Product Launches EXPOSED!

By | October 20, 2006

Edition #90 – 10/20/2006

If you’ve been following the progress of my mastermind group (the Stealth Marketing Alliance), you’ll know that we’ve had something cooking for awhile now.

I’m happy to announce that our new project is called “Product Launches EXPOSED”, and there’s been a tremendous amount of effort put in by our team members to uncover the truth about successful product launches…and to reveal the reasons others fail.

Having personally been involved in some of the biggest internet marketing-related product launches of the year, I can tell you that this IS a topic well worth investing your time into.

If there is a shortcut to online wealth, I believe this is it.

A successful product launch can skyrocket you into new levels of wealth literally overnight.

I can’t reveal all the details yet, but we’re going to be providing a massive amount of materials for free when the site officially launches.

In the mean time, you can get in now during the PRELAUNCH phase, and download a special top secret report exposing 10 big MISTAKES made by internet marketers in their recent product launches.

You can check it out now at…

(Link removed – product no longer available)

See if you can figure out which one is me in the silhouette…

Internet marketers

By the way, you’ll also get to participate in our prelaunch contest. You can win $1000 by referring others to the special report.

As always, you can leave your comments here in the blog.

Have a great day!

16 thoughts on “Product Launches EXPOSED!

  1. Lisa

    Hi Eric,

    I’m still in the process of reading your free report, and somone else probably already noticed this, but I noticed on the download page, on the first line it says, “Up until October 3 st” instead of October 31 st”. Just thought I’d let you know!

  2. Kathe

    Uh-Oh…does this mean our favorite “non-guru” will officially become a “guru” soon? Oh noooo, say it isn’t so Eric!! (hung out with Joel too long, eh? :-))

    Love the intro you guys came up with. Now, where did I put my link? …I better get started on that $1000 payoff now! hehe

  3. ReyM

    Hi Eric,

    As usual, you provide good information and I’m reading the report right now. Thanks for this value Eric, learned some lessons today. Will be promoting this to my network and colleagues within the timeframe.

    I’m eagerly waiting for the launch of your site. Will keep watching for your updates.

    Happy Halloween!


  4. Christo

    Hi Eric,

    I can spot your unmistakeable silhouette on the
    header, any of your readers can a mile away 🙂

    Wes said all 6 Internet Marketers are dead set
    against revealing the info to the public.

    Are you?

    Is a joke right?… when the author is afraid he might
    be physically harmed by you six people.

    Just gone thru’ reading the first 3 mistakes. Man,
    these are enough to make you feel sick, should
    you be the unfortunate “big launch” marketer.

    Thanks for bringing to the open such hushed-up
    matters. This info ties in nicely with those who plan
    on tapping Clickbank’s affiliate force…

    All The Best,

  5. Galadri

    huhu… that video is one of the coolest I’ve seen around… just love the conspiracy theory feel to it…!
    Yup, I’ve also downloaded the PDF and in the process of reading it.

  6. Pawel Reszka

    Quick question about the contest Eric. I noticed that our temporary membership will expire on the launch day. My question is: Do we get any commission for sales once the product goes live or just the $1000 contest prize? The way you guys present it is like: I am getting people to get something for free, but if I don’t win the contest then I don’t get anything. What is the price range for the product when it goes live? Can you clarify that for me?


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  8. Sabrina O'Malone

    Hey Eric,

    Loved the e-book. And I admit I’ve already made at least two of those mistakes…you know, the whole exceeding band width thing. (Happened when I appeared on a radio program with a 2.5 million listener base and like a tenth of them tried to hit our website in a few hours)…and my other mistake was trying to handle the resulting customer service with just me and one other person. With my marketing background, you’d think I would’ve seen how foolish that was! Even hiring a temp would’ve been wiser, and enabled me to remain productive in the things I really ought to have been doing. At least I can be thankful my “anti-marketing blunders” didn’t get profiled in your e-book!

    It’s amazing how much offline marketing veterans can learn a lot from you guys over at Stealth Marketing Alliance. In a lot of ways, I’m a newbie -with two decades of experience.

    Oh, and even someone whose only seen you once would know that your silhoutte is the one with the fancy, flippy hairdo! That’s you Eric Holmlund, the non-guru just left of center.

    In His Service,
    Sabrina O

  9. saundra

    Eric, you are the 3rd from the left and fourth from the right facing the computer, Liz T is the 1st on the left and the 6 from the right facing the computer

  10. Eric Post author

    Kathe- nah, I’ll never be a guru

    Christo – Yes it’s just a fun marketing ploy 🙂

    Pawel- thats a good question… I think Jeff or Keith are handling that part of it, I’ll see if I can find out.

    And yeah I think you all guessed the correct silhouette, but you wouldn’t have if I had taken the picture more recently… I chopped my hair a couple weeks ago–gotta clean up for my wife once in awhile 😉

  11. Andy

    Hi Eric,

    Great idea & angle for your launch, loved the vid 🙂
    One of those stories sounds just like my last product launch!!!
    Are you sure you guys have not been hacking into my computer???

    Great stuff as ever, keep it up…

    Kind Regards,


  12. Patty Higuera

    Erics Tips;; sounds like you are unhappy with things . I dont think im going to write any more. glad your Sister had a good Wedding. its not my fault for what is going on. you have a lot going on in your life. dont sound to bad you are having a bad day. sorry for your day. maybe will write some other time we will see.


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