LESSON #24: Choosing a Web Host

By | September 18, 2008

In the previous lesson, I talked about the importance of having your own website, and we went through the process of registering a domain name.

Now it’s time to take the next step toward getting your website up and running…

(Watch this video…)

Main points:

  • Web hosting is what makes your website available on the internet.

  • It’s important to choose a good web host in order to avoid potential problems.

  • Important things to look for in a web hosting company…

    1) The resources and tools that you’ll need

    -Plenty of storage space and data transfer
    -Cpanel control panel (I wouldn’t go anywhere without it)
    -MySQL, PHP, etc…
    -Fantastico scripts installer (one click WordPress, etc)

    2) Great support

    -look for 24/7 support, and multiple support options

    3) Reliability.

    -If your website isn’t online, it’s not making money!

    4) Affordable price.

  • Some web hosts have gone “green” to help the environment, which is an added benefit when choosing a host.

  • The host I recommend is Hostgator because they meet all of the above criteria. I have referred literally thousands of customers to Hostgator, and they have a great track record of taking care of my customers.

    Action step:

    1) Get web hosting.

    Click here to visit my recommended web host…

    In the video, I talk about how to choose a hosting plan that best meets the needs of your business. Essentially, it comes down to this question:

    How many websites do you intend to have?

    If you only plan on having one website (ever), then you should go with a single hosting plan such as Hostgator’s “Baby” plan. You can get started with your first month for as cheap as one penny by using my coupon code during checkout.

    Coupon codes:

    If you plan on having multiple websites, your best option is to get a Reseller account, such as Hostgator’s “Aluminum” reseller plan. This will allow you to launch an unlimited number of websites without having to pay any additional hosting costs.

    Watch the video for a comparison of shared hosting, reseller hosting accounts, and dedicated servers to see which one is best for your business.

    After you’ve obtained hosting, we’ll want to make sure your domain is pointing to your hosting account, and we’ll get familiarized with the tools you’ll be using (I’ll be covering those things in the next lesson).

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below 🙂

    Have a great day!

  • 237 thoughts on “LESSON #24: Choosing a Web Host

    1. ogbete bibi

      i have purchase an hostgator baby plan but i intend to add more blog to my host, what should i do now

    2. Eric Post author

      You can add new domains to your account currently as add-on domains, and it will work for blogs too. But if you want each domain to have it’s own cpanel control panel then you will need to upgrade to a reseller account.

    3. selfconfidencehypnosis

      I develop websites using Weebly. I register domain names for free at za.net and the nameserver I use is freedns.afraid.org. Now I don’t even know if I am using the right terminology here – I don’t have the technical knowledge. What is wrong, if anything, with what I am doing

    4. Eric Post author

      There’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing as a tactic. It’s a good way to use free resources. However, your sites could disappear overnight because you don’t own that web space, and you don’t have full control over it. It’s best to have your main website on your own domain. Then you can use free stuff for additional marketing/SEO purposes.

    5. Mirasol

      Hi Eric, can you please suggest how I can get traffic to my site, I’ve tried blogs, social media,article writing, and a little of PPC. My site has been up since last week of December.
      Do you still have websites for sale?
      Thank you.

    6. Eric Post author

      Web traffic will be covered in depth in lesson #71 through #85. But it’s important to take it one step at a time. I don’t have any for sale at the moment, but I probably will again in the future, thanks.

    7. oksana

      hi Eric,
      i havnt get the lesson23, could you sent it for me pls…
      thank you

    8. Johnny

      hi Eric,

      In lesson 23 you recommend registering a domain with someone other than our web host.

      I am considering to sign up for Hostgator Aluminium reseller plan which include free Enom account.

      And if I choose the Enom Sub Reseller, will hosting be separate and do my customers will have the same control as you explain in your lesson?

    9. Eric Post author

      Yes I think going with Hostgator and Enom would be fine, because those are two seperate companies even though the enom is being offered as a promo through HG. And yes your customers would have the same benefit.

    10. johnny


      Many thanks for your quick response.

      I have one potential customer asking whether i able to transfer his website with email hosting immediately.

      Should I take this challenge.? Will HG or yourself able to teach me how to transfer existing website.?

      This potential customer website is now hosted in Singapore with xxx.com.sg and its email was registered with another company but not hosted by them.

      I am very exited because if I got this account it really like breaking the ice.

    11. Eric Post author

      IMO yes you should do it if it is in line with the objectives of your business. Worst case scenario you fail and lose one customer. But I think you should be able to do it without problems.

      I will not be teaching about website transfers specifically, but I’ll give you the steps below. You could probably get help from HG too.

      Here’s the basic idea…

      1) You set up his domain (example.com.sg) via your WHM panel.

      2) Give him the FTP/cpanel login so he can upload all his files. He will need to use the IP address in place of the domain, since the domain isn’t propagated yet. (You will see the IP address on the results page when you create the account in your WHM panel).

      3) He can log into the Cpanel and setup his email account(s). Again, he would use the IP address to login to it. (http://IPADDRESS:2082)

      4) After his files are uploaded, he should log into his domain registrar and change the DNS to point to your name servers (the ones assigned to you by HG).

      5) As soon as the DNS propagates his website and email will be live on his new hosting account. He can check his email via the web-based interface (http://example.com.sg:2095) or via pop3 through Outlook or any other email client.

    12. johnthenovice

      Hi Eric,

      Thank you for your encouraging words.

      I click on Hosgator in this lesson to registered for the Aluminium and the domain name “AQwebhosting.com”

      I do not see any field for me to type your Coupon code: ERICSTIPS.COM

      However the bill shown only for one month and I proceed to pay using my Pay Pal.

    13. Eric Post author

      It appears that they now automatically enter a coupon code for you on the first page if there is one available. So you most likely received the coupon price.

    14. Murray J Greene

      Another good lesson. Can I change my hosting for a site that is already live (but not earning me anything yet!) How do I change over?
      Thanks,Murray J Greene
      Cairns, Australia

    15. Sean Breslin

      Hello Eric Hostgator is good like you say… but I moved my last site with them over to a company dedicated to hosting for Marketers who I’ve been with for about 3 years now! and plan on never leaving… gogvo titanium is in my view the Big Boss of Hosting Companies!

    16. Eric Post author

      Yes you can, it’s actually pretty easy.

      Hostgator does offer free site moving service for new customers.

      If you wish to do it yourself, you would basically do this:

      1) Sign up for the new hosting account (using your existing domain).

      2) Upload your files to your new hosting account. You will upload them via FTP using the IP address and login info given to you by the host.

      3) Go into your account with your domain registrar where your domain is registered. Change the DNS to the name servers listed in the thank-you email from your new host.

      As soon as the DNS has propagated (usually within minutes), your site will be live on the new host and you will have zero downtime. You can then cancel your old hosting account.

    17. Ileana

      Hello Eric,
      I am new to your lessons, first time to post a commemt. I am from Cuba and as you can imagen very behind regarding internet and anything related. your system is of a lot of help for me since is step by step that I just follow. I am trying to host my domain by http://www.getgator.com and I can see your lesson and a URL that is . I can not see the one in the lesson. It is maybe the same wich one should I choose. I would like to make my small contribution and get my hosting trought your channel since I have no other way to help you and I have received so much information from you
      Thank you from my soul


    18. Chris Doane

      Okay, so I got my hosting a month too early!!!
      I got my domain @ Go Daddy and pointed it @ Host Gator a month ago tomorrow!!! Any chance of a discount on my second month? Just kidding, it would be really cool though! Because of my experience over the past month, I’d like to share a word, to those on shared servers, in cPanel, scroll down to the “Files” table, and make a habit of using the “Backup Wizard.” Host Gator backs up ALL their files every Sunday, but, if you build a site on Monday and it is down on Saturday, they don’t have it…you have to rebuild the hard way. Plus, it costs $15 dollars to use their backups. If you back it up yourself, it costs nothing but a few minutes, and you can be more up to date in your files…Remember, Host Gator is GREAT, but, NOBODY is PERFECT. Thinking about it, that’s probably good advice REGARDLESS of who your host is or the type of server you are on. I’m only speaking from my one month experience on a shared server.

    19. Wira

      Hi, Erics
      I registered my first domain name on http://www.lifedomains.net and i want to register and choose Hatchling Plan on http://www.getgator.com. I just want to have 1 website for time being. What do think?
      Can i apply subdomain? And Is it posible to Upgrade Baby Plan for future.

      Thanks for your advise.

    20. Eric Post author

      Yes that would be fine. Yes you can have subdomains, and yes you can upgrade your account anytime in the future.

    21. fidel pavot

      thanks Erik for the information about web hosting- is another new information that i learn from you. thanks for the coupon.

    22. Joe

      Host gator offer’s Unlimited Domains, webspace and bandwidth. Does this mean I can have as many websites on one account or just an extreemly large website?

    23. Eric Post author

      Yes you can have multiple websites on one account. If you want each of those websites to have it’s own control panel also, then you will need one of Hostgator‘s reseller accounts.

    24. Vincent

      Hello Eric, I just want to say thank you very much for your forthright Lessons, which you continue to deliver to my mail Box regularly. I have followed your recommendations so far and set up a Website (with Hostgator- used the coupon, thanks) and registered 2 Domain Names (with Lifedomains.net). I did this back in September (15th). But I’m yet to develop my site or even post the first one page blog on my site.

      Thank you for all your Lessons. They have been very helpful in giving me a perspective in what to do. I have also read most of the comments of your other writers and your highly technical and very accurate, detailed and informative responses to them, since 2008. I have learned a great deal from your discussions.

      Already you are reaping the rewards of your Christian magnanimity, which is very rare on the Internet. I know that God will continue to give you the wisdom of Solomon to continue helping others and through that way, also make your earnings and prosper your Family.

      I am also very happy to note that you are carrying on wonderful Christian Projects (through your Prayerways Website and Journeys to Deprived Parts of the World), which is fulfilling those people’s aspirations and hope in the Word of God. If you are assisting in spreading God’s munificence (almost altruistically), why wouldn’t the Lord God Almighty continue to Bless you and also Protect your Family? Thank you for your honesty, intent of purpose and the Drive to assist others.

      This is my first comment to you. I will not use this opportunity to ask any technical questions; but only give thanks to the Lord God Almighty for what He has continued to do through you. Eric’sTips is an Eye Opener to what a Child of God can achieve and also keep his feet firmly on the grounds of Humanity and Christianity.

      You have had so many good comments in the past. I’m only adding mine and saying at the same time let us all give Thanks to our Lord God Almighty and His Only Son, Our Redeemer, Our Lord Jesus Christ for Everything. Amen.

      (Please you don’t have to publish my comments to you as they are rather personal at this time. And by the way my Baptismal name is Vincent, but my African Name-Usoro- translates in English to mean: Christmas, Joy, Festivity, Happiness and Goodwill, as I was born during the Christmas Festivity Period on the 27th of December, many, many years ago, somewhere in West Africa, though I’ve been living in Europe (UK) for more than a quarter of a century).

      Thanks a lot once again for your lessons. Vincent.

    25. Lloyd Hrdlichka

      I just had enough time to watch the lesson here, before leaving for my night job, but I like your recommendation and I will get on it tomorrow…Friends, Lloyd.

    26. Lloyd Hrdlichka

      Hi Eric, I might already have both a domain, and web hosting already in place at Dreamhost??, because this is what it says in my account info on their site…
      When you signed up, we(Dreamhost) automatically set up your first FTP user, your domain registration (if you so selected(lloydsmarketingsolutions.com)), your domain’s hosting with us, and your first email address (just to forward to your current email)…Let me know if that sounds correct in both items being taken care of here before I sign-up for more domains and hosting…Not sure what FTP is at the moment?…Friends, Lloyd.

    27. Bob McCormack

      Hello Eric
      Today’s lesson was great. I got a lot out of your information and can see where I can save a fair bit of money monthly and add another area of enterprise for my business interests. After the last couple of lessons I an getting more and more into the development of this business. I sincerely hope the others on the journey are getting as much and more that I. This is truly enjoyable and the lessons are so very well put together.
      Thank you very much for both you time and your lessons.
      Please take care of you and yours.

    28. Will Hoe

      I Eric is there a lesson 23 i got 2 lesson 22 then the next is 24. Can you send me lesson 23 again if there is one .

      Will Hoe
      P S Your training is in the same league as Anthony Robins, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar and many more.

    29. Micah

      Hello Will,

      The next lesson will soon be completed and will be sent to you soon thereafter. You can also visit EricsTips.com to see the latest lesson updates and revisit earlier lessons:

      Here is the direct link to lesson 23:

      LESSON #23: Choosing and Registering a Domain Name

      If your email happens to block some of the lessons, we recommend that you view this tip on whitelisting an email address:

      How To Add a Sender to Your Whitelist (Safelist)

    30. jefvz

      Hi Prakash,
      Your comment was inspired me, since my my English
      was poor enough in getting lesson quite fast.
      For me it’s not really bother me as long as my motivation keep flaming me inside to learn.
      My friend,
      Here I am also not getting a single penny yet from this internet biz, let’s keep the walk until the end..Never Surrender.
      Cheers and have a good life on this internet Forest 🙂
      Jefvz ( surabaya/Indonesia)

    31. jefvz

      Thanks for all commentators participate in here..You people enrich what Eric was taught.
      and many thanks Eric for your great lesson.
      Jefvz ( Surabaya/Indonesia)

    32. Nigel

      Hey Eric. Been watching your tips as you send them and think they are great 🙂
      I use hostgator already and now the baby plan has UNLIMITED Domains and UNLIMITED Bandwidth, so this is even better and is the plan that I went for.
      I got your Real Guys list building product and I’m very happy with it. Thanks again

    33. old goat

      Good stuff in this newsletter but I have lost many – can you cancel me and start me again

      – this time will put in a special folder



    34. wings

      I’m based in Singapore. What local (Singapore) web hosting companies do you recommend — that fulfill your suggested qualifications?

    35. Anthony in Reno, Nv

      Have followed your lessons since #1 and commend you on excellent skills in creating these lessons. In Lesson 24 you quote the HostGatorBabyPlan @ $9.95 per mo. However,the screen shows it as $7.95. Please clearify.
      Also, can an upgrade be done if the initial purchase is for a “Hatchling” hosting plan and
      a “reseller” Aluminum is desired later, after a site is already in operation on a “Hatchling” plan??????? Please advise. Thank You so very much for your time and talent. I appreciate it and am following it in detail.
      Anthony Sakowicz, Reno, Nv

    36. Eric Post author

      I think the $7.95 price is if you pay for a year in advance, rather than one month at a time. Or maybe the price went down 🙂
      Either way you will still get the discount with my coupon.
      Yes you can upgrade at any time, and Hostgator’s support team would be happy to help you with it.

    37. Madeleine

      I’m with Dreamhost. Have been for years. Never had a problem with them except last week I had 2 wordpress problems. Not sure if it is them or wordpress. Any feedback on Dreamhost?


      Eric, as a newbie, I have a year long hosting account along with my webpage under purchaseyour.com that has never been up and running. I would like to get rid of my hosting and webpage accounts under purchaseyour.com and go with what you suggest. My question is; “How can I transfer my existing webpages to a new web builder or do I have to redo my webpages when I cancel my other accounts to join new ones?” In other words I want to completely start anew using your suggestions by following your lessons.

    39. Marija

      Hi Micah,
      I have my Web hosting 11 months and receive a good support if I need. But I have different trouble: I have one completed Website affiliate and as a beginner I don’t know how to use the same website for the next affiliates? What I have to do first that I could set up the place for other affiliates? I am completely stuck here. http://www.coachingtoolsdrmarijahafner.com
      Thank you for your suggestion. Marija

    40. sean whelan

      Hi Eric,I hope that you and your family are all well.My question is concerning hosting.I’ve read before that Search engine’s look more favourable on long standing site’s.So is it more sensible to buy a two year plan upfront than work month to month?Thank you for your time,not to mention your tight,concise vidios.(yes i’ll buy through your link)it’s the least that I can do.

    41. Micah

      Hello Sean,

      While it may be cheaper in the long run to buy additional years upfront, there is always an option to renew.

      The search engines don’t measure how long you’ve paid to have a domain up. They measure how long it has actually been up!


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