Frank Kern’s Mass Control Reviewed

By | January 31, 2008

UPDATE: This review is now outdated. It was written prior to the release of the very first Mass Control. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. For the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #151 – 01/31/2008

I was hoping to dodge this product entirely, without writing anything about it. However, the hype surrounding the launch of Frank Kern’s Mass Control has turned into such a deafening roar in the internet marketing world that I now feel the need to address it for the many of you who are deciding whether to invest in it tomorrow.

First let me tell you that this is not a “leech” review designed to pull in affiliate commissions for myself (not that there would be anything wrong with that).

I am not an affiliate for Mass Control, and there are no affiliate links in this review. All I would need to do is use an affiliate link and it would result in a 5-figure commission check, but I’ve decided to give you a straight up review instead.

I should also mention that I have not seen the Mass Control course itself, as it’s not out yet. My opinion is based on the videos and other material that Frank has released about the course, combined with my knowledge of how it all works.

So here we go…

To start off with, I will say that I believe Frank Kern to be the “real deal”. He really has orchestrated several very profitable product launches, and he has developed his own unique style of internet marketing that is highly effective.

In addition to having the numbers to back up his claims, he also comes across as a very sincere individual. There is a lesson to be learned right there, and it’s something I learned 9 years ago when I first got into sales and marketing…

People will buy from you if they perceive you to be sincere. Of course the most important ingredient to being a sincere sales person is truly believing in what you’re selling. But I think there is also an “X factor” beyond that, and it is a quality that is possessed by most successful face-to-face sales people.

It’s hard to put my finger on it, but it’s basically a combination of being personable, believable, and having a bit of charm. Some people have it, and some people don’t. A nice thing about the internet is that you don’t have to have it. You can have the personality of a door knob, and still be a successful internet marketer.

BUT… not on video. If you’re going to star in a video campaign to sell a product, then you must possess that offline “X factor” to be effective. That’s why guys like Frank Kern and Andy Jenkins are so good at making those type of videos. They’ve got it.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. If you’ve got the talent, you should use it. I just wanted to mention it because it’s something on the very surface-level that I observed.

Now, to dig a little deeper… the most important thing to be aware of (and I’ll explain why in a moment) is that Frank is USING Mass Control to sell Mass Control. In fact, not only is he using it, but I believe he is exemplifying his own techniques to the extreme because he wants to practice what he’s preaching (because he knows it works).

Of course it’s no secret that he’s using his methods. In fact, one of Frank’s videos is titled “Mass Control EXPOSED – How I Use Mass Control In The Actual Mass Control Sales Letter”

But why is it important to be aware that he’s USING Mass Control on us? No, it’s not because I’m afraid we’re being brainwashed.

It’s important because it gives you a good opportunity to learn something AND gives you insight into the course to help you determine if it’s something you want to invest in.

In other words, he’s going to teach you how to do what he’s doing right now.

It’s easy to see that a foundational block of the Mass Control method is providing LOTS of good content. In fact, there’s an interesting graphic on the “Mafia report” that shows how Mass Control uses multiple forms of media to gain instant trust.

You can read the Mafia Report here:

By the way, the Mafia Report is really a sales letter in disguise, but it provides a lot of great information. I saved a copy of it to my hard drive (you can do the same by going to “File… Save As…”).

By the way, Frank is an insanely good copywriter. But again, you can’t fault him for that. I openly attribute much of my online success to my natural writing ability. It’s just something to keep in mind.

Most of the content that Frank has released about the program has been through videos. I’ve watched most of the videos, and I have to say they are excellent. You can find them on his blog. Actually I don’t like the navigation on his blog, so I’m going to lay it all out for you right here. Here are the ones he’s released so far:

List Getting Video Part 1
List Getting Video Part 2 (includes a downloadable basic squeeze page template)
The 90-Minute Whistleblower Video
Is This Mind Control?
Mass Control PREVIEW
FAQ (mainly if you’re interested in buying the course)
Mass Control EXPOSED

He also includes several case studies:

Case Study 1 (Includes PDF)
Case Study 2 (Includes audio recording)
Case Study 3 (video with my friend Michael Koenigs)
Case Study 4 (Audio interview with Gauher Chaudhry)
Case Study 5 (Audio interview with a non-guru)
Case Study 6 (a post from the Warrior Forum)

Are you seeing how Frank has included many different forms of media as he “builds his case”? I’ve already learned a lot just from watching him roll out this launch, and I will definitely be implementing some of his techniques in the future.

So what about the content of the Mass Control course? Is it legit?

I must say… the mere name Mass Control makes be a bit queezy. After all, nobody wants a bunch of hyped up marketers controlling the minds of the masses. Oh wait, they already do. Ever heard of TV? LOL

But seriously, it is the part of marketing that makes many of us morally conscious folks uneasy. As I’ve mentioned in the past, there’s a fine line between salesmanship and manipulation and I think we all draw our own lines.

If you know me, you know I strive to do business with integrity. At the same time, I understand that tactics such as urgency and scarcity are fundamental components of successful online marketing. I use those tactics and I teach them.

So when it comes to Mass Control, I have no problems with it fundamentally. Like most things, it could be used for good or evil purposes.

Basically… if you have a philosophical problem with SELLING then you should not get this course.

It’s interesting that a lot of what Frank talks about in his videos stems back to offline sales principles that I learned many years ago through various sales training.

As far as the validity and usefulness of the content of the course, I expect that it will be excellent. He has gleaned much of his online marketing theory from Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula, which has proven itself over the past few years.

I too have gleaned a lot of online techniques from Product Launch Formula, as well as Mike Filsaime’s Butterfly Marketing techniques.

Similarly, I feel that I have gleaned a lot from the Mass Control methods already. So much so, that I personally don’t feel the need to sit through the course.

But I’m in a different place than most people. In the past year and a half, I’ve had seven 6-figure product launches, and several smaller launches. I can already see ways to implement some Mass Control methods to take my product launches to the next level.

I’ve also been in this business long enough to distinguish the real techniques from the fluff, so it’s easy for me to watch Frank’s videos and discern which techniques will work for MY business.

One more note, in case you’re wondering how Frank turned this into the biggest launch of the season. It’s all about relationships, money, and prizes.

If you want to have a spectacular product launch, the best way I know how is to get a bunch of partners (affiliates) to promote it. And the best way to get partners on board is to build relationships with successful marketers. If you’re new to this business, the best way to accomplish this is probably to go to an internet marketing seminar.

Second, once you’ve got those relationships established you need to motivate them to promote by offering generous commissions. And if you’re doing a short-term launch you should consider bribing your affiliates with prizes to get them into a competitive mode. I’ve seen the prizes that Frank is offering, and it’s no wonder everyone and their grandmother is promoting this thing.

Again, I only point this out so that you can learn and copy his techniques.


If you’re a “newbie” marketer, it really depends on your personal aptitude and attitude. If you’re a quick learner, and you’re 100% committed to becoming an internet marketer (and you’re not afraid of sales tactics) then this could be a good course for you.

If you’re an intermediate marketer with no smash hits yet (you know some stuff but you haven’t made a lot of money yet), this is a good course for you. However, if you already own Product Launch Formula or Butterfly Marketing, then you might be just as well off saving your money and going back to study those courses. Why? Because either of those courses contain enough information for you to have a successful product launch. Continuing to cram your brain with more information is not going to make you a successful marketer.

If you’re an expert marketer, then you can make your own decision. You’ll know that a $2k investment is a small price to pay for this kind of education. A few little lessons learned could boost your income 1%, which more than pays for the course. At the same time, you know that time is your greatest asset and you might be better off investing your time into what is already working for you… without being distracted by a new course.

Bottom line, I think the course will be a good investment for those who buy it and take it seriously.

For those who want to buy the course but can’t afford it: Take heart, because Frank has already given you much of it for free. You should watch the videos and read every scrap of material he’s released. HOWEVER, to get the meat of the course for free (as I feel I have), you need to do more than just watch and read. You need to synthesize what he’s doing and why he’s doing it. Beyond looking for nuggets in the videos themselves, you need to be analyzing the methodology behind the product launch.

Lastly, take Frank’s advice from the Mass Control blog…


Instead, only buy Mass Control if you’re really clear on what it’s about …and if you’re really clear on what it can do for you.

Yes. I know. You’re NEVER supposed to ask your prospects to use logic, right?

Well, I guess I’m kicked out of the “Marketing Club” because I think it’s best for both of us if you ONLY buy after you meet these conditions:

1. You’ve read the Mafia Report and you know what’s being taught in the class.

2. You’ve watched the videos on the blog. Specifically the “Mind Control” video and the “Preview” video. (And maybe the “Naked Dudes” video.)

I think those videos give you a good “feel” for what this is all about.”

I’m sure there’s some Mass Control psychology hidden in his advice too, but heh… you get the idea 🙂

As always you can post your comments here on the blog. Let me know what you think about Mass Control, the hype surrounding it, and if you plan on buying it.

Have a great day!

70 thoughts on “Frank Kern’s Mass Control Reviewed

  1. Sabrina O'Malone

    Dear Eric…

    You are right not to promote this. I’m quite proud of you for your stance. As I looked through the MC website, I kept thinking of the adage “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

    Quote from Frank Kern:
    “This video reveals how you can build solid relationships with hundreds of thousands of people at a time …so they give you money.”

    That sums up his purpose for building relationships. But would Frank Kern like to build a relationship with me…so he can give me HIS money? Doubtful. No one wants to be on the “giving” end of a relationship like the one he’s peddling. Which brings me to this observation, if you buy his product, which side of this relationship do you honestly believe you will be on?

    I’m sure he could teach some people a thing or two about marketing. But I simply don’t have the stomach to sit through lessons about mind controlling masses of people with the purpose of getting their money. Even the concept of treating people like that makes me sick.

    Moreover, there legitimate ways to earn a living online WITHOUT exploiting people or preying upon their hopes and dreams to do it. I’ve been successful in marketing and sales for over two decades. I’ve grown and changed with the industry as it’s moved online. And here’s a news flash from a veteran: Meeting customer needs is STILL the most effective way to build long-term success – both for yourself and for your customers/subscribers.

    “Standing-room-only, limited-time-offers (that incite greed and discontent)” are not techniques real professionals resort to using. However, in order to give a truly exhaustive opinion, I’d have to order his product; watch it and read the stuff…but that would be utterly impossible since I couldn’t even stand being on the MC website for more than a few seconds…

    There’s just a difference in the way some of us do business…

  2. Eric Post author

    Thanks for all the great comments!

    Michael D- to answer your question about Butterfly Marketing vs. Product Launch Formula vs. Mass Control for a newbie marketer… It depends on your objective. If you are interested in setting up sites that grow virally over time I would go with BM. Also if you are aiming to market TO the internet marketing crowd I would go with BM. If you’re interested in created a big product lunch, PLF vs MC is a tough call, because I don’t know the entirety of MC. On the one hand, we know that PLF is a PROVEN method so it’s a safe investment. On the other hand, MC probably contains some newer, more cutting-edge techniques.

  3. Zaqueu

    Congrats Eric,
    You post almost what I personally think about all that, what exactly you said “deafening roar”, surrounding the launch of MASS CONTROL stuff. I particulary can’t afford it for now, but like you said
    If someone have the other correlated stuff all what is needed is to apply those tatics.

  4. Pingback: Frank Kern’s Mass Control Reviewed - Affordable Website Marketing - Just another website promotion and online advertising weblog about seo and search engine marketing

  5. Doug Champigny

    Great post, Eric!

    I managed to avoid the whole Mass Control promo to focus on the two membership sites I launched in the last week, but after reading your review I have the impression that MC is mostly about successful launches, correct? If so, either BM or LFM coupled with Jeff Dedrick’s Hidden Sales Project would seem to have covered more than most people would do for a launch anyway – so why MC?

    Keep up the great stuff…


  6. Kevin Schrader


    You’ve taken a GIANT step UP on my credibility ladder! Thank you for the fantastic information. I received at least 6 emails from different AFFILAITES of Franks. Mike G, Rich Jerk, Sean Casey, etc. I am on their auto responder list. It was so hyped up I knew it was not going to be inexpensive but never thought it would be $2k.

    I actually got your email about this blog AFTER the launch. I did not take advantage nor do I plan to. Had it been about 1/5 of that price I may have jumped at it mainly due to budget. I wad laid off my I.T. job 17 months ago and am watching my money carefully. Thats how I managed to survive 17 months without an income. 🙂 Now if I can GET an income that would be great!

    Thanks again for being an HONEST person and telling it like it is without all the FLUFF as you called it. Brilliant and very helpful.


  7. Rico Keppard

    Great review. I looked at some of the MC information and ,great as it is, the mind can only handle so much. Plus like Doug Champigny (who also has great producs) I’m working on a few of my sites. As far as some of the comments about MC or any product launch which uses relationships to build relationships I’d have to say if you do not agree with that concept then you should not be in business. Business IS about relationships with your customers AND feeding your own family. You must get paid (that’s why you do it). So if you’re in business you should NEVER feel bad for taking someone’s money AS LONG as you provide an Excellent Product or sercvice to the person paying you. If you sell junk, theny yes you should feel bad. Product launch hype is no different than the movie trailers we see, tell our friends about, then go and see the movie the first weekend [and they make 50-200 million]. So there’s really no need to be hating on the MC hype. Now many of us arelearners so we are on several lists and are getting several e-mails (I get over 3 a day from Gleason’s different lists) so we may feel a little overwhelmed, but the average person is not on as many lists as we are on. Like Eric and a few others said, study what you see coing on with MC, decide how much of it you will use for your launch, pick you niche and I look forward to your successful product launch.


    PS it’s all about the shortcuts to success

  8. Pingback: Frank Kern’s Mass Control Reviewed - Affordable Website Marketing - Just another website promotion and online advertising weblog about seo and search engine marketing

  9. Greg the "Blog Dude"


    I wish I read your review before I made a decision because it would have been easier. I got caught up in the whole Mass Control thing.

    I was within one press of the “submit button” but I decided to identify and clarify my business model for 2008 and 2009 before jumping into this course. I’m fortunate because I really think Frank Kern is awesome so NOT joining was difficult for me. But I did stay out.

    Your review would have made it so much easier. I just finished reading it and smiled. I know I made the right decision. Thanks again.


  10. Marty


    Thanks for the review on Mass Control. I removed myself from the lists of about 15 marketers because I’m tired of seeing that all they do is push everyone’s next big launch. Glad you are not one of them.


  11. Kyle

    Great insight Eric,

    Your teaching is invaluable, your integrity is refreshing.

    Listen, I have to be honest, from a businessman’s perspective, this Mass Control is the most incredible marketing lesson I’ve ever seen. I watch Frank Kerns’ videos and his laid back, I’m your new best friend style and know very few people have the persona to recreate this. There’s another great lesson here, audio can be more powerful than the written word but a well done video can hit it out of the park.

    Oh yeah, I didn’t buy his program, not because I didn’t want too, but when he reopened Mass Control today the 3 pay option was gone and that put it out of reach for me. I initially felt bad, then I read your honest review.
    Thanks for your help,


  12. David Dyke

    Audio that is not able to be downloaded to MP3 is useless. Who has the time to sit at the computer and listen to audio????

  13. Ron

    I tend to agree with much of Eric’s analogy, as it personally pertained to his education, experience and potential. I partially agree on a personal basis, because I have a similar background.

    Yet, this is not the case for many beginners into the IM world… those that have not had the benefit of 4 years or more of marketing, psychology, communication skills, etc. from their local college.

    Since Frank’s course is taught by participation, if the student stays in the IM business, they will be using that learned information for the rest of their lives; it is an education for the foundation of this business.

    $2K is about 8 or 10 weeks of college campus and you cannot yet learn this stuff there; at least not in a condensed format.

    Nor would you have someone constantly pushing you for results (action), nor would you have the group help, nor would you later be participating with a lot of people face to face, for two days, that absolutely would become future JV potentials. Many seminars alone, cost a lot more than $2K and you still have to deal with the back of the room deals.

    With that and unlike a hard drive full of PDF’s and eBooks that we have downloaded, but never read, many of those that bought Frank’s course will be your and my competitor’s in the future as a group effort.

    No, I did not buy Mass Control, but only because prior commitments precluded the 30 or more day participation. Nevertheless, I am not going to logically attempt to diminish the contents to justify my emotions of why not.

    By adding all of Frank’s bonuses, then including the bonuses by some of the affiliates and then include the seminar where you meet face to face, I am going to conclude that Mass Control was and will continue to be the best deal this year in the IM world.

    Just to watch the marketing unfold, was in fact, one heck of a show and we all know it!

    If you lack the background education of above, had the money, the time and did not buy Mass Control through an affiliate that piled on more bonuses, you probably screwed up. But, it is alright, as someone else will come out with something even better… the bar has been set to a higher level.

    In conclusion, it is becoming a fact, that from the introduction of Mass Control, we all benefit. Just look around and more folks are already starting to apply the principles of giving and building relationships. If anyone continues the archaic hard sale principles of IM, even the newbie will soon realize and the marketer will certainly and absolutely watch their list diminish.

    In the end, we are all in this together.


  14. Jack

    Eric, et al…

    Call me crazy. I bought it. For those of you who didn’t, I have taken a two hour peek at the package and tell you with absolute certainty, just as he stated or implied in several of the videos, the first bonus will pay for the program for me 5-10X before the end of February. (See Case Study #3 above with Michael Koenigs.)

    I am in the B2B marketplace and this stuff will kick ass there. Those folks don’t know up from down about “street-fighting IM.”

    Who ever thought that Frank Kern was a “laid back surfer dude” after seeing the volume of work that went into this launch?

    Best to all.


  15. Lilly

    Is it me or does Frank Kern kind of overdo it with the whole, “I’m a surfer dude and I’m really not that smart.” image. To me, it seems so obvious that he’s purposelly acting kind of ditzy to get across the fact that if he can do it anyone can do it. It’s really transparent IMHO. On every single one of his videos or audio promos he makes some ridiculous error during the recording or he makes some typo and calls major attention to it and says something like, “See? I’m really not that bright.”
    If he was really this organic surfer who was all about peace, love and “goodness” as he says, it seems kind contradictory that he’s selling an information product for $2,000 that’s supposed to help the newbie little guy.

  16. David

    You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
    – Abraham Lincoln

    The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.
    – Karl Marx

  17. Leona

    Thanks Eric

    I have been out of the office for a week and missed out the mass control stuff, just catching up with it now. It just proves to me that a week is a very long time in the internet world


  18. Simon

    I signed up for Franks course.



    Is there stuff on the inside that you can’t see from the out side?


    But that’s not the point….There’s more to Masscontrol than the “stuff”.

    Frank really wants people to succeed.
    (evidenced buy the extra “stuff” he keeps giving us)

    Can money buy that?

    And about the name….it kinda makes me wanna chuck.

    Oh well, it just goes to prove nobody gets it right all the time 🙂

  19. Axel Cruz


    I got caught up in the buzz and purchased “Mass
    Control” on a payment plan and since I have not
    as yet built a list am still in the beginning stages of my IM endeavors. Would that I had seen this review sooner … however I feel that at some point down the road the course will be of great value for my business.

    This next part is for anyone that would like to do business with a JV partner that owns “Mass Control” and has a Respectable list of buyers that they would like to offer good product to yet are having trouble with their technique!

    Cruz /


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