LESSON #33: Getting Started with WordPress

By | March 4, 2009

(Part 1 in a series of 4)

Throughout the previous several lessons, I’ve covered a handful of different ways of building a website. Now it’s time to talk about my favorite method!

Today we’re going to use WordPress…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • WordPress = blogging platform and content management system (CMS).

  • A CMS is basically a system of organizing data for a website.

  • WordPress is not the only CMS, and it may not be the best one for some types of websites. But it’s my favorite CMS because…

    1) It’s free.
    2) It’s open source.
    3) The plugins!
    4) It’s easy to install and use.

  • If your web host uses Cpanel with the Fantastico add-on, you can use the “one click” WordPress installer. (If you want a web host with the one-click feature, please click here – and use coupon code: ERICSTIPSCOUPON)

  • If you want/need to install WordPress manually, it’s still pretty easy (see video for full step-by-step walkthrough)

  • WordPress site (where you can download the zip file): www.wordpress.org

  • WP Secret key generator (as referenced in video): https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/

    The best WordPress theme

    Action steps:

    1) Decide if you’re going to use WordPress for your website.

    2) If yes, install it!

    In the next lesson I’ll show you what to do with WordPress AFTER you install it.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below 🙂

    Have a great day!

  • 300 thoughts on “LESSON #33: Getting Started with WordPress

    1. Anonymous

      Hi Eric,

      Just get to read your response to my post At 2010.07.09 22:52, Johnny said:
      and your reply At 2010.07.15 17:11, Eric said: Looks like you got it fixed. What was the issue?

      I also not sure what is the issue but somehow the technical staff of HG fix it up for me.

      I also posted earlier At 2010.05.31 07:23, johnny said: and you replied At 2010.06.02 19:12, Eric said: as follows:

      “….You do not need to download all those files. In most cases, the only files you’ll need to work with are the “theme” files.

      You could download just the theme that you’re working with, or you could download the entire wp-content folder, which contains all your plugins and themes. ”

      How about when I download WP manually on my PC. Do I need to FTP all the file or just the theme?

      BTW, is there a way I can know that my post is responded.? Like promted in my email.?

      Best Regards.

      Johnny Pow

    2. Eric Post author

      I’m not sure if I understand your question. Yes you can intall the secret key, and you do not need to remove with wp-config.php.

    3. Eric Post author

      The file size difference is no problem. It’s because your computer and the web server measure the files a little differently. as for the install error, it looks like you got it taken care of.

    4. irving

      Eric, I did it!! After a year of watching your lessons I finally did it … thank you very much.. tomorrow I´ll go to lesson 34 and do the customizing ..=))

    5. Natalee-Jewel

      Hi Eric,

      Thanks so much for your painstaking detail 🙂 It’s really helped me out!

      Just wondering if you need an individual MySQL Account and Database/User for EACH seperate wordpress site you establish or can you just share the same wordpress database/user details if I have simply had the new domain “added-on”?

      Thanks – look forward to hearing from you!
      Thanks again for all your insight and sharing your knowledge 🙂

    6. Eric Post author

      Generally speaking, each WP installation will need a separate database.

      However, this is not a problem, because most web hosts allow unlimited (or a generous number of) MySQL databases within one hosting/Cpanel account.

      There are some ways of multiple WP blogs sharing one db, but it’s a bit more complex. For more info, see http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_Multiple_Blogs

    7. fidel pavot


    8. William


      Pleaae remember this and understand it

      IF it is on your computer screen
      IT is yours to do with as you wish

    9. Robert

      Hi Eric,
      I paid for your software & sourse codes e-book ect. which are on my computer till i learn what to do with them. Now that you’ve covered to this point from lesson 1 to 34 Jan & I now would like to build a membership site after deciding that we are going to buy into your membership script and read the site all thou we don’t know your venture partner’s we are kind of on the line. So i wanted to ask you if we do get it what kind of support would we be getting would it be thou email with you or some support e-commers call in? We are not to trusting with as many times that we’ve done this and were left holding the bag, and lost in direction. So is there a for sure way that you could have an email line set up that we could email you as were setting up are membership site for help…email with an answer at
      Robert Weber

    10. Eric Post author

      First of all, thanks for your business! To answer your question, all support for my products is handled through my helpdesk: http://www.ericsupport.com
      It’s better than email, because you can keep track of our responses, etc.

    11. Eric Post author

      There are a few ways. If you’re using WordPress’ visual editor, you can increase it there. If you’re using HTML, you can specify the font size using HTML tags or use the HTML “big” tag.

      However, the method I prefer is to change the default font size in the CSS style sheet. I talk about this in lesson #36.

    12. CArls

      HI Eric.
      I dont know if u are going to see this post right now but I have two ?
      Can u teach please how to do and uploading downloding and thansk pages

      Thank you very much

    13. Carls

      Carls here.
      Can u teach us about whats the difference betwen puting a form code on a website or doing the form with say like xsite then how we do it from there to insert in the aweber site form section.

      Thanks again

    14. Eric Post author

      I cover this in lesson #60. You would do it the same way in Xsite or any other site building tool. You would need to insert the AWeber form code into the source code of the site.

    15. Manny

      Erik, I’ve heard you mentioned you being involved with a christian organization so I assume you are a borther in the Lord. I have tried several products and to establish an internet business, but they all failed. I’ve spent money on Google ads and Facebook ads, but nothing seems to really work. How does this really happen? I’ve been wanting to make extra income so I can provide for several missionaries, etc. Can you help? I don’t have much money.

    16. Eric Post author

      Yes I am. I’m not sure what products you’ve launched, or what attempts you’ve made to build your business, but… I would recommend stopping focusing on tactics to “make money”, and start focusing on building a sustainable business. Take it one step at a time.

    17. ileana

      Hi Eric,
      I am wondering if you can help with this error Warning: require(/home/ijorge/public_html/wp-includes/load.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/ijorge/public_html/wp-settings.php on line 19

      Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/ijorge/public_html/wp-includes/load.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/ijorge/public_html/wp-settings.php on line 19
      This is happening when in Cpanel and Fantastico deluxe when I click in visit webside. I can not access to wp through the wp admin. Any idea??? Thanks Ileana

    18. Eric Post author

      It could be an installation issue, or possibly a server issue that your web host would need to look at. But it may be just a problem with that particular link. Instead of trying to access your site from within Cpanel/Fantastico, just try going to your site directly. And to get to your WP admin go to:


    19. Ileana

      Thanks Eric you were right it was an installation issue
      Thanks for help

    20. gary


      Just wanted to say thanks!
      After 30 years of repairing and captaining boats I have been trying to figure out how to make money without breaking my body anymore.Finding you amongst the sea of marketers out in cyberspace is without question wonderful!Trying to reinvent myself at 50 is a challenge but with your amazing lessons I know I will succeed!
      Your dedicated student,

    21. Mike Gula

      hey eric, when i try to put the wordpress on my site to install it the page is just all blank

    22. Susan London

      sorry caps stuck on

    23. Eric Post author

      HostGator works perfectly with WordPress. They have one-click WordPress installation available through the Fantastico feature in their control panel.

    24. Eric Post author

      It sounds like the installation failed for some reason. Are you using the one-click installation in Fantastico or installing it yourself? How far do you get?

    25. james

      eric this is great information my mind is still swimming. i just keep going back over these lessons until i get it.for now i’ll just say thank you.

    26. Mario

      Eric very clear and informative. We also are big fans of WordPress and to be frank find it too to beat compared to any other CMS.

    27. karen Julia

      Hi to you Eric,

      Just watched video .(beta) Product looks really GREAT!!! I have been listening to you for about a month now and also recently purchased your Trading Pro PLR product.

      Just had a few questions on this. Would I buy a domain for each product? I only know a bit of seo right now, is this a good trffic fit for that?
      If I put product on clickbank, wouldn’t it be saturated with same product, just different name?

      I know you are busy Eric, just want to make sure this would be a good fit…

      Thank you so much for your time.

      Karen Julia Fitch.

      – Show quoted text –

    28. Jerry Odom

      Hi Eric,
      I am a 75 year old rookie, so you probably know how lost I am. I registered and have hosted my site with Bluehost. The first thing I did was to install WordPress on the site from the Bluehost cpanel. That is about the limit of my knowledge. I want to use my site as an Amazon affiliate, not as a blog. When I log on to the site, I get the WordPress page. I don’t want that. I want to get a home page with the Amazon products links displayed. I am beginning to thing it was a mistake to install WordPress. Please advise. Thanks,

    29. Sayid

      Thank you very much Eric. It was a long time a had trouble with wordpress. You helped me to start my own ideal blog 🙂 you are great

    30. Micah

      Hello Karen,

      It would be a good idea to choose a domain that reflects the new name you give any of the products.

      PLR helps to expand the market greatly. With the right name, you can bring the product to new niches, that otherwise, might not be as interested to try your product out!

    31. Byron


      I wonder how many times do I have to ask questions in the lessons section of this blog or even contact your support to get hold of you to ask you a few questions that would help me greatly to get my online business up and running..

      I thought because Paul and Jeff had let you be on one of their vidoes that you were one of the good guys.. Guess I was wrong…

    32. Brian Rouley

      Hey, Eric – love your video instructions….
      However, it would be nice if I could download each as an mpeg or QuickTime file, so I had more control over window size, pause, continue, etc.

    33. Mike

      Not sure if this was mentioned yet in the comments, but I wanted to let everyone know that when you go to “http://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/” you also need to now type “salt” at the end. This will give you the proper code. So it should look like this. http://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt
      Hope this helps!. 🙂

    34. doug

      my website url still leads me to my c pannel site. How do i have it redirect to my wordpress page for empireincomes.com

    35. Denys

      I have posted here before but it’s no longer there. I am unable to select all the WP files to drag them over to the remote folder. Any suggestions? One at a time?

    36. Eric Post author

      You should be able to select multiple files. You can select them within windows explorer and drag them into the FTP window. Or you can use a split-screen FTP view (local and remote) and drag them from the local side of the FTP window (your computer) to the remote side (your website).

    37. Eduardo Alvarez

      Hi Eric, I had installed wordpress and bought the “Thesis” theme. I haven’t used it yet.
      Thank you,


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