Happy Easter!

By | April 8, 2012

(Fair Warning: Blatant Christianity in this post)

I’ve been meaning to post a “personal” update for awhile, and I think this would be an appropriate time to share a little of what I’ve been up to lately.

It’s been about a year since I came down with some health issues, which I reported in a blog post last year. I’ve been largely focused on my recovery over the past year, and I’m happy to report that I’ve experienced much improvement.

Today we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, and I believe that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us today! I am very thankful for that.

I had the priviledge of painting a couple of pictures for an Easter-themed presentation at my church. I was given some Bible verses, and painted the pictures based on those verses…

“What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked.
They all answered, “Crucify him!”
“Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.
But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”
When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”
All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”
Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified. (Matthew 27: 22-26)


As the soldiers led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus. (Luke 23:26)


I’ve also had the opportunity to paint during some live worship services and healing services. It’s been a real blessing, and fun to see what God gives me (these are painted quickly and spontaneously). I hope you don’t mind me sharing a few of them, as they kind of fit in with the Easter theme too. Some of them have been more abstract, such as these…

Spiritual Warfare

spiritual warfare

Reborn Identity


New Life in Christ

new life

Fire and Water Falling

fire from heaven

We’ve had a lot of other stuff going on in our house lately too. As you can imagine, it’s always an adventure when you’ve got 5 kids. Still on the theme of NEW LIFE, one of our cats just had a batch of kittens…


We also got a dozen baby chickens, which we will raise for eggs…


Lastly, I know y’all always like pictures of smiling babies, like my little girl 😉


I suppose all of this explains why I haven’t been posting many lessons lately (Don’t worry I’ll post more soon!). In case you’re wondering, my Internet business is alive and well, and bringing in plenty of passive income every month. In fact, my income has not dropped, even though I’ve been working less. The things I teach in the lessons and in my coaching club DO work 🙂

So here’s today’s action step: As you build your business, remember your true priorities.

Have a blessed day!

227 thoughts on “Happy Easter!

  1. Bill

    Happy Easter!!! Along with you and literally millions of others my family celebrates the resurrection of our Lord today!

  2. Joe

    Thanks for sharing your family and faith in Christ.
    I hope your health gets better.

  3. Tom Gurda

    Happy Easter! You are the best Eric – thank you for all the wonderful stuff you provide – especially the newsletters. I thought with all your cats and kittens you might enjoy my website. Warning – not fully optimized yet – but still a great site.. Cats and kittens make wonderful pets. They are fairly neat, warm and affectionate, and need little care compared to other pets such as dogs. However, even cats can be a hassle to clean up after if you do not have the right litter box. It is important to know what to look for in a litter box before going out and buying one so that both you and your cat are pleased with the results. There are various kinds of litter boxes that serve different purposes. Litter boxes may be referred to by a variety of names such as a sand box, sandbox, poop box, litter tray, litter pan, cat box, or cat box, but they are all referring to the same object, which is a cat urine and feces disposal tray designed for indoor use. Here is a list of the different kinds of litter boxes and what to look for.
    Traditional Litter Boxes: If you are the traditional and simple type and don’t like to bother with the fancy and complicated products that are on the market today, you are better off sticking with these traditional litter boxes.
    Related Coverage Cat Litter Box – There are different kinds of cat litter boxes that are being sold in pet shops and you might be confused on what to get. Read this article to find out which kind of you need. Cat Litter Box Furniture to Hide the Mess and Give Style to Your Home – Cats and kittens litter box furniture is a great way to disguise your feline’s toileting area. Find out what styles are available to find the perfect one for your home. Toss The Litter Box – Toilet Train Your Feline

    Often times, the mere smell of someone’s home will reveal whether or not they own a cat. There may not be much worse than the putrid smell of a dirty litter box emanating within a home. Many people would jump at just a chance to eliminate the stench of cat waste altogether. Dealing With Litter Box Smells

    Litter box smells can really be annoying and can actually lead to a person developing allergies to cat urine. If you live in a small apartment or condo it can be hard to control these odors, so here are some tips to help you. After all, the great thing about cats and kittens is that they clean up after themselves. Having a litter box handy is enough for most cats and cat owners. However, if you find that your cats and kittens is unusually messy, relives itself extremely often, or if you are not around much and don’t have the time and the patience to deal with cleaning the box, you may want to consider other options such as automatic litter boxes.
    Automatic Litter Boxes:
    Unlike traditional boxes, automatic ones require only premium filler and are much pricier than the simpler traditional cat pans. Automatic litter boxes are electric and therefore need to be placed near an outlet. It is up to the user to decide whether or not the box is always on or not.
    Most cats and kittens boxes are extremely safe and there is no reason to worry for the cat’s safety, however if you want to be extra cautious you can turn on the litter box to run a cycle only after the cat has relieved itself. Most automatic cat boxes require that the cat be at least six months old. Read more at http://cats-andkittens.com.

  4. Cirilo

    Hi Eric,

    You got some very powerful pics… Love the kittens… I’m a Christian too… And Im happy knowing that you are so open about it…

  5. Debbie


    Your pictures gave me chills! Like others here I’m glad to find another Christ Follower in internet marketing! Today is a time of celebration, and reflection of what was done for us. Because of HIM we are saved! God Bless you and your family!

    Living In His Grace,

  6. Marian

    Happy Easter Eric and great pictures there, you are indeed a man of many talents! it’s also good to know that you are still getting a passive income even when not working so much – I had the same last month – some health issues – but still managed some passive income so your lessons are good ones for sure 🙂

  7. Brad PollinaBpollina

    Awesome pics and paintings. Keep them coming! Christ is risen! He has risen indeed! Maranatha!

  8. PGarrett Moon

    Happy Easter Eric and family. Christ the Lord is Risen today, Alleluia!
    I am sorry to hear about your health issue. I have joined your program but so far I did not pay much attention because of my own project. URL I am sharing is till in construction. I believe it is God’s leading I opened up your Easter Message. I have been working on WaterFoodMission (WFM)and finally I am getting so fruit. I am one of those do-it-youself-guy. So I leanred a lot about website building. It is not really profesioal but there is it is my creation. After you read the above and my main site at http://GWSS.org you can help my mission I would apprecaite it. GWSS (Global Water Shortage Solution)’s goal is to inform public about water shortage because of our man made pollution, population explosion and our waste of water. We use water as if 100% of ocean is filled with fresh water but the reality is only 1% and it is keep shrinking because of reasons I mentioned above…we lose over 4000 children every day in developing countries (I know your misstionary work) I found out there is a simple way to correct this tragedy, tried to express in my GWSS site… Take care Eric and I pray for your speedy receovery from your health issue. May God bless your endeavors and keep you in good health. By the way I did not know you are an artist. May I use one or two pictures to share with my facebook friends? Have a Blessed Easter!

  9. Barb Marian

    Thank you so much for the courage to post the awesome message of our RISEN LORD and letting people know what Easter is really about. As the Lord said “If you deny me, then I will deny you.” We all need to share more this wonderful saving message to others, without fear of what others might think. I want to share just a portion of something I read yesterday during my morning devotions that I feel is important to everyone. “”Are you living the kind of life that will give you fulfillment at its end? In what are you investing your time and energiers? Fulfillment in marriage at retirement occurs only through fulfillment during the seasons of mariage beforehand. Dr. James Dobson says: “I have concluded that the accumulation of wealth, even if I could achieve it, is an insufficient reason for living…I will consider my earthly existence to have been wasted unless I can recall a loving family, a cosistent investment in the lives of PEOPLE, and an earnest attempt to serve the GOD who made me. Nothing else makes much sense.”” God was speaking to me personally I feel as sometimes I find I am spending too much time trying to make my internet business a go of when I could be spending more time doing God’s work. Everyone don’t forget to invest time with your family as we can’t take any of this earthly wealth with us. Thank you Eric for being who you are in Christ and having the guts to share it. May our awesome GOD continue to richly bless you and your wonderful family. I would love to have personal coaching with you if you have such a thing. GOD BLESS

  10. Connie

    Thank you so much for sharing these paintings and pictures. They are wonderful!
    Enjoy this Resurrection Sunday!

  11. Garry And Joy Woods

    Hi Eric,
    We are very appreciative, of your Stand for Jesus Christ, and your Christianity, and want to also wish you a very Happy Easter to both you and your Wife and all those lovely children and to know they will be brought up to know the Lord Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord.
    Also just want to thank you for your Sister in-law’s lovely Music, as well as your own, of Emanuel. very nice bless you both for it, and Eric, I’m wanting to build a Prayer Website, for our small Community Church here we have been running it for about 7 years now, its just for the elderly shut in’s who can’t get to a regular church Service which I believe God has called us both to keep it going I’m in my 68Th year have been Born Again and Filled with the Holy Spirit, for the last 34 years and still going strong, Praise His Holy Name as when we were called the scripture given to us was Isiah 60 V.1. Followed up by Isiah.61.V.1. so there is no getting away with it is there we have been Married for 31 years, as my Wife’s name is Joy and its proven all the way through if you walk together in Unity, with the Holy Spirit He will guide int all truth. Amen you and your family be Blessed in everything you do and if you want to ever Come to Australia come to Tasmania God’s Island Paradise, and we will see you have a good time and put you up at our Special Place while Here and show you all around.
    Garry and Joy Woods.

  12. Vince

    Thanks Eric for sharing your pictures! GREAT!! I’m A Christian AND PROUD OF IT! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PUBLIC STAND FOR CHRIST! HAVE A BLESSED EASTER!

  13. John Ignacia

    Happy Easter to you and your family. Love your christian approach. I am also going through a lot lately. But your advise and lessons inspire me. With God’s help I will make it. God bless you

  14. Bonnie Hill

    Seems my fingers walk on the wild side. What wonderful pictures such a gift from God, just like you. Thank you

  15. Anonymous

    Hey Eric,

    I’ve been with you awhile now and appreciate the fact that you are a fellow Christian. I wish that there were far more of us that were Internet Marketers. Or more importantly that if there are, that they’d not be ashamed to admit it.

    Thanks for the scriptures and pictures, happy Easter to you and your family and I pray and definitely know that with Christ, you will continue to heal and prosper beyond your wildest dreams.

    God Bless,
    Keith Gloster

  16. Marilyn

    Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. I did not know you were an artist. I really love your abstracts…especially your warfare piece. Have a Happy Easter…and thanks again for this post.

  17. Ray Phillips

    Appreciate your artistic talent and putting it to Good use. Happy Easter to you and yours.

  18. Dave Espino

    Thanks for sharing from your life and your faith, Eric!

    This is a special day – the most special day for Christians – and I appreciate your stand for Jesus and the glimpse into your life and art.

    Happy Easter!

  19. Alsa


    Many, many blessings to you and your family and thank you for posting any and everything that is “religious” because let us praise Him always:) Your children reflect a great happiness and in this world so full of bad news that makes us feel nothing is going right in the world anymore; it’s such a joy to see the Lord’s love shining brightly within you. Will continue to pray for your optimal health and blessings to your family and all who rad this!!! <

  20. Anonymous

    Nice one Eric!

    Great paintings. Thanks for this – it makes a special day even more special.

    God Bless,


  21. Olivia

    Hello Eric,
    Wow! What wonderful pictures, thank you for sharing with us and thank you for your unconditional help through your messages to all of us. I’m glad you are feeling well!!

    God Bless you and your beautiful family.


  22. Mara

    It’s great to learn that you feel safe in faith and are well again, dear Eric. God bless you and your amiable family. Enjoy a Happy Easter altogether.

  23. Anonymous

    Happy Easter, our Lord has Risen.

    On a side note, I know your business are working but am having a time getting Push Button Marketing set-up and running, I really need some assistant.

  24. Steve Hunt


    Thanks for sharing your faith and love for Jesus!
    God bless you and your family.

  25. Linda

    Happy Easter Eric!

    Kiss the kids, kittens and baby chicks for me.

  26. Nombulelo

    Thanks for your very inspiring Easter post. It’s good to hear that your health is improving and as always we appreciate the pictures of your lovely kids. What a joy to be able to keep chickens for eggs!
    Love your pictures, you are a good artist too! Thank the Lord for your many blessings.

    Happy Easter to you and your family.


  27. Marcia Bryant

    Thank You for those beautiful pictures. Happy Easter.!

  28. PGarrett Moon

    Happy Easter Eric and family. Christ the Lord is Risen today, Alleluia!
    I am sorry to hear about your health issue. I have joined your program but so far I was not able to give much attention because of my own project. URL I am sharing is still in construction. I believe it is God’s leading I opened up your Easter Message. I have been working on WaterFoodMission (WFM)and finally I am getting some results. I am one of those do-it-youself-guy. So I leanred a lot about website building. It is not really profesioal but here it is it is my creation. After you read the above and my main site at http://GWSS.org you can help my mission by spreading or using your own church mission. I would apprecaite it. GWSS (Global Water Shortage Solution)’s goal is to inform public about water shortage because of our man made pollution, population explosion and our waste of water. We use water as if 100% of ocean is filled with fresh water but the reality is only 1% and it is keep shrinking because of reasons I mentioned above…we lose over 4000 children every day in developing countries (I know your misstionary work) I found out there is a simple way to correct this tragedy, tried to express in my GWSS site… Take care Eric and I pray for your speedy receovery from your health issue. May God bless your endeavors and keep you in good health. By the way I did not know you are an artist. May I use one or two pictures to share with my facebook friends? Have a Blessed Easter!

  29. Robert Dromboski


    I am Jewish. And I do wish you a Happy Easter!
    You are a good man. And you are helping people.
    I hope you and yours have the best of religious holidays! Blessings to you!

    Bob Dromboski

  30. John Wood

    Thank You Eric, may God richly bless you and your family. I am the father of six kids. Two of them are adopted and very special. Thanks for all you do.

  31. Kevin Weigerding

    Being a blatant Christian myself (check out front page(s) of my site(s), I REALLY appreciate your pictures
    Please enjoy the celebration of a RISEN Savior
    Thank You

  32. Don Katerina

    Happy Easter to you and your family. We are glad to hear that your recovering well. Thank you for sharing the beautiful paintings, God has truly Blessed you with many talents! May you continue to progress in your recovery and may God to continue to Bless you abundantly!

  33. Karen L. Baillie

    Thank you for your Easter tributes. Glad you are feeling better. Right now I am going through a medical crisis with my brother who on a flight from London two weeks ago suffered a massive heart attack at the young age of 61 years. It is touch and go for him and on this Easter weekend I am feeling rather melancholy. I have spent a great deal of time the last two weeks in prayer, and I would appreciate it if you would send one as well. My brother, Jim, could use all the prayers he can get right now. I know that GOD will do whatever he feels is best for my brother and the rest of us, but the pain of losing him at times seems unbearable. In addition I am studying your lessons diligently and will continue to do so. Thank you in advance for your prayers for my brother.


  34. Tutyana

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks for sharing your paintings. You are such a talented man in many ways, and more importantly you give your talent back to God.

    please remember: …. with His wounds we are healed!

    Happy Easter!


  35. Jack

    Hi Eric,

    Bless you brother. Because He lives we live.

    Romans 5:10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!

    Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

    I trust God for a complete healing for you!

    With much love in Christ.

  36. Hernani

    Happy Easter. Really enjoyed your paintings, well done. God bless all of us for a better world, we need more people like everyone who made a comment. We live in a material world where no one or very few people cares about the person next to you. Love and faith will take you to distance while hate, and jealousy will take you nowhere.
    God bless all of us.

  37. Deanna

    What wonderful art you have. Thank you for your Easter photos as well. Hope that all goes well with you and your health. Have a great Easter day.


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