Affiliate Video Brander

By | July 1, 2007

UPDATE: This product is now outdated. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only, and I have removed the links from this article. Also I am no longer the owner or seller of Affiliate Video Brander or Video Pop-in Genius. I was certainly right about the Internet (and Internet marketing) gravitating toward video in the years following this product launch. To get the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #131 – 07/01/2007

Today my friend Michael Nicholas and I are launching a product that I believe is going to make an impact on the internet marketing community.

As I mentioned last week, when I launched the Video Pop-In Genius, I firmly believe that the internet will continue to gravitate toward video, and that it will only become a more powerful means of communication in the coming years.

That’s why I’ve invested so much of my time and resources into online video this year, and it’s why Michael and I created this cool new software program.

What I love about this program is that it really puts the power of online video into the hands of the average marketer.

Believe it or not (you’ll believe it when you see the case studies on the website), our software is designed to help you profit from online videos… and you don’t even have to make your own videos!

I’ve been earning very nice affiliate commissions using this strategy for over a year now, and it’s time that we “lift the lid on our little secret”…

Affiliate Video Brander

I think you’ll be surprised by just how simple and easy this strategy is, and how our software can help you take your affiliate marketing to a new level.

If I wasn’t already part of this project, I’d buy this software.

I encourage you to check it out, and I look forward to hearing about how it works for you.

As always, you may leave your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

10 thoughts on “Affiliate Video Brander

  1. Anthony

    Hi Eric,
    This looks like a great program! I just downloaded the product and being a newbie at this will be installing and working on this project as long as it takes to see some success. I’ll send a testimonial after that happens.

  2. Jerry Oakman

    Wow, I am not belive it, there is no comments yet, marketers must be taking a rest 😛 Eric, This gonna be one of the best product for wide range of online marketers for a long time! Guess it was kinda niche.. till now. 🙂

  3. Anthony

    Hey Jerry, you missed my post.
    It works! I just finished branding my first video to my harddrive and it plays properly!
    Nice product.

  4. Maureen

    Another great product – Thanks Eric.
    This will be my first foray into marketing using video and I am really looking forward to the results.
    However ‘foray’ can be interpreted as
    ‘a brief involvement in an activity which is different from and outside the range of a usual set of activities’ – While it is certainly outside the range of my usual set of activities I do not expect it to be ‘brief’. I expect it to be the ‘way forward’ from now on.

  5. Eric Post author

    Anthony and Jerry- haha yeah… I think people mostly like to post comments if the topic is controversial. So thanks for yours.

    Maureen- thanks for checking it out and congrats on diving into the world of video!

  6. jon

    hello, affiliate video brander is a good idea but where can we get products to promote using videos? thanks

  7. Barry

    Great question Jon. I would like to know as well. Also, which “video sites” allow commercial type videos like this? Can you give us a list?


  8. D

    Eric, I like your new pic, man. Seems a lot classier than the old one. Congrats on the anniversary a week ago, too. Maybe I’ll see you sometime tomorrow – if not, hopefully soon.

  9. Bakatare

    Amazing how this site has little content yet is on page 31 on Google. Go figure.
    Yeah where do we get the videos and why no other formats supported?
    Thank you.

  10. Bakatare

    Sorry NOT 31 but #1
    Amazing how this site has little content yet is on page #1 on Google for Affiliate Video Brander… Go figure.
    Yeah where do we get the videos and why no other formats supported?
    Thank you.


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