Don’t Buy Co-reg Email Lists

By | May 29, 2006

Edition #55 – 5/29/2006

Lately we’ve been talking a lot about list building. Today I want to review a certain list-building strategy that I tried recently, and that you should avoid like the plague…

Don’t buy a co-reg list!

First of all, what is “co-reg”? Co-reg is short for co-registration, and it comes in several different forms.

Essentially, co-registration is when a person subscribes to one email publication and is simultaneously subscribed to others. Sometimes it is called co-reg when marketers mutually send subscribers to each other’s opt-in pages (this is explained in Keith Wellman’s ListFX manual), but that’s not what I’m talking about. That’s really more of a co-promo than a co-registration.

In the best case scenario, a co-reg would involve voluntarily checking boxes where the specific co-reg publication is named. In other words, the subscriber knows exactly what they’re getting.

However, in most cases it involves checking a box in order to get more information about a certain topic, without knowing exactly what you’ll be getting. You can easily see this practice if you sign up for Hotmail or almost any free email provider. They ask you to check the boxes which correspond to your interests.

Unbeknownst to most users, they are registering for any number of ezines and other email publications, which will soon be flooding their inbox.

In other cases, there is no “box checking” involved. The terms of service (a tiny link at the bottom of the page) explains that they will be sharing or selling your information to other companies.

What may happen then is they will sell these leads to spammers, or to legitimate internet marketers like me who haven’t learned their lesson yet.

Let me tell you about my experience…

A few months ago I came across a site called, which is run by Jane Mark and Phil Basten of JPE Advertising. In a nutshell the site offers an opportunity to instantly own an opt-in list of 50,000 or more subscribers. You can get a 50,000 member list for $795 all the way up to a 150,000 member list for $1795.

I had been considering ordering a solo email campaign with one of JPE Advertising’s other sites when I came across this offer. Since I was very interested in building my list, and the deal sounded “too good to be true” I emailed Jane about it. I was concerned mainly about the quality of the leads.

This was her reply to me…

Your New list is the best leads you can get. They are leads for a permanent list with a list mananger. You can add your own members to the list and you can order more leads and add them whenever you like. They come with our training and our introductory letters. It’s a whole different ball game than simply running a solo ad . It’s your own list that you manage and control and mail to and there is nothing like this on the net today.

The solo ads are a one time thing

We have pretty responsive lists but to be frank with you, if you can swing getting one of these New Lists, I would drop the solo add run and apply the money to this.

Having your own list of 50,000 is what we have been working to get our clients for two years and now it’s here.

It took us 4 years and a lot of money to grow our lists to 350,000 plus and now our clients can do virtually the same thing in 30 days with a much much samller investment.

We are very excited about this and if you have a long term vision for your business on the net, Your New List is where you should be but,…

You will need to take time to develop a relationship with the list so no mailing of ads for at least 1 to 2 months just introductory letterse and free offers, that kin of thing.

As I looked at her offer, I decided it must be a good deal, even if the leads were only mediocre quality. My remaining concern was regarding the autoresponder service, which was a mandatory part of the deal (and another $69.95/month starting immediately plus a $15 setup fee). I was skeptical whether it was on par with AWeber, which is where my other lists are hosted.

Jane had this to say…

I checked with Phil and here are some of the features you get with the autoresponder.

You can schedule your mailings send in html or text or both
Personalize and track them
Get demographic data collection
Gerenate a custom sign up form to put on your webiste
Manually send
Manually ad an email address
manually delete an address

Basically it does what Awebber does and it has easy set up instructions.

These lists are coming in much faster than we expected and since you really don’t need a lot of training on this, I certainly think it has much more value than any other advertising we offer.

Our frist three oders alreay have their lists in 48 hours and we expect all of the others to be in within 7 days. Thsi will slow down as we get a lot orders but right now we are only 48 hours into this and it is moving.

We are setting up three new list of our own of 150K so you know we like it.

OK, I was assured the leads were good and the autoresponder was good, so I went for the $1795 plan (plus $69.95/month).

Unfortunately, I have to report that this investment was an utter waste of my time and money.

Please understand that Jane and Phil are well-known marketers who have been doing business as long as I’ve been alive. They generally conduct business in a professional manner from what I’ve seen. They’ve also got a lot of friends, which means I’m probably burning a few bridges with this review…so please understand that I’m putting my relationship with you above some potential future joint ventures. But as far as I’m concerned, $1795 is a lot of money, and I want you to avoid making the same mistake.

First, regarding the leads. Were they good quality? No. These were the least responsive, disconnected, unmotivated leads I’ve ever emailed.

Before you start thinking I treated them the wrong way, let me make something clear. I took Jane’s advice and sought to build a relationship with these people. I sent them introductory letters, and a slew of free stuff.

In case you’re wondering whether I sent them good content, and well-written newsletters… I sent them the EXACT same material that was sent at the same time to my primary list which resulted in these testimonials:

I’m sure that’s more than 99% of internet marketers have to show for their work… I assure you that if this was going to be done, at least I did it the “right” way.

I also did the “right” thing by closely monitoring every bounced message that resulted from my mailings. I literally spent hours sifting through bounce messages, email filter confirmations, unsubscribes, and spam complaints. I did this after every message I sent.

The results were dismal, with virtually no profit being generated from this list.

As for the autoresponder, the service is run through A1eBiz, owned by Doc Phelps. Jane said it basically does what Aweber does. Well let me tell you that it basically DOESN’T do what Aweber does.

The service was missing several key features that I rely on at Aweber. For example…

-I was unable to schedule an email to be sent at a certain time
-I was unable to see the history of any emails I’d sent
-I was unable to track open rates
-I was unable to see if a message had successfully been placed in the queue
-And more…

It was really an inconvenience, and did not meet the needs of my newsletter.

However, I do need to mention that I’m not putting down A1eBiz or Doc Phelps. It’s not Doc’s fault that it was portrayed in a different way to me. In fact, I found Doc to be a cool guy who was always there to help. When I had a problem with the mailer one day, Doc made it up to me by giving me an extra 150,000 leads for free.

I will even go so far as to say that if you have a legitimate reason for needing a service that allows you to import purchased leads (AWeber does not allow you to do this), A1eBiz is a viable solution.

You can also buy these same leads directly from Doc for a much lower price. He has them listed on his site for $600 for 100k, but if you buy them regularly he told me he sells them for half of that! They are MLM co-reg leads, so if you’re running an MLM business and you don’t mind being called a spammer then you might want to look into it.

OK, so the list wasn’t responsive, and I was paying $69.95/month to keep it going, so I decided to bring as many subscribers as possible into my Aweber account. There were about 275,000 subscribers left on my A1ebiz list. Out of that number, exactly 71 people opted to continue receiving Eric’s Tips…and that was even after a final bribe.

Again these people received the same newsletter that received accolades from my “real” subscribers. So if you’re one of those 71 people who made the move, thank you! As for the other 274,929, I guess they weren’t reading it or just weren’t interested in making money online.

Here’s the final result:

$2019.85 spent for the list and 3 months of service
At least a dozen hours pruning the list of bad emails, etc.
Several spam complaints
71 subscribers

That’s an average of $28.45 per subscriber AND I had to work hard for them. To be honest, those subscribers may be worth more than $28 over a lifetime, but there’s a LOT of easier and cheaper ways to get subscribers.

I also do not like being called a spammer (apparently some marketers don’t mind), and for that alone the project would not be not worth it for me.

Bottom line: the point of this review is not to bash any particular marketers, but to educate you about co-reg lists. Maybe Jane and Phil will learn something from it too.

As always you can leave comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

93 thoughts on “Don’t Buy Co-reg Email Lists

  1. Jim

    I too thank you for this post Eric.

    Really, how many of the big guys (no names but… we know who they are) would or have made an admission such as this to their readers WITHOUT the text driving straight to a direct offer? Hum…

    I do find it difficult to do business with people who either can’t spell or take 30 seconds to use a checker (such as the response emails you received
    from Jane Mark). To me, this usually exposes the backbone of any business. I’ll stop there on that.

    And, for the many who are cynical about the “marketing advice niche”, it really is no wonder. This sector is loaded with marketers who will say anything to get into your wallet. (And we might know who some of these guys are too, right?)

    A trend I have perceived recently is one of “desperation”. Things are getting really tough out there. Nothing becomes viral faster than negative

    Thanks again for your honesty and integrity Eric!
    Don’t ever stop on this.

  2. Eric Post author

    Anthony Tomei – I appreciate the comment. I know there are marketers out there making money with co-reg lists, but to me it just doesn’t seem like the right route to take. Can you speak from personal experience?

    I just hate spam, and after seeing the reaction to my attempts, I’d feel like a spammer if I emailed hundreds of thousands of people who never heard of me.

    The other thing I should mention is that successful lists are not just about size. Let’s say your example is true, and you were left with 150k subscribers out of a 600k co-reg buy. How responsive are those people going to be? Just because someone hasn’t opted out, that doesn’t mean they’re actually reading your messages.

    For example, with A1eBiz I started out with almost 400k leads (Doc tends to over-deliver). I had whittled that down to about 275k. That means 125k people had been removed from the list, but apparently it didn’t have any correlation to the number of people who were actually reading my email.

    Another way to look at it is this. If you could have a list of 150k people with 100 buyers on it, or 5k people with 100 buyers on it, which would you rather have? I’d rather have the 5k list because I don’t want to bother with 100k subscibers who aren’t really reading my newsletter.

    I know this is true, because I regularly beat out “gurus” with 100k+ lists in affiliate contests.

    Another good example is the fact that Cody Moya recently “gave away” 61k subscribers as a bonus for Keith Wellman’s ListFX. This is from Cody’s site…

    About a year ago I wanted to test how coop list work and I purchased two sets of coop lists. First I purchased 600,000 list and about a month later second 200,000 list. I believe that I spend close to $12000 to buy those two sets of lists.

    Story below is about that 200,000 then list.

    I warmed up this list and then I sent to this list 27 issues on my Ezine.

    After a year this list shrink from 200,000 to currently 61,709 but those who are left already have received 27 ezine issues and many advertisement emails. My assumption is that all who are staying on this list are really interested in internet marketing business.

    Since I have this 61,709 list I decided to slice this list into 4 parts and give each part to 8 people. Therefore I can give this bonus only to 32 people (4 times 8 ). Each of 4 lists has 15,426 subscribers.

    After you get The List FX though my link you will get this 15,426 opt in list for free as bonus, if you are one of the first 32 people.

    Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not bashing Cody, because he’s a smart marketer (and I DO want to do business with him in the future)…but my point is this:
    Do you really think he’d be giving away those 61k subscibers if he thought they were responsive?

    On the other hand, his story might confirm your theory. Cody does not mention the current status of the 600k list…AND Cody has one of the most profitable lists in the business, so perhaps his 600k co-reg buy was successful.

    I am always open to learning what works. Do you have any names of co-reg lead sellers that seem to work? Heck, I’d test it out even if just for the sake of doing a review in Eric’s Tips 😉

  3. Eric Post author

    Jack- Thanks for the tip about Howard Moreland’s blaster. There are some consumer “scam reporting” sites, but I think the best place to get the word out is places like this blog. Most of these marketers aren’t running what I’d call a scam. They have terms and conditions that protect them, and a lot of them are decent people in real life. They’re just selling crap…

    Andrew – thanks for the tip. I’ll be sure to check them out when I get a chance. I read your newsletter too -keep it up 🙂

  4. Eric Post author

    Suzanna – thanks for the comment. A few quick comments about the Adsense sites issue you brought up…
    1) I can’t say for sure, but the sellers intention probably wasn’t to scam newbies. He probably just had bad instructions.
    2) Newbies who file complaints with the FTC and get their lawyers involved because a $29.95 product didn’t work out from them are not the kind of person we should be listening to.
    3) I am currently working on a fantastic solution to the poor-quality AdSense sites/templates that have been running rampant across the web. I can’t reveal the details yet, but it will be out in the first week of July.

  5. Eric Post author

    Quite a few of you have commented about Jane’s spelling errors… I agree there’s no excuse for not automatically running spell-checker on all outgoing messages, but I do want to mention that my intention for posting the emails was not to expose spelling issues. Her replies were quick, which is rare in this business, so the errs are forgivable. The reason I posted them, is to show the “pitch” that was made directly to me, which caused me to buy it.

  6. Jon

    I’m an newbie to internet marketing and I’ve got to tell you that it’s really great to have people like you out there who are honest and have integrity. My inbox is overloaded with emails full of hype and empty promises on a daily basis and it is a breath of fresh air to read your tips and reviews. Thanks so much for helping all of us.

  7. Russell

    As a newbie your tip’s are invaluable and so are your referals, contacts and friends who also provide an invaluable source of free information and access to maketing tools I don’t even know what to do with, yet. I spend as much of the free time I have to understand as much as I can about marketing – SO THAT I CAN MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS – & save myself alot of money, as I believe I already have. Please allow me to compliment you and your friends as the most highly qualified guinea pigs on internet marketing.

  8. John

    While we are on topic of people “off their rocker” … I just got this email from Jeff Johnson … and his product codenamed “The Next Big Thing.” I don’t care how good he is or he thinks he is. There is no way I would pay $10,000 for any product. RSStoBlog and RSStoBlog Mass Installer does all the important functionality for $500. With all the money the top Internet Marketers make I think it is going to some of their heads. This is ridiculous …

    Audio to hear what “it” does:
    [audio src="" /]

    His email …
    Hi John.

    I guess I failed to mention the price for the next big thing.

    I have also purposely not given out the full details on the discounts.

    So here are both (if I make a mistake the sales letter will superscede this email):

    The next big thing will cost $10,000 U.S. upfront, and $297 a month for licensing.

    To qualify for the $2500 discount you must belong to one of the following groups.

    1. A member of my $25,000 Platinum Plus Mastermind and Coaching group.

    2. An owner/buyer of the $3000 DVD set from my $25,000 Platinum Plus Mastermind and Coaching
    seminar held last September.

    3. A member in good standing (a current member) of my Super Affiliate Coaching Club AND you have
    been in my SACC group at least 3 full months.

    To qualify for the $1250 discount you must belong to the following group;

    1. A member in good standing (a current member) of my Super Affiliate Coaching Club AND you have
    been in my SACC group at least 30 days but less than 3 full months.

    To qualify for the $500 discount you must belong to the following group;

    1. A member in good standing (a current member) of my Super Affiliate Coaching Club for less than
    30 days AND you waive your right to a refund for the SACC.

    Well folks, I guess that about covers it.

    If I missed anyone in that long list I reserve the right to include them as I see fit.

    Get ready to take the internet by storm with the next big thing. Let’s Rock!

    Jeff Johnson

  9. Eric Post author


    Very interesting. This is the first I’ve heard of it. $10k does sound like a lot… It’s probably a good program. Jeff Johnson is a marketing stud to be honest. But it will only be a matter of time until someone like me pays a programmer to build something similar and sells it for $97 😉

  10. Joe Jutrisa

    Hi Eric,

    Just read your email and had to get here and stand on my soap box too! I’ve even put aside watching “American Hotrod” and “Rides” (Sorry guys, I’m a rev-head from way back! I rarely watch “the box” and I really look forward to these shows). I’m stunned at the number of replies!

    This sort of “crap” and “BS” really annoys me. Like yourself, I don’t want to be down on other people, their sites, or their business. There’s something for everyone and I believe the majority of people are great and I tend to trust everyone (without being naive). As we say Downunder, everyone deserves “a fair go, mate”.

    I had a similar experience recently when I purchased some leads from a clown called Baker. I think he got a mention here somewhere. He also recommended this “Doc” character. I also use Aweber and wanted to import the leads but found out I couldn’t import purchased leads.
    Hmm…Perhaps they know something! What now?

    I checked out this “Doc’s” site and read all the fine print. I think he turns a blind eye to this stuff, because his fine print is much the sames as any autoresponder company’s, with lots of don’ts and can’ts…so I didn’t use his service. I thought, geez, what do I do now? I then started looking for mailing software and I came across a few that do bulk mail. I ended up purchasing a product called Prospect Mailer. All their products seemed brilliant and very clever, great sales page, etc. etc.

    So, here I am. I’ve got leads. I’ve got software. We’re in business now!
    Guess again. This high tech software wouldn’t work because my ISP blocks certain ports that are required to use this mailing software. Funny, they didn’t mention this on their sales page!

    I spent days trying to sort this out and trying to get it to work on my computer. I looked at all sorts of options cause I really wanted to make this package work. I tried to get a refund but these guys don’t exist. You can’t contact them and the best you can expect is one of those “Bullshit Help Desks”. (Sorry, Eric. I know that your one works). By the way, the only times I’ve ever been “ripped-off” is when support is supplied via a help desk (sometimes even from famous marketers)! Maybe, we should all do an expose here.

    What’s the result?

    I’ve got a few thousand useless leads. I can only send out 10-15 at a time and 30% bounce!
    Haven’t got one sign up yet, but I’ll keep plodding along. They’re obviously garbage, but I’m persistent and curious. Luckily I purchased them via Paypal and quickly cancelled the monthly payment after the first set. I’ve got very clever software that I can’t use, and have got no hope of getting a refund and I’ve wasted a good couple of weeks.

    The moral?

    I should have followed my own advice that I outlined in my book on internet security and doing business on the internet. Check out their support BEFORE buying. Read the fine print. Look for real names, addresses and phone numbers. Email and call them. See what happens. Do some online research. And finally, watch out for flashy, state of the art sites and sales pages.

    Regards and best wishes,
    Joe Jutrisa.

  11. Nan

    It’s refreshing to see a review that isn’t hype. Most times everything is presented at “the next big thing, don’t miss out”. I’m new to all of this and building my list. I have heard only good things about aweber so when I get to that point, I’m hoping to use them.

  12. George Whitecraft

    Well Eric
    I am glad somer one said somer about then two Jane and Phil because I have trouble with them two also
    I have go as far to have my credit card company to charge back the money tha I paid to them.
    I paid for a ad to run the newsletter and I ask to show me that the ad was run, but no answer
    to my 5 Email I send to then or phone call But when the credit card company charge back then I get
    email from them and it was not a nice one. I also know other people with the same problem.

    Thank you saiding some thing about this


  13. Pingback: Monica M.

  14. joe

    I’ve had tremendous “Bang for buck” with

    One fixed price per month, ongoing, high quality leads every month.

  15. Brian

    Thanks for the information Eric , as usual you have told it like it is. In fact , one of the main reasons
    I read your “TIPS” is because it is straight forward. I am a firm believer in cross-linking or whatever
    you choose to call the sharing that goes on with the use of any website on the net . It works .

    Unfortunately , this is one case where they are not all exactly the same. I think it is safe to say that
    one good piece of advice about using any list to simply email prospects ( subscribers & alike ) , is
    to treat these activities as something you fully intend to keep , not just use . So considering the
    number of emails you intend to send should be paramount in your thinking and beware.

    It may have been said before , but , do we ever consider the fact that the higher number of emails
    we send , directly effects the responses , as after all , we are all sharing this information . I think a
    good rule of thumb is to test , test , test a small amount and refine your email message in the process.
    Actually , any good marketer is going to do this , and eventually promote the one email that appeals
    to people and gets responses first , before sending 100,000 emails across the globe from any
    autoresponder. Testing 1000 emails with a few different versions would provide some data to work
    with. Then send your remaining 99,000 in the final format . This also cuts the spam complaints to a
    minimum , thereby serving up your emails for consumption with both integrity and noticeable care
    and forethought . Also thereby resolving the recipient ‘s intent to make an issue of the emails
    themselves or passing on negative feedback .

    In a nutshell that is what you did with the co-reg opportunity , by testing it to see if it fitted your needs.
    If I had to answer the question as to how to be successful with any email marketing , it would be to
    follow the old practice of putting yourself on the virtual receiving end first , not last .

    Co-reg applications only work if they are truly a convienience , not a burden . You’ll be happy to know
    that I found your “Eric’s Tips” by clicking on a link in another unrelated email that suggested that you
    had a great source of information in the first place . It works , and you’re proof of that for sure.

    As far as the subject of repeated canned emails , I think they are a testiment of why alot of email gets
    deleted at first glance . You have to dare to be different to get responses that are different , lest your
    responses will be “canned ” in more ways than one.

    Which brings to mind the “Canspam Act” regarding emails . Since the act considers any commercial
    email to be illegal if there is not an allowance in each email to opt out immediately if the recipient so
    chooses , your emails should always contain this without fail as it will be recognized instantly . Your
    compliance alone can sell your information on merit , not to mention the amounts of times people
    will see the same email in many different places . Consideration should also be paid to how many
    different email boxes these “canned” type come from , the “Canspam Act ” says you can only have
    a maximum of 4 email boxes for commercial use , or that is illegal too.

    In short , there is nothing worse than sending countless emails across the globe that are not your own
    words and non-compliant in the industry you are participating in to make an attempt to promote your
    product or service. These will get deleted right away , or worse . The worst of which I found , was
    an unsubscribe link , through a co-reg link , that was a redirect to another advertisement on purpose.
    This is a trick that will get your email address completely disregarded as being anywhere near worth
    accepting emails from right from day one.

    Have A Happy New Year Eric & fellow marketers

    PS. “Thanks for all the emails”

  16. Matt L


    I feel your pain, but coreg can work well if one does a bit more homework that what you outlined in this blog post. One can lose a truckload of money on this unless they use coreg from a very select list of providers. Also, how old are the leads – very important? Are they selecting your newletter specifically or are you just lumped in the “other service”? Required use of their autoresponder? Sounds like a crummy list provider right off the bat. Also, the approach for coreg needs to have a couple more steps than what you would do for your normal opt-ins.

    There are a ton of other questions one would ask, but certainly too much for a blog comment. Guess what I’m saying is that you shouldn’t give up. Before you get back in, make sure you get some tutelage from someone who routinely uses coreg to make profits. It’s not automatic money because it takes a bit to get in, but if you do your homework right, you can get some good flow.

  17. Dusko


    After watching the PipeLine Profits Videos, I can easily see where all users of co-reg are going wrong. In the video, they say that if you don’t email the prospects immediately — literally within a minute or so, the prospect will cool off and become worthless. So, getting a lead a week old is a futile exercise. This means that, essentially, if not done in real time, the whole idea sucks.

    As of my own experiences, once I have also thrown 200 bucks for a list of 5000 leads, and was not able to do anything with it. However, I have also bought I think 600 leads from Eric James and there were very little unsbuscribers if at all. Note however, that I wasn’t able to make any money with either of these lists, so it was all a waste of money, time and hope. The only way is to make site that the visitor will like and will want to make an extension of contact with you by means of opting-in and receiving your newsletter or ezine.

  18. Inger Nilsson

    I reached this blog through “Pipeline Profits”- blog, and we are now in January 2007, so I guess most of the replies above, are posted a lot earlier than today’s date. Anyway – I got some names of some Coreg. companies, that I believe you folks should look into.

    From what I understand reading through 97 % of the replies here in this blog, you are all talking about coreg lists and Not coreg. companies – I don’t know if I am right or wrong about this, but you talk about individual small compaies with one or persons that you have purchased a coreg list from? Only Anthony Tomei, talk about something else.

    I will now give you addresses to some coreg. companies that you can check out:


    I haven’t used any of them myself, but after going through their policies and business deal offer I believe to be the best for the small Internet entrepreneur.
    Correct me if I am wrong.

    I also recommend you people, to take a look at ‘’, if you haven’t already – they have now given out 5 or so video’s for the coreg. business thing, without charges what so ever.

    They will also offer a system of their own, January 18. and note here that I am not affiliated with t hem in any way and do not get anything from this, since i am not an affiliate, just want to pass along some perhaps useful info.

    But – If you need no cost high quality content, like articles, and valuable no cost software’s, ebooks etc. + a free link directory, and a no charge submission service for your own articles – you can always visit my article directory at – no charges what so ever never, and with lots and lots of content to you all.

    Thanks Eric for great blog content, tips and wonderful info.
    Inger Nilsson,
    from Scandinavia and a dark winter Sweden

  19. Jean Claude

    Hi Eric : I am also looking to build a list and this site was sent to me by
    Michael Cheney and also backed up by john Reed a well know marketer.
    You can look at it and let me know what you think if you want .You dont have to put it on the blog if you dont want. They are up to 8 video and launch at 12:00 Pm.
    tomorow the 18Th of January.A bit late as i just found your blog a while ago.

  20. Jack

    The problem I have with these comments and reviews is it creates the same scenario over and over again. Marketer buys lists, list companies have pre-checked entries for subscriptions.; result? Spam complaint city!

    Buck and Brock from Pipeline Profits show you how to select the right broker and how to avoid pre-checked, incentivized programs. They have made a killing with Co-Regs because there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. Plain and simple. The leads opting in checks a box and should get a response right away increasing the marketer’s chances of following up with a kick-butt sales pitch and product. Hope that helps.

  21. Esti StraightArrowAllina

    Dear Eric,

    I have been considering co reg’s and understand their ups and downs.
    Two guys recently sold a system called Pipeline Profits and they use
    co regs, but mention that they’ve found only 4 reliable sources. I think
    the source and how the leads are generated are essential.
    If you want a customized co-reg program, there is a company called owned and operated by Gilda Christensen (?) with
    whom I’ve spoken several times, but have not yet done my custom
    lead-generation campaign with her yet due to reasons unrelated to her
    company. She is the only one I would work with at this point for any kind
    of lead – and I haven’t yet blown the size wad you guys talk about here!
    I recommend looking at her website and getting in touch with her. She’s
    very high integrity and will give you the straight scoop. Her website also
    offers useful information about marketing and advertising. For instance,
    she recommends against ‘incentivized’ leads and won’t do such campaigns
    Again, I haven’t used her services yet, but in the future she will be the only one
    I go to.
    Eric, I very much appreciate your blog in it’s being a place to get some honest
    information. Keep it up!

  22. Vishy


    The intensity and passion of the writers about co-reg is wonderful. My first contact with lists goes back to 1987. Many of you may not have been around then to try your patience with floppy disks.

    I learned quickly that there are three major elements to a list.

    1- Demographic qualification which helped me narrow down the ability and willingness of the potential customers.
    2- The time interval that had lapsed between the time they had requested information and the time they received my offer.
    3- My sales copy’s strength in helping them remember and the incentives I offered them to remember.

    The first item was really about how good the broker’s data was. The second item was a combination of how old the data was and how fast I could send the information and the last item was totally dependent on my ability to write and in those day my ability to talk over the phone.

    Have any of the members here tested these items with the lists they have used?

    For example we cannot compare a person who opts in to get financial information from a website that sells lawn seed, with the a person who wants financial information from a stock brokerage site.

    Or, have you checked to see if you offer is sent within seconds of the potential client request or within days?

    And finally a split test for the offers you have made?



  23. Gerry

    I have been hearing allot about Buck and Brock w/ pipe line profits.

    Come on get real. Although what they say does make sense, Don’t you think that they are NOW coming out with this because coreg has been done to death and it NO LONGER works???

    Maybe it is one of those things are are just NOT working any longer but sounds good on paper.

    Frankly, If I made that much money, I would just keep my mouth shut and keep making it..
    and NOT open a new business that would tell others about it…

    Has anyone here purchased the program??? Is anyone out there willing to give up the right coreg partner???

    I think not

  24. George

    For me there is only 1 question left to ask: WHO are the 4 co-reg companies Pipelineprofits buys their leads from?


    appreciate it.

  25. Inger Nilsson

    Gerry (above),
    Please keep your cynism to yourself – have you ever heard of that when you get to a certain level, it is no longer a question of the money?

  26. Mark

    Hi there guys,

    I’d have to agree on co-regsitration – It simply doesn’t work that well at all.

    On the other hand I noticed a post about Gary Baker, well I don’t know how much I would trust Gary Baker the so called expert.

    Gary “Sold” me his co registration “Business” for $11,000 back in 2006.

    Once I bought the business he informed me I still had to purchase all the leads through him.

    He provided 0 support and wouldn’t answer any of my emails. In the end I simply had to close shop – then he simply started selling the lists himself again!

    If you’re going to be dealing with this shady character – Beware.

    I’m more than happy to verify the story if anyone has any queries. contact me through


  27. Massimo

    I tried CoReg lists and I must say they were a waste of time and big money. A pure business failure.

    Quite frankly, I don’t need them anymore.

    It seems many “popular” marketers are not that kind of honest people we think. What a bad joke. 🙁

  28. Richard

    Hey eric thanks for the tips, I have recently been in search for a better way to build a list and stumbled upon it sure seemed as though it was a good thing, but after doing some research found out that the business might be a scam as well.

    It’s hard to find a good service online that will produce the right amount of traffic if you pay for it in an easy to amount type of way, but i’m sure if you do enough research you will be able to find it!

    I am trying to find an easy way to promote my new mlm business, so if you have any tips on how to promote an mlm company I would love to read that in a future version of your newsletter. Thanks for your professional help!
    All the best to you in 2009!

  29. Brian

    Not sure why my last comment was deleted, but I thought I’d point out that I believe your review here is for bulk leads and not real co-reg leads. Those two are often mixed up and used interchangeably when they’re far different.

    I’ve never had much luck with bulk leads (very minimal if that), but I’ve had good success with co-reg leads. The key is to know the legit companies AND have a converting offer AND think long term instead of just one promo ahead.

    Take care,


  30. Eric Post author

    I’m really not familiar with it, but I would certainly like to hear YOUR input if you do try it.

  31. Justin

    I am looking into co reg leads at the moment. I found a 1,000,000 leads for $250. I would like to push Clickbank email newsletters. Lets see what happens.

  32. Syed

    Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with co-reg services. However I heard good review on Warrior forum for services like and Opt-Intelligence. I want to try them out and would like to know if anyone has any experience of using these services.

  33. john

    Hi Eric We buy co-reg data among other types of data and use our small telemarketing team to call and work the leads. Co-reg seems to be about as responsive as any other data – it’s people. We’ve been doing this since 1998 – full time.

    I’m sorry to see all of the people who have been hurt by this data – some is much better than others. I would like to mention a couple of things that I’ve found in over 1 million co-reg leads that I’m sure you won’t believe.

    Although I don’t use them now – incentivized leads work better than non incentivized leads in general, in my experience. Don’t know why though.
    Leads that are a month old seem to work better than fresh – and even older are better. Some of the super affiliates I work with will only buy old data. Obviously because of the price – but they do find that data more responsive – in general.

    Callers, telemarketers, take quite a while before they get the timing, pace, cadence whatever you call it – right for them. But once they do get it – they are worth a lot. I find a lot of marketers quit before they get there.

    Hope this doesn’t upset anyone.

  34. kenney

    Yo Eric this post you have here has been a few years ago and now today in 2014 how do you feel about co-reg leads?

    Do you still hate them?

    1. Micah

      Hello Kenney,

      You can read through Eric’s responses to the comments that have come in. Eric hasn’t found any reason to do an update to this post, as of yet.

  35. kenney

    Thanks for the reply Micah but Eric didn’t really explain if these co reg leads were from opt out or opt in forms.. What I mean is, were the leads coming from pre checked boxes or would the visitor have to manually check a box to receive his emails?

    And let me know if I am understanding this correctly.. How co reg leads work is:

    1. The visitor DOES NOT physically fill out a form with their name and email address to your opt in form
    2. You have to find an auto responder that lets you import these leads so you can email them
    3. So they basically sell you the name and email address of the visitor, which if you want you can send them an email of your squeeze page where they can then physically input their name and email address to get more info from you. (This is basically almost like doing a double opt in)
    Am I understanding this correctly?

    1. Eric Post author

      Hi Kenney,
      Generally coreg leads come from opt-in forms that either have a checkbox or some fine print. It could be a pre-checked box, or it could be that they manually have the check the box. I do not know which was the case for the leads I was buying.

      Your 3-part assessment is correct.

      I don’t think co-reg is necessarily evil or unethical (as long the leads truly ARE legitimate CO-reg, meaning the subscriber gave permission for the registration to be shared).

      To this day it can still be a great source of traffic, and there are businesses making millions with it. But I generally do NOT recommend it for the average small business owner or start-up internet marketer, because of the risks involved, particularly the possibility of spam accusations.

  36. William

    Great article! Eric, you seem to have a “specific” angle on this. Many people start out thinking it’s easy to “build a list” and make money with it. But rarely, and I mean rarely, do these people actually get the results they need. We have been marketing and build lists for YEARS and understand the power of co-reg, done for you services and lead feeds. Recently, we started cleaning our data more and then test 10 – 15 times before actually hitting them with an offer of value. The services we use are from “MyLeadConsultant” – Great guys! Michael and Andrew … you should check them out .

    Done for you list building and lead services can be extremely helpful, but you need to understand the method behind marketing to understand how to use them.

    thanks again!


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