List Pros Coaching Program Bonus

By | April 24, 2008

UPDATE: This review is now outdated, and I do not make any current claims regarding this product. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only. Additionally, I have removed the links from this review. To get the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #164 – 04/24/2008

I’d like to preface this edition by saying this…

List building is the most important component of most online business models. It works for all industries, all niches, and in most cases your LIST is the most valuable asset of your business.

It’s that important.

So if I could choose anyone in the world to learn about list building from, who would I choose?

I would have to say “Shawn Casey and Tellman Knudson.”


Because they are known as the best list builders in the business.

When I recently launched a product, we had a contest for our JV partners to see who could make the most sales.

Guess who won?

Shane Casey was #1 and Tellman Knudson was #2.

Similarly, those two marketers have dominated MANY contests that I have either sponsored or participated in.

Shawn and Tellman will attest to the fact that I have sent them SEVERAL prizes in the last year, including a Macbook Air.

Why do they dominate the market?

Because their lists rock.

Now Shawn and Tellman have teamed up to reveal EVERYTHING they know about list building, and they are launching the List Pros Coaching Program to show you exactly how to build a massive and highly responsive list for any niche.

You probably don’t know this, but I used to be a distance runner. And while I get more out of shape the older I get, it just so happens that Tellman has become a stud ultra-marathoner in his adult years. So we’ve had a couple of interesting conversations about running.

But to be honest the thing that impresses me the most about Tellman is how he is SO GOOD at what he does. I think he made about $800k in his FIRST year online. Most people have a serious learning curve, but he hit the ground running and has been accelerating ever since.

Shawn on the other hand is known as a “legend” in the internet marketing world. He’s been a guru forever. But he’s a totally down to earth guy. At this point in his career, I think he’s accomplished about everything possible in the marketing world, so I get the sense that he’s truly interested in giving back and helping others succeed. My wife and I talked to him about investing, and he was more than happy to share his wisdom on the subject.

My point is… these are great guys to learn from.

Ok, so let’s summarize…

1) List building should be #1 on your priority list.

2) Shawn and Tellman have created the most comprehensive internet marketing list building program ever.

The program isn’t cheap, but I think it is a very worthy investment… especially if you don’t have a list or if your list isn’t currently bringing in substantial income.

If you follow through and do what they teach, I believe the return on investment will be significant.

Remember, your list is your most valuable asset as an internet marketer.

In the internet marketing world, things change…FAST.

Google may change their algorithm and you could lose all your SEO positions. Or they could implement a new “slap” and wipe out your PPC ads. There are many things that could shake the core of your business if your foundation isn’t built around your LIST.

If you have a list, you’re essentially recession proof, because you can always find something to sell to your list.

Your list can literally pay your bills for you. Mine does (thank you very much).

Of course this opportunity is not for everyone, but for those who are able to invest into your business right now, this is a good place to invest.

As always you are welcome to leave your comments here on my blog.

Have a great day!

12 thoughts on “List Pros Coaching Program Bonus

  1. Linda Harben

    I wanted this program and am a member of Mining Gold, but I cannot afford it. I was very disappointed.

    Thank you for the email and the offers. I’m sorry that I can’t take advantage of them, but I am trying to save my house from foreclosure and that takes precedence.

  2. Sandy

    Do you know if tis course teaches how to develop a web-site, get an autoresponder, etc.?
    I’m very new and don’t have anything yet. I was wondering if this course help with the basics?
    Keep your info coming to me – I appreciate you!!
    Sandy 🙂

  3. Sandy

    I just sent you an e-mail but didn’t put my e-mail address in the little box. It is in the body of my note.

  4. kathy

    Eric, I bought the listpros coachign program yesterday evening around 7:00 PDT. I only have a svreen shot to prove this becasue I did not get a receipt with the email. Will this be enough to qualify me for your generous offer? I can also forward my email that I received from Tellman varifying that I did purchase the program.

  5. Eric Post author

    Hi Kathy, I think that should be good enough. Please open a ticket at my helpdesk and we’ll try to verify your order with Tellman. Thanks!

  6. Donna

    I am like many who have to read, study, and educate myself in online opportunities. Tried a few things but still learning. People say it is in the list; however, I am finding it more in the subject line, ad content, or sales page.

  7. Stani

    Hi Eric

    I had the same problem as Kathy.

    I didn’t get my recipe and now there are no way to login into ListPros website.

    I litterally devored the information in the videos so I have one squeeze page, thank you, confirmation, error page and redirect with autoresponder. Now I’m waiting for more. I’m a software developer, so for me was the easy steps.

    Now the big question is how to write/get writen good emails series and how to drive targeted traffic to my pages.

    I’m almost OBSESSED about the whole thing! My brain is going to get in fire. 🙂


  8. Susan

    i am on the fence about purchasing this as I am in PLF2 right now and the double expense is really tough to chew. i will decide in the morning (29th). is your offer still available?Thank you!

  9. Moises

    Hey Eric,

    I’m very interested in getting involved in internet marketing . I’m not a tech wizard or tech savvy. I’ve gone to alot of IM sites that promise there technique will help me build an income online. For an ex truckdriver that knows little about IM, tech,website building, blogging or anything else related to the internet,where do I start without having to spend thousands of dollars? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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  11. Sujit Singhamahapatra

    I regularly read your mail, you are too much interesting for your subject, I am very much interested on e-commmerce, now on your proposal I hope that I can do something in the field of e-commerce.


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