Happy Thanksgiving 2015

By | November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving! I know that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.

Here are a few free gifts as a token of my appreciation. You can download these ebooks for free right now:

ebook cover
Rapid Traffic Secrets
ebook cover
Rapid Product Creation
ebook cover
365 Sales Boosters
ebook cover
Traffic Flow

Next, here is the 8th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

Oddly, I’ve only made a couple of blog posts this entire year, but I didn’t want to skip this annual tradition.

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.

If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out last year or any of the previous years.


Here are the 10 winners of the contest, chosen at random using a randomizer app.

Joe Pe——–ld@gmail.com
Carl Jacobson jake—-@yahoo.com
Csilva csil—–@gmail.com
Robert R—–eray@gmail.com
Zhanna zd—–uk@yandex.ru
Tony Jones tj————–97@gmail.com
Claude Liboiron cla——@mac.com
Glenn Fox t——-fox@gmail.com
Angelina angel——–la@gmail.com
Vince vi——–aer@gmail.com

Congrats to the winners! I will send the prizes to your email addresses via paypal.

What I’m thankful for…

As I mentioned, this is the 8th year we’ve done this…

Those who have been my customers and subscribers for those past 8 years have been with me through a lot of changes in my life and no doubt changes in yours too. In fact, I just went into my AWeber account out of curiosity and found that I currently have 112 active Eric’s Tips subscribers who have been subscribed for OVER 10 years.

I’ll soon be 37… which means a bunch of you have been subscribers for over a quarter of my lifetime. That’s a big chunk of life. Seriously, I don’t take that lightly.

You’ve been a blessing in my life, so first I want to re-emphasize that I really am thankful for you.

Maybe you noticed that I haven’t made many blog posts this year, and haven’t sent nearly as many emails as I have in the past. Perhaps it’s one of those changes that comes with different seasons of life. One change is a shift in how I view this platform…

Essentially, it’s not about me. Maybe I’m having a bit of a mid-life “brand identity” crisis, LOL. 10 years of running Eric’s Tips has taught me that I don’t need a website with my name on it. I have a good life with a beautiful wife and six awesome children. More importantly I’m loved by God and that’s enough. For that I’m forever grateful.

But don’t worry, I have some cool plans for Eric’s Tips… the best is yet to come! While I will draw from my own experiences, it’s not primarily going to be about me. It’s about you. Thanks for sticking with me through those changes.


Here’s a pic of our crew from a couple weeks ago. That’s my brother-in-law Micah in the middle whom you probably know from my helpdesk.

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

257 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2015

  1. Patricia

    I am thankful to God for making Salvation available, for abundant life, for sustaining and keeping me, for family friends and loved one he has placed in my life. I am thankful not just for the good things but also for the bad things I encountered, because they are also learning tool.

  2. john holt

    I thank GOD I’m redeemed and have eternal life happy thanksgiving to all.


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