create ads specifically designed for those pages.
    (See video for demo)

    Tips for Banners…

    -Blend in or be different
    -Use every banner size
    -Try the built-in Display Ad Builder

  • Ad Copy Tips:

    Spy on your competition to see what ads are working for them. (same tools as mentioned above)

    Use AdWords editor to speed things up (if you’re not using Speed PPC or similar).

    Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion – Very powerful feature. More info here.

  • Landing Page Tips:

    Play by Google’s rules.

    Dynamic Keyword Insertion – You could put the keyword into…

    -Title tag
    -Ad copy
    -Invisible opt-in form field
    -Advanced scripting

    You can use a simple PHP script for this. Find a free one, or have one built for under $50. Some tools are available such as LPGen (www.lpgen.com). However, I do NOT recommend cloaking your landing pages.

    Spy on your competition to see what landing pages are working for them. (same tools as mentioned above)

    Use Advanced PPC Tracking Tools. If you’re only promoting your own stuff, it’s probably not necessary, but if you’re promoting as an affiliate via PPC then you may want to check out tools such as Tracking202 and Prosper202.

    Consider a Self Liquidating Business Model! (See video for explanation)

    Recommended Resource to stay up-to-date with the latest AdWords strategies:

    Perry Marshall – Mastermind Coaching Club for AdWords.

    Action step:

    1) If you’re using PPC, begin using advanced strategies into your campaigns. Start with one, and make a schedule to implement additional strategies that you want to test.

    We’ll be looking at some additional paid traffic sources in the next lesson.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below 🙂

    Have a great day!

  • 59 thoughts on “LESSON #74: Advanced PPC Tips

    1. frank

      Eric, I’m just starting out in IM. I started out as an affliliate for a weight loss product.
      Three days after my ppc Ad started, google wrote to tell me my account has been permanently banned.
      Is there a way to set up another adwords account?
      Two, what traffic method, in your opinion, is the best for promoting a squeeze page.
      Three. Google is becoming somewhat arrogant. How can anybody send traffic to a squeezepage using adwords without incurring the wrath of
      mighty google?

    2. Eric Post author

      I’m sorry to hear that. They are banning virtually anyone that they perceive to be an “internet marketer”. So for now, I’d forget about AdWords. It is possible to send AdWords to a squeeze page, but I believe those marketers are generally spending millions of dollars with Google. There are many other good ways of sending traffic to a squeeze page such as ad swaps with other marketers, methods I mentioned in lesson #67, and other traffic methods covered in these lessons.

    3. abdul

      HI Eric

      What about Gets response “buy leads” programme.
      The cost for 200 leads is 0.45 each!

      actually i have purchased cost i am trying to get US market. I am from Asia ( Malaysia).

      when i sent message to my 186 list. i got results as this:

      24 opened ( open rate 12.9%)
      1 click ( 0.54% click rate)

      in yr opinion? is this very bad?


    4. Nedra

      The expert exposure to the different types of marketing enables me to make a learned decision as to the direction that I want my business to take so can concentrate on one direction, intially, and decided to incorporate others as I master each. As always, you are the Master -:)

    5. Hamayun

      I don’t see the Position Preference in my settings. I see the delivery methods and that is it

      1. Micah

        Thanks Rich,

        I’m letting Eric know, so we can either update the link, or perhaps find a replacement!


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