LESSON #41: How to Put a Video on Your Website

By | June 4, 2009

In the previous lesson, we talked about how to obtain and add graphics to your website.

Today we’re going to put your website into motion by adding video to it.

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

  • Video is one of the most important forms of content on the Internet.

  • Most Internet users can now stream video (and the quality keeps getting better).

  • Ways to put video onto your website…

    1) An embeddable video from a 3rd party source.

    – Easiest way to put video on your website.
    – Hundreds of sources, including niche sites with videos for syndication
    – Free video hosts like Youtube, Vimeo, Veoh, blip.tv, Revver, Tangle, Flickr, Facebook, etc.

    -See video for demo of embedding a Youtube video on a WordPress blog.

    2) Your own “live action” video.

    – Most complicated method… you have to shoot it, transfer it, edit it, encode it, etc.

    – Can be very expensive (ex. $4,000 HD camera, $1300 Final Cut Studio, $700 Adobe Flash, etc)

    – Can be done very cheaply. Try the Flip Video camera ($50 – $200)

    -Two ways to embed it:

    a) Upload it to a video site like Youtube, and then embed it on your website.

    Easy to do, but free video hosts have some downfalls including…
    – Looks less professional
    – Displays ads (overlay on video, or at the beginning/end)
    – Links to the video host

    b) Convert it to flash yourself, and then embed it on your website

    – Free tool: FLV Producer Lite
    – Free flash player included in the above tool, or you could try JW FLV Player

    If you’re doing a lot of heavy video streaming (1000’s of viewers), I recommend upgrading to a dedicated server or else try Amazon S3 to host your video files.

    3) Your own screen capture video.

    – Great for teaching
    – Effective for selling

    – I use Camtasia Studio from Techsmith (Approx. $300)

    – For Camtasia tutorials see: http://www.techsmith.com/learn/camtasia/default.asp

    – (See video for walkthrough of my recommended Camtasia settings)

    – Cool tool from Techsmith to make casual screen capture videos on the fly: http://www.jingproject.com

    – Free screen capture software: http://www.CamStudio.org

    – Better than the free version: http://www.CamStudioPro.org (only $29)

    Recommended resource:

    Video series

    Click here for more information…

    (A four part video series teaching exactly how to create your own screen capture videos for free.)

    Action steps:

    1) Think about how you can incorporate video into your online business.

    Ideas: Blog content, teaching series, intro video, video sales letter, explain checkout process, give your guarantee, explain email opt-in process, testimonials, squeeze page video, exit pop video, etc.

    2) Add a video to your website!

    In the next lesson we’ll be looking at how to put audio onto your website.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 172 thoughts on “LESSON #41: How to Put a Video on Your Website

    1. Eric Post author

      I personally use Adobe Flash converter when I need to do flash on my mac, but it’s pretty expensive… so if anyone else has any better solutions feel free to post them here.

    2. Eric Post author

      I tried tubemogul a couple years ago and at the time I felt that Traffic Geyser was a much better platform. But I haven’t used it lately, and it does look better now than it used to be, so thanks for the heads up.

    3. Juergen

      Hi Eric
      That was a great lesson thanks. I got to know some more new things and I’ll be playing with it.
      Now ever since I got myself an 8mm digital camera I have been playing around with it, after having the clip on my computer I have used at times Windows movie maker to edit the clip and when saving to my computer it gives you options to save it for the web for example. I have never published one of those clips, yet wondering if this will work, to put on a website? Could you give me your input on that? and thanks very much

    4. Eric Post author

      Yes it will work to put it on a website. You could try exporting it for the web from Windows movie maker and see how that works.

      But I’m guessing they export it as a WMV file which is embedded on the web?

      If so, it would probably be better to export it as an AVI, which can then be converted to flash using a flash converter (such as Camtasia).

    5. Juergen

      Thank you Eric for your answer
      I am going to give it a shot, just finished watching your Audio lesson, again some cool news for me thank you I am now having so many new things to try that will keep me busy with some excitement and with all that I am having constantly new Ideas popping into my head.
      I am looking forward to your next lesson I just finished all of my terms of use stuff to put on my site but before I do I am looking forward to your lesson to see if I am covered, thanks again

    6. steve

      Hi Eric, I like your video and more importantly the quality of your content. thanks

    7. Gail Fay

      Fantastic Eric! I really appreciate this. I have been avoiding making videos but you have shown me the bigger picture now. Thankyou. I tried making one a year ago wth iMovie (Mac), that took me a couple of full days to edit but YouTube considerably lowered the quality. I recently stumbled across Flixtime, which is free and very simple. It’s great for making affiliate ads. You can add video clips and/or stills images. I made this one in 2 minutes. Flixtime has an extensive sound track library to select from, which turned out to be an extra 2 hours listening to them all! Excellent quality. You can embed directly from Flixtime with no ads, you can upload them directly to Youtube & other sites, or you can download to your computer and use wherever you like (sales page, thankyou page etc.)
      Here’s my sample, made with 4 of my pics and 1 from their stock library.

    8. bill

      Another useful, free, simple to use online video screen capture service that works for a LOT of tasks… http://www.screenr.com Extremely simple to use for 5 minute or less screen captures.. doesn’t have much in the way of tools to edit and modify, but definitely easy to use and looks great.

      link to example: http://screenr.com/AdK

    9. jeagan

      I am amazed at your videos here. Do you have any introduction on how you make these videos? If not, how about a video on how you make your videos and put them in your website? I wonder whether you are using tele-prompter, what software you are using, etc. Your change of images are smooth and good. What do you use when you zoom in and zoom out in your videos? what software are you using and what sequence and protocol do you employ in making your videos. These are some of the questions I will be happy to ask.

    10. man

      thanks for the lesson Eric. now i know how to put video in my blog,whit this my blog will be more attractive

    11. Eric Post author

      That’s a good idea. I use Camtasia to make the videos. I do more-or-less script the videos in a Word document before recording. For the slides, I was using Open Office (like on this one), but now I’m using Powerpoint. The zoom is a feature in Camtasia, when I’m editing the video. I’ve mentioned most of my Camtasia settings in the comments above.

    12. jeagan

      TNKS Eric,
      Also I am looking forward to watching Eric’s How-to video.

    13. Philippe Moisan

      Hi Eric,

      Video will be part of my marketing strategy. Lesson 41 answers so many of my questions it makes being one of your subscribers a very cool thing. Thanks ! How can I share my success with you when I get there ?

      Philippe Moisan

    14. james

      Great video.. I think Youtube is great because you can not only use their bandwidth to host your videos, but you can also stream those videos into a pdf if you want.

      Also, vimeo and viddler are gaining steam as viable alternatives to youtube that still look professional with not as much of the advertising and crowdedness to them

    15. garland

      I am totally impressed!
      I’ve lost track of all the so called gurus I’ve wasted hours and hours with (not to mention money) only to discover that they don’t want to teach me anything – they only want to sell their video courses. Give me a break! And then, just when I’m ready to pack it in and live off my retirement income, you come along!
      I’m getting long winded so let me cut to the chase: You have ACTUALLY given good, honest information and training – and for free! That’s enough to convince me that you are the real deal!
      Thanks for restoring my faith Eric.

    16. Emmanuel Adegbola

      Hey Eric,
      this is nice tip. Could you please highlight more on how to hide the control bar of any video either embed from Youtube or direct embed from my hard drive.

    17. Todd Rogers

      Hi Eric,

      Great video lesson!!

      I wanted to know something maybe you could clarify.

      If I make my own live action video and I shoot it, transfer it, edit it and subsequently upload it, once I get to the point of FTP’ing my video file to my web hosting account, where should I put the video?

      Are there special folders already in place in cPanel for videos or other multimedia? How should I organize it all?

    18. Micah

      Hi Todd,

      It doesn’t matter where you place your multimedia, but you might want to make a special folder for it, just to keep things more organized for yourself.

      It’s also a good idea to protect the folder, if you don’t want people downloading everything in it!

    19. GVAMarketing

      Hi Margaret,

      We’ve used Animoto too for just a quick intro video to one of our sites and are playing around with screen capture from the free Jing version.

      We just had a look at your clips and note you are using weebly so thought you might like a free copy of our report on using that facility … with a twist 🙂


      The above is a direct link to the pdf ebook which might give you some good ideas for the future ?

      All the best and keep going ! 🙂

      Gary & Val

      Sorry Eric … did’t mean to hijack your thread here but this topic is such a frustrating one to cover with just so many ways to accomplish getting a video online without needing to become the next Steven Spielberg ! LOL

    20. Trinna

      I’ve read all and so far implemented some of your invaluable internet marketing techniques. I’ve been waiting for this video information and more but specifically, do you now or will you have info on creating and developing teleclasses and webinars? Would direct me to a resource? I have a great educational product that I think will do quite well as a membership teleclass or webinar.
      You are providing a wonderful service. May God continue to bless you and your family.

    21. Julie


      What would you recommend for screen capture for a mac? Anyone? 🙂

    22. Prue

      Hi Eric,

      Thanks again for your useful tips. I have embedded a video before from youtube on the site I am building. But, I noticed the embed option is no longer visible on youtube.

    23. Eric Post author

      It’s still available… it’s just moved since when I made this video. Click the “Share” button and then click the “Embed” button.

    24. Eric Post author

      No I do not think it rips DVD’s. In order to convert from a DVD to flash, first you would need to “Rip” the DVD into a format than can be converted to flash. For example, you could rip it to a MPG or AVI file. There are many ripper applications such as Open DVD Ripper for PC, or Mac the Ripper, or Handbrake for MAc.

    25. P.C.Ng

      I thank you for your video tutorial although it’s
      initially. I still got a lot to learn, but anyway
      thank you very much.

    26. orvel

      Another AWESOME tutorial. Thank you!!!
      Quick question: you mention converting videos to Adobe Flash. Do you still recommend this as Adobe has recently announced that they are discontinuing support for Flash? Just trying to stay one-step ahead of the game.
      Thank you for this EXCELLENT tutorial series.

    27. Micah

      Hello Orvel,

      While flash will likely still be around for a long time as a legacy format, you could certainly keep in step by going with HTML5 if you have the tools.

    28. Marija

      Hi Eric,
      Thank you for a wonderful lesson that I wanted to know. I will change my blog video. Is it allow to use You tube videos for free and which? My video was closed by You Tube. Thank you for your reply. Marija

    29. Eric Post author

      Yes you can use Youtube videos for free by embedding them, using the code provided by Youtube. Generally, Youtube does not want people using the videos as the “main content” of any website. In other words, there needs to be context for the video.

    30. Rich Moses

      Thanks so much for all of the great info. I just got Camtasia and have been playing around with it for the last two days..all I can say is WOW!

    31. Melodie Licht

      Wow. This is one of the best comment streams and pages I’ve read in days! This type of information and sharing just can’t be found very easily. I’ve already got this site loaded in my website database so I’ll be sure to be able to find it if I get lost! Thanks Eric for your straight forward answers – and thanks to all the commenters for sharing your knowledge and information as well. I hope to be able to share something useful somewhere in this site too! 🙂

    32. Melodie Licht

      Okay – I’m missing a very important step somewhere because I cannot seem to follow your example of having a *.png linked to my Camtasia project file on the server.

      When I copy your code behind the *.png, load it into my website and test it – it plays just as it does on your page. When I substitute my information – it doesn’t work! Got any ideas for me?

      Don’t worry – my page is private – no one can access it but me and it will be deleted as soon as I can figure out what I’m doing wrong!

      If you have any ideas – I’m open to suggestions!

    33. Jim

      Your blog post is very helpful as usual, Eric!

      Over at another forum some were saying that camtasia and some of the others have TOS that require one not use the videos created there for commercial purposes.

      What I am wondering is: does that mean one cannot use the video to even point to a web site, or is it just against pointing to a product?

    34. Eric Post author

      You can totally use Camtasia for commercial videos. They must have been talking about something else. Maybe Animoto or some other free service.

    35. Sylvia

      Thank Eric, You have covered something I have been wanting to know. This Information was very helpful. I use hypercam right right now for screen captures. I have been have trouble with the audio part. can’t seem to hear my voice when I record.
      This was very helpful for me. Can’t wait to see the next one on audio. Thanks again. Sylvia
      By the way I have some Youtube videos up that I don’t want on youtube any more and I have deleted and deleted, them and they are still on youtube. can’t find anyone who can tell me how to get those videos off of youtube. Do you know how. or do you know who i can contact at youtube. Thanks, Sylvia

    36. Edna Campos

      Hi Erick!

      Thank you very much for your post and insights. Your explanation about the iframes was the end of a long drive to find a solutions on how to embed a client´s camtasia video into her website. THanks!!

    37. Paul

      over the years Hav put my email in various (get rich schemes) and get email from sites never heard of or not related.So dont tell addresses are not sold on a mailing list. as soon as I get one of these fantastic offers and a video appears its’s spammed or deleted.Yor lessons goto a differnt address

    38. Paul

      The graphics on these videos r brilliant but most times the audio is crap and out of sync

    39. Paul

      thanx for the lessons. what I really want to know is how to add saleble items to a website! do you have to publish first then upload material to your host. i can creat w/site xtpro add content, no problem..this is the lesson I am waiting for!!!!!!


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