LESSON #60: Setting Up Your Opt-In List

By | April 6, 2010

In the previous lesson we started talking about list building.

Today we’re going to dig into it, as we set up an email opt-in list…

(Watch this video…)

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Main points:

(Watch video for a live demonstration of setting up a list)

  • If you haven’t yet signed up for a list hosting service, I recommend AWeber Communications

  • For additional education on list building, please see my List Building Pack

    Action steps:

    1) Set up your opt-in list.

    2) Put an opt-in form on your website.

    In the next lesson we’re going to set up a customer list, and integrate it into our sales process.

    As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.

    Have a great day!

  • 74 thoughts on “LESSON #60: Setting Up Your Opt-In List

    1. Eric Post author

      In AWeber, they are automatically open ended. The only requirement is that you need to have at least 1 followup message in your autoresponder at the time the subscriber is added. Otherwise they will be set to receive broadcast only. However, you can also reset your subscribers at any time. In other words, you could take a “broadcast only” subscriber and set them to receive your followup sequence. Or you could even set them to a certain # in your sequence. For example, if you had 20 messages in your sequence, and all your susbcribers received them already… and then you made some changes and wanted them all to go back and receive the final 10 messages again, you could set them back to message #10. It’s very flexible and AWeber makes it pretty easy.

    2. Hugo

      Hi Eric, thanks for your lessons. I find them very useful. The problem I am having with this video lesson is that I the actions you are telling me to do in aweber are not the same in GetResponse… So I dont know exactly what steps to take in GetResponse… There is a Create Newsletter and Create a Follow Up, but ther is no create a list. What should I do?


    3. Mario

      Excellent service and resource you provide. Thanks. Hardest thing we find is writing up offers or information to sell to our list.

    4. Prue


      Thanks once more for your useful tips.

      I would like to buy the membersprings sites you recommended but I want to add extra features. I just need to get some information from Gary before I make the purchase.

      How can I contact Gary? Do you have a contact email address or is there a support area I can contact him? I really need the site ASAP but I just want to ask a few questions.

      I would be grateful if you can help.


    5. Nedra

      As always not only look forward to my birthday, Christmas….ect….but also Eric’s Tips I receive, daily -:)

    6. Marija

      Hi Eric,I have a great trouble how to find a place in WP site to copy the Java script and get a Thank you page. Please, could you help me. I need Thank you page on My page for couching subscribers. Do I go to plugin and insert a Java script? Where will appear my Thank you page then?
      I miss this explanation on video. Thank you Marija

    7. Micah

      Hello Marija,

      If you are using Aweber, they have code that should work on your WordPress pages.

      Eric just uses a normal WordPress “Page” for his thankyou confirmation for people who join his free Eric’s Tips newsletter.

      Here is the direct link to the WordPress support:

      They should be able to answer any questions that you may have about WordPress.

    8. Mark


      Just a friendly warning about MailChimp.

      They don’t allow affiliate marketing, make money online, or work from home emails to be sent using their service. It violates what they call their “Acceptable Use” policy.

      Here’s the link to their acceptable use page.

      Scroll down the page and read their “Prohibited Content” list and you’ll see what I mean.


    9. Micah

      Hello Mark,

      Here is a sample from the following page:

      “Not true. We only stop emails that contain URLs that are on blacklists. Sending an email with a blacklisted domain can make spam filters block your message. If we simply allowed these campaigns to leave our network, those campaigns would taint our network’s reputation among ISPs and spam filters, subsequently jeopardizing deliverability for all our other users.

      We don’t hate affiliate links. Our system just automatically scans for links that are blacklisted by spam filters. That’s what keeps our delivery rates so high.

      In fact, here are examples of great email campaigns that are sent through MailChimp, and that contain affiliate links.”

    10. Gwen M

      Thanks Eric for sharing your knowledge. I enjoy all your videos on a varity of topics. I’m really forward to the list building videos
      Thanks again (Keep up the superb work)

      Gwen M

    11. Merlyn

      Hi Eric,
      Am following your steps using plain text for the welcome message. However, I am still stuck at this juncture. I clicked on Plain text but was unable to type a message in. Contacted Live Chat but he thought I was using HTML. I don’t know how to use HTML and the Live Chat guy just went off without my knowledge. Wished Aweber has a service like Gator where the bell would ring to announce response. I was only able to set the welcome headline! Am upset as I have been trying to get this done for past 2hours! Would appreciate your help in explaining how to utilize plain text. HTML and the templates are confusing.
      Thank you for the useful tips and lessons .

    12. Kevin

      Hello Eric, complete newbie here but very interested in the email marketing concept. I understand the basic concept of using an optin page to gather subscribers but where do they initially go ? To my pc or to my email client ? I think I may try MailChimp for starters as it allows 2000 subscribers before I have to pay anything so it will give me some learning time before I commit to any kind of payment plan. For now just looking for explanations of the nuts and bolts of the basics if you can. Probably will be returning to your site quite often as it is exciting to see so much great information. Kevin

      1. Micah

        Hello Kevin,

        Emails would get added to your desired list at your autoresponder service.

        Here is the link to Eric’s lesson called, Introduction to Squeeze Pages:

        LESSON #62: Introduction to Squeeze Pages

        You might also find these additional lessons to be very helpful:

        Building a Squeeze Page:

        LESSON #63: Building a Squeeze Page

        Adding Audio & Video to Your Squeeze Page:

        LESSON #64: Adding Audio & Video to Your Squeeze Page

        Advanced Squeeze Page Techniques:

        LESSON #65: Advanced Squeeze Page Techniques

    13. Kevin

      Hello Eric, I wish to create a one page optin site which would contain the optin email box. I need to get the form code from MailChimp but so far I can’t seem to locate it. I am not on a plan with them yet as they offer the first collection of 2000 subscribers to my list for free then it goes to a paid plan when it goes over. I need to find a freelancer to make my optin site but I need to give them the form code. Could you help please ?
      Kind regards,

    14. Joseph

      Hi Eric,

      Got a quick question for you. Where is the best place to put the opt in form on a wp blog to get blog subscribers? Would it be in the side bar or on one of the wp pages? Please help.

    15. Bobby

      Excellent information! Although I’ve got THIS STEP in place…it’s very well explained and would have loved to have had this 9 months ago! But…it is what it is. The Universe led me here…on this new journey to online marketing. And I’ve only just begun. (sometimes i need to remind myself that from time to time).


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