Instant Resale Templates

By | May 2, 2008

UPDATE: This product is now outdated, and I do not recommend it any longer. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. Additionally, I have removed the links from this article. To get the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #165 – 05/02/2008

If you’ve been a reader of Eric’s Tips for very long, there’s a good chance you’re aware that Joel Comm and I have been selling high quality website templates for the past couple of years.

What you might not be aware of is that we’ve sold millions of dollars of them.

Here’s what I love about templates…

They help people set up websites more easily, and there’s a huge market for them.

Today we’re going to allow a limited number of people to grab a copy of our entire template business, along with a huge collection of brand new templates to resell for 100% profit.

You can get the details at:

(link removed)

We’ve gone all-out in providing the biggest and best template package you’ve ever seen, and I think you’ll enjoy integrating it into your business.

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

7 thoughts on “Instant Resale Templates

  1. shabnam

    I am a hypervre gold user and is enjoying the software.
    But i have missed the opportunity of buying Instant Resale Templates which were released by you and Joel comm.I was just wondering that when you guys will provide such an opportunity at that price to us again so that i can grab it.
    You guys a doing a great job. keep it up!


  2. Ramona Banfield

    I decided not to accept your offer and to not subscribe to a trial of Mike’s newsletter because I have opted into so many programs that I already have info overload. I spend so much time just reading my e-mails that I haven’t focused on the most important thing needed to become an internet marketer. I ablolutely must focus on geting my website up and running in order to build a good list that will generate an income. To do that. I am working with Tellman Knudson through his ListBuilding club.

    Thanks. I know this is a great offer. I am going to start using the information I already have before adding more no matter how good it is otherwise I will never get anywhere.

    Thanks again. I wish you only the best.


  3. ahmad

    Hi Eric,
    I bought instant resale template, but I got problem with your wordpress template. The problem is: I got problem when I browse it using Mozilla Firefox since the alignment of the page is not nice looking, all the template align left. I have no problem if we browse it using Internet Explorer.

    I had emails some times to thehelpdesk, however the answers are not satisfying me since the problem is still there.


  4. Samuel C

    Hello Eric,

    Does the Instant Resale Templates program come with great add pages for reselling the products? Getting this incredible info back on the internet is half of the problem for us newbies. You and Joel are pros at copywriting and marketing-the weakness of beginners.

    Samuel C


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